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Cheers to these top vino for National Drink Wine Day – ABC News

Happy National Drink Wine Day!

From dedicated Twitter and Facebook pages to people sharing their favorite varietal and vintage on social media, today is the day to raise a glass of wine.

A family toasts with wine in an undated stock photo.

Whether you're are looking to try a new bottle, better understand the health benefits or simply share a fun GIF, Feb. 18 is dedicated to spreading "the love" of wine.

Even celebrities like Kerry Washington, whose "Scandal" character Olivia Pope was known for her heavy pours, chimed in to celebrate the trending day.

"Wine Enthusiast" managing editor Lauren Buzzeo shared some expertise from choosing the right wine and understanding your palate to her personal favorite go-to bottle.

Wine is subjective and depends on personal tastes and experiences, but Buzzeo said for those new to wine, she would suggest starting with "fresh, fruit-forward selections with moderate acidity and low tannins, in the case of red wines."

"I generally start on the lower end of the tannic spectrum, because I find thats often what people have a hard time with initially," she explained of the bitter compounds that can leave an astringent feeling in the mouth. "Ill reach for a bright California Pinot Noir or Beaujolais, which is made from a grape called Gamay."

Wine bottles sit on a wine rack in an undated stock photo.

Buzzeo's advice is to start with what you like and fine tune based on your palate's preferences.

When it comes to white wine, Buzzeo said go for "a Spanish Albario or New World Sauvignon Blanc to start, and tune the choice from there. If youre looking for more weight, veer towards Chardonnay or Viognier."

One of the most common wine myths that Buzzeo helped dispel in honor of National Drink Wine Day is the broad generalization when people say, "I dont like Chardonnay."

"The grape is so versatile and easily influenced by both terroir and winemaker influence, that final wines from around the world run a huge spectrum," she explained. "If you think you dont like Chardonnay, instead pinpoint what about Chardonnay you dont like, because Im pretty sure theres a counterpoint to that bad experience you had and it might be amazingly delicious."

Once someone uncorks that wine they've carefully selected, the preservation game is on if you don't plan on finishing the bottle in one sitting.

Luckily, there are great gadgets on the market that Buzzeo said can help keep a bottle of wine fresh for days, weeks or even months.

"If youre constantly feeling like youre always looking for one glass and then letting the rest of the bottle go to waste before you get to enjoy more of it, invest in a Coravin," she said, "Its a fabulous system that will allow you to dispense pours from a sealed bottle for months without serious alteration to the wines profile."

She also suggested another innovative method, "trying out a wine club that specializes in single-serve pours; not only will you eliminate the possibility of any wine getting spoiled, but youll also get to try lots of different varieties from many regions to really discover a range of vinous possibilities."

Buzzeo said her go-to selection for National Drink Wine Day, would be an aged Barolo, in honor of her dad, "who introduced me to the wonderful world of wine and had a strong passion for Italian classics."

While the nationally recognized day can certainly seem "silly" at first, Buzzeo said simply, it helps raise awareness. "From Tacos to Tempranillo, who doesnt want an excuse to dive deeper and further appreciate something they either love or could stand to learn more about"

You don't need to be a sommelier to enjoy a glass of vino and various studies have shown that drinking red wine in moderation can be a healthy part of one's diet.

Dr. Melanie R. Graber, a resident with the ABC News Medical Unit, explained that people who choose to consume light to moderate amounts of alcohol may experience benefits in their health.

Red wine contains antioxidants called polyphenols, which, according to the Mayo Clinic, can "help protect the lining of blood vessels in your heart."

One polyphenol found in red wine, resveratrol, may help "prevent damage to blood vessels, reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (the "bad" cholesterol) and prevent blood clots," according to the Mayo Clinic.

A person pours red wine in an undated stock photo.

The USDA's 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans defines moderate drinking as up to one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men, with one drink listed as 8 to 20 grams of alcohol.

"Moderate alcohol consumption is thought to reduce risk of heart attack by increasing sensitivity to insulin, decreasing inflammation and decreasing blood clotting activity," Graber said.

While studies have been done into the benefits of red wine as it relates to reduced cardiovascular risk, the American Heart Association doesn't recommended that people who do not currently drink start drinking wine or alcohol for that sole purpose.

Various peer-reviewed medical literature on evidence-based medicine has shown that trials have had contradictory findings on coronary heart disease and it is unclear if wine is more cardio-protective than other alcohol types.

While there are some potential heart-healthy associations with drinking red wine and alcohol, drinking too much can increase the risk of liver and pancreas diseases, certain types of cancer, stroke, weight gain and other side effects.

So whether you reach for a biodynamic red from South America, chardonnay from Burgundy or a Napa Valley Cabernet, raise a glass today and enjoy responsibly.

Cheers to these top vino for National Drink Wine Day - ABC News

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How Resveratrol Found in Wine is Beneficial to Your Health? – ChartAttack

Resveratrol is a polyphenol found on many food and drinks we consume every day. If you are a wine enthusiast, then you would be happy that this includes wine, especially red wine. It is a supplement that is tested and proven beneficial to your health in many aspects, especially cardiovascular health.

Resveratrol is commonly found on red wines, specifically in the grapes used to produce wine. In the production of this liquor, substances from the grapes are included in pressing in winemaking. Including the skin, where resveratrol is primarily found. This makes wine the best source of resveratrol, which scientists believe in lowering risks of heart disease if consumed moderately.

Due to resveratrols antioxidant properties are known to reduce the pressure exerted in our artery walls as the heartbeats. This blood pressure is called systolic blood pressure, and they strengthen as we age because our artery stiffens as we get old. Thus, the more force is exerted for blood flow. This results in a plethora of heart problems.

Resveratrol works by producing more nitric oxide that relaxes our arteries, which will then lower the blood pressure exerted. However, scientists are still not sure how much dosage an average human could take to maximize resveratrols benefits.

Drinkers of red wine have been found to have an increase in HDL cholesterol more than those who only drink water. Also, wine drinkers have a more significant drop in metabolic syndrome components. Not only that, a survey says that people who drink wine more often before they sleep tend to have better sleep quality than those who dont.

If you drink wine while eating, your blood sugar will significantly lower by 30%. Most people in America typically have a very high post-meal spike after eating, which is the main reason for several inflammations in the body and can cause diabetes, dementia, and other deadly diseases.

In a recent study, 66 participants were divided into two groups: one taking resveratrol supplements and the other taking placebos. All of the participants have diabetes, which also has the same factors in age, body weight, gender, and blood pressure. Various tests were also implemented before and after 45 days of taking the supplements. Tests include blood glucose, body weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels.

The group assigned with the resveratrol supplements are shown to have lower blood pressure, insulin resistance, and blood glucose. On the other hand, those taking the placebos are shown to have increased blood glucose and lipoprotein.

Several studies suggest that resveratrol might have some effects that reduce the chances of cancer. Scientists said that upon testing resveratrol in animals, the growth of tumors in animals is much slower in progress, especially after chemotherapy. This is because resveratrol reduces the intake of glucose of cancer cells, which suppresses its growth.

Although countless clinical trials have proven these findings, randomized tests are still needed to make sure that resveratrols anticancer growth can be confirmed. This is also mainly because the polyphenol has some adverse effects on the hormones in our body, which is why more clinical trials are needed.

Resveratrols effects on lifespan in all animals are probably the main experiments that are focused on. Evidence suggests that resveratrol has an effect that activates specific genes that are needed to ward off age-related diseases. Much like calorie restriction, resveratrol lengthens lifespan by changing how genes behave.

However, resveratrol has experimented on 60% of all the organisms found on Earth, and this effect is more viable in select organisms like worms and fish, which is genetically different from humans. Thus, further testing is needed.

Although the effects mentioned above are beneficial for the most part, there are also some side effects of resveratrol that are taken into account.

One of these is that resveratrol contains estrogen. Because of this, people who have conditions that affect their hormones such as breast, ovary, and uterus cancer should stay away from consuming products with resveratrol.

Scientists also recommend pregnant women and children to refrain from these products. Furthermore, blood thinners taken by people like aspirin, ibuprofen, and warfarin should avoid resveratrol to avoid the risk of bleeding. Also, a study suggests that a high dosage of resveratrol supplements can be associated with fever, reduced blood cells, and a significant decrease in blood pressure, which can be harmful if not considered.

Before taking resveratrol supplements or products with resveratrol, including wine, talk to your doctor first before consuming, especially if you are on medication. As mentioned before, resveratrol can have an adverse interaction with the medicine you are taking, or worse, the condition that you have.

As far as most studies are concerned, there have been no findings of severe resveratrol side effects. Even then, take caution when taking blood thinners as they can have an adverse impact with resveratrol. Also, it is quite difficult to gauge how much a person can take a dose of resveratrol as there is no recommended dosage created yet by the researchers.

One more thing to take note is the amount of resveratrol found in supplements and even in wine are far lesser than the amount researchers use for studies. Most supplements only incorporate 250 to 500 milligrams, which is much lower than the 2000 milligrams or 2 grams researchers use for research.

Although red wine is more associated with resveratrol, it doesnt mean that you have to consume more wine to maximize the effects of the substance in your body. A lot of organizations and medical experts still recommend a moderate intake of wine because, as you know, too much of something can be harmful. Remember that four ounces of wine are considered as one drink, and not all alcoholic beverages have resveratrol in them. Take this into consideration the next time you visitSokolinto shop for wine.

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How Resveratrol Found in Wine is Beneficial to Your Health? - ChartAttack

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How Your Diet And Self-Care Habits Affect Your Skin, From A Derm – Women’s Health

When conventional treatments arent working, its time to consider not just the magic elixirs that youre putting on your face but also whats going on in your diet and daily life. Ahead, some tips from Jeanette Jacknin, MD, a San Diegobased dermatologist who approaches treatment from a holistic perspective.

Sorry to break it to you, but everything youve heard about quitting dairy and sweets for better skin is legit, Dr. Jacknin notes. She also says to avoid fried food, soda, alcohol, and anything else youd consider junk. A Mediterranean or whole foodsbased diet, with a lot of fresh vegetables and fish like salmon, is ideal, she says. Several studies show low-glycemic-load diets improve acne.

Theres no one-size-fits-all method for calming down and cutting stress, so Dr. Jacknin works with her patients to see what gets them in their Zen zone. Is it a HIIT class with your friends? A solo hike in nature? A morning meditation sesh? Find your outlet, but know that adequate sleep, regular exercise, and speaking to a mental health professional are pretty much a 10/10 across the board.

Dr. Jacknin combines botanical actives and Rx ones, depending on severity and preference. More intense cases may require a prescription, but on milder spots, she suggests applying 5 percent tea tree oila natural antibacterialtwice a day. Also clutch? Ingredients like green tea and resveratrol (an antioxidant found in grape skin), which are known to reduce inflammation. Try Este Lauder Advanced Night Repair Intense Reset Concentrate ($80,

Este Lauder Advanced Night Repair Intense Reset Concentrate


This article originally appeared in the March 2020 issue of Women's Health.

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How Your Diet And Self-Care Habits Affect Your Skin, From A Derm - Women's Health

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Insights Into Resveratrol Market 2020 With Top Players, Market Driving Forces and Complete Industry Estimated 2020-2026 – Jewish Life News

The ongoing report distributed on Global Resveratrol Market Research Report examines different elements affecting the development direction of this industry. Essential and auxiliary research is utilized to decide the advancement perspectives and development way in Resveratrol Market on the worldwide, local and nation level scale. The memorable, present and estimate circumstances approaching the Resveratrol Industry elements, rivalry just as development limitations are thoroughly contemplated. This report is a finished mix of mechanical developments, showcase dangers, openings, dangers, difficulties, and specialty Resveratrol Industry fragments.

Significant organizations present comprehensively right now as follows:

Ci Yuan BiotechnologyJF-NATURALXian SinuoteEvolvaJiangxi HengxiangSabinsaNaturexJiaxing Taixin PharmaceuticalDSMMayproGreat Forest BiomedicalXian Gaoyuan Bio-ChemKerui NanhaiChengdu YazhongInterHealthShanghai DND

The significant market patterns, noticeable players, item portfolio, fabricating cost investigation, item types and valuing structure are exhibited. Every single urgent factor like Resveratrol advertise elements, challenges, openings, restrictions are examined right now.

The cutting-edge advertise data exhibits the serious structure of Resveratrol Industry to help players in breaking down the serious structure for development and gainfulness. The striking highlights of this report are Resveratrol Market share dependent on every item type, application, player, and district. Benefit estimation for all market fragments and sub-sections and utilization proportion.

Key Deliverables of Global Resveratrol Research Report are referenced underneath:

Renumeration examination for every application is secured.

Market share per Resveratrol application is anticipated during 2020-2026. Utilization viewpoints for the equivalent are secured.

Resveratrol Market drivers which will improve the commercialization lattice to upgrade the business circle is clarified.

Vital data with respect to difficulties, dangers, SWOT investigation of top players, and piece of the pie is secured.

Consumption rates in Resveratrol Industry for significant districts in particular North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, MEA, South America and the remainder of the world is secured.

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Research Methodology of Resveratrol Market:

The essential and auxiliary research strategy is utilized to assemble information on parent and friend Resveratrol Market. Industry specialists over the worth chain take an interest in approving the market size, income share, supply-request situation, and other key discoveries. The top-down and base up approach is utilized in examining the total market size and offer. The key feeling pioneers of Resveratrol Industry like showcasing executives, VPs, CEOs, innovation chiefs, R&D directors are met to accumulate data on market interest perspectives.

For optional information sources data is assembled from organization financial specialist reports, yearly reports, official statements, government and friends databases, affirmed diaries, distributions, and different other outsider sources.

Chapter by chapter list Is Segmented As Follows:

Report Overview:Product definition, review, scope, development rate examination by type, application, and area from 2020-2026 is secured.

Official Summary:Vital data on industry patterns, Resveratrol showcase size by area and development rate for the equivalent is given.

Profiling of Top Resveratrol Industry players:All top market players are broke down dependent on net edge, value income, deals, generation, and their organization subtleties are secured.

Local Analysis:Top areas and nations are dissected to measure the Resveratrol business potential and nearness based on advertise size side-effect type, application, and market figure. The total investigation time frame is from 2014-2026.

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Insights Into Resveratrol Market 2020 With Top Players, Market Driving Forces and Complete Industry Estimated 2020-2026 - Jewish Life News

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Global Trans Resveratrol Market to Take on Robust Growth by the End 2025 – has published an innovative statistics of the market titled as Trans Resveratrol Market. To clarify the various aspects, the analyst studies and elaborates the terms by using qualitative and quantitative research techniques. Finance teams can use a variety of corporate planning applications to fulfil the budgeting, planning & financial modelling, needs of their organization, whatever its size, industry and location.

Graphs, tables, bar graphs and pie charts have been represented in sophisticate manner for the clients to better understand the analysis. To enlarge the businesses, customers get increased rapidly through Trans Resveratrol industry techniques.

Download Exclusive Sample of Trans Resveratrol Markets Premium Report @ SummaryICRWorlds Trans Resveratrol market research report provides the newest industry data and industry future trends, allowing you to identify the products and end users driving Revenue growth and profitability.The industry report lists the leading #request-sample

Leading Establishments (Key Companies):DSMEvolvaInterHealthMayproLaurus LabsJF-NATURALGreat Forest BiomedicalShaanxi Ciyuan BiotechChengdu YazhongSabinsaChangsha Huir Biological-techXian Gaoyuan Bio-ChemXian Sinuote

Different regions, such as Americas, United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, APAC, China, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, India, Australia, Europe, Germany, France, UK, Italy, Russia, Spain, Middle East & Africa, Egypt, South Africa, Israel, Turkey and GCC Countries are focused to give the summarized data about the production of Trans Resveratrol market.

The global Trans Resveratrol Market is served as a backbone for the enlargement of the enterprises. To address the challenges, the report examines different key factors such as drivers and opportunities. Restraints are considered for evaluation of risk in market.

Segments covered in the report

This report forecasts revenue growth at a global, regional & country level, and analyses the market trends in each of the sub-segments from 2015 to 2025. For the purpose of this study, VertexMarketInsights have segmented the Trans Resveratrol market on the basis of type, end-user and region:

Type Outlook (Revenue in Million USD; 20152025):SyntheticPlant ExtractFermentation

End Use Outlook (Revenue in Million USD; 20152025):Dietary SupplementCosmeticFood and Beverage

Trans Resveratrol Market Summary: This report includes the estimation of market size for value (million US$) and volume. Estimation methodology validate the market size of Trans Resveratrol industry, to estimate the size of various other dependent submarkets in the overall market. Secondary research is used to identify the top players in the market, and their market shares have been determined through primary and secondary research. Each type is studied based on classification as Sales, Trans Resveratrol Market Share (%), Revenue (Million USD), Price and Gross Margin.

If You Have Any Query, Ask Our Experts @ SummaryICRWorlds Trans Resveratrol market research report provides the newest industry data and industry future trends, allowing you to identify the products and end users driving Revenue growth and profitability.The industry report lists the leading #inquiry-before-buying

Report Objectives:

Target Audience:

Table of Content:

Global Trans Resveratrol Market Research Report 2020-2025

Chapter 1: Industry Overview

Chapter 2: Trans Resveratrol Market International and China Market Analysis

Chapter 3: Environment Analysis of Market.

Chapter 4: Analysis of Revenue by Classifications

Chapter 5: Analysis of Revenue by Regions and Applications

Chapter 6: Analysis of Trans Resveratrol Market Revenue Market Status.

Chapter 7: Analysis of Industry Key Manufacturers

Chapter 8: Conclusion of the Trans Resveratrol Market Industry 2025 Market Research Report.

Continued to TOC

For more detailed Pdf Copy of Table of Content Describing Current Value and Volume of the Market with All Other Essential Information click @ SummaryICRWorlds Trans Resveratrol market research report provides the newest industry data and industry future trends, allowing you to identify the products and end users driving Revenue growth and profitability.The industry report lists the leading #table-of-contents

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2019 Review: Resveratrol Market Growth Analysis and Market Sizing – The Market Journal

This intelligence report provides a comprehensive analysis of the Global Resveratrol Market. This includes Investigation of past progress, ongoing market scenarios, and future prospects. Data True to market on the products, strategies and market share of leading companies of this particular market are mentioned. Its a 360-degree overview of the global markets competitive landscape. The report further predicts the size and valuation of the global market during the forecast period.

Some of the key players profiled in the study are:

DSM (Netherlands), Naturex (France), Evolva (Switzerland), Sabinsa (United States), InterHealth (United States), Maypro (United States), Chengdu Yazhong (China), JF-NATURAL (China), Jiangxi Hengxiang (China) and Great Forest Biomedical (China)

Increasing geriatric population is driving the market of resveratrol market. Resveratrol belongs to the stilbenoids group which contains phenol rings connected to each other. It is found mostly in the skin or seeds of grapes and berries which are used in the preparation of red wine. Resveratrol contains antioxidant which helps lowering the blood pressure. In also decreases cholesterol and increases the HDL. In addition, it protects the brain from any damage and prevents or treats different types of cancer.

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Market Drivers

Market Trend


Each segment and sub-segment is analyzed in the research report. The competitive landscape of the market has been elaborated by studying a number of factors such as the best manufacturers, prices and revenues. Global Resveratrol Market is accessible to readers in a logical, wise format. Driving and restraining factors are listed in this study report to help you understand the positive and negative aspects in front of your business.

This study mainly helps understand which market segments or Region or Country they should focus in coming years to channelize their efforts and investments to maximize growth and profitability. The report presents the market competitive landscape and a consistent in depth analysis of the major vendor/key players in the market.Furthermore, the years considered for the study are as follows:Historical year 2013-2017Base year 2018Forecast period** 2019 to 2025 [** unless otherwise stated]

**Moreover, it will also include the opportunities available in micro markets for stakeholders to invest, detailed analysis of competitive landscape and product services of key players.

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The Global Resveratrol segments and Market Data Break Down are illuminated below:The Study Explore the Product Types of Resveratrol Market: Natural, Artificial

Key Applications/end-users of Global Resveratrol Market: Dietary supplements, Pharmaceutical, Personal care products, Others

Region Included are: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Oceania, South America, Middle East & Africa

Country Level Break-Up: United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, South Africa, Nigeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Germany, United Kingdom (UK), the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Turkey, Russia, France, Poland, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, India, Australia and New Zealand etc.

Objectives of the Study

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Strategic Points Covered in Table of Content of Global Resveratrol Market:

Chapter 1: Introduction, market driving force product Objective of Study and Research Scope the Resveratrol market

Chapter 2: Exclusive Summary the basic information of the Resveratrol Market.

Chapter 3: Displaying the Market Dynamics- Drivers, Trends and Challenges of the Resveratrol

Chapter 4: Presenting the Resveratrol Market Factor Analysis Porters Five Forces, Supply/Value Chain, PESTEL analysis, Market Entropy, Patent/Trademark Analysis.

Chapter 5: Displaying the by Type, End User and Region 2013-2018

Chapter 6: Evaluating the leading manufacturers of the Resveratrol market which consists of its Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis, BCG Matrix & Company Profile

Chapter 7: To evaluate the market by segments, by countries and by manufacturers with revenue share and sales by key countries in these various regions.

Chapter 8& 9: Displaying the Appendix, Methodology and Data Source

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Definitively, this report will give you an unmistakable perspective on every single reality of the market without a need to allude to some other research report or an information source. Our report will give all of you the realities about the past, present, and eventual fate of the concerned Market.

Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Europe or Asia.

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Advance Market Analytics is Global leaders of Market Research Industry provides the quantified B2B research to Fortune 500 companies on high growth emerging opportunities which will impact more than 80% of worldwide companies revenues.

Our Analyst is tracking high growth study with detailed statistical and in-depth analysis of market trends & dynamics that provide a complete overview of the industry. We follow an extensive research methodology coupled with critical insights related industry factors and market forces to generate the best value for our clients. We Provides reliable primary and secondary data sources, our analysts and consultants derive informative and usable data suited for our clients business needs. The research study enable clients to meet varied market objectives a from global footprint expansion to supply chain optimization and from competitor profiling to M&As.

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2019 Review: Resveratrol Market Growth Analysis and Market Sizing - The Market Journal

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