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Stem Cell Agency Chairman Says IOM Report 'Quite Complimentary'

Posted: December 9, 2012 at 7:51 am

Jonathan Thomas
CIRM Photo

Jonathan Thomas, the Los Angeles bond
financier who is chairman of the $3 billion California stem cell agency, has
weighed in at more length on the sweeping recommendations from the
Institute of Medicine for changes at the agency.

He wrote a piece for the agency's blog
that said the 124-page report was “quite complimentary.” Thomas' article carried forward the theme of the stem cell agency's press
release yesterday that said the IOM “praises the agency as a 'bold
social innovation.'”
Thomas did acknowledge that the report
“highlighted some areas and made some recommendations about where
and how we might improve our performance.” 
Thomas concluded by saying the agency
takes the report seriously and will, over the next few months,
consider how best to respond.
Nearly needless to say, other observers
of the agency differ with Thomas' characterization of the report as
“quite complimentary.(See here and here.)


Recommendation and review posted by Fredricko

IOM Proposals for Overhaul at CIRM Win High Marks

Posted: December 9, 2012 at 7:51 am

The Institute of Medicine's
recommendations for major changes at the California stem cell agency
today received generally high marks from independent observers and

Many of the proposals echoed
suggestions from California's Little Hoover Commission, the
state's good government agency. Asked for comment, Stuart Drown, the
commission's executive director, said,

“The institute’s recommendations
for much-needed changes to CIRM’s governance structure to provide
greater efficiency, clarity and accountability reinforce the
recommendations the Little Hoover Commission made in 2009."

He continued,

“Then and now, the Commission’s
recommendations are aimed at improving CIRM’s ability to meet its
goals for the good of all who can benefit from stem cell research,
and to ensure that California taxpayers’ dollars are put to their
most efficient use to that end.”

The California Stem Cell Report also
asked the agency's first president, Zach Hall, for his thoughts. Here
is the full text of what Hall, who was one of the peer reviewers on
the IOM study, had to say,

“The IOM Committee and its staff have
done an impressive job.  The report recognizes the scientific
value and achievements of the CIRM and, at the same time, makes
cogent recommendations that, if taken seriously, will further improve
the quality and the public credibility of the Institute. The
committee and staff deserve the thanks of the scientific community
and all California citizens for their careful and thoughtful work.” 

John M. Simpson, stem cell project
director for Consumer Watchdog of Santa Monica, Ca., said,

“It's long past time to make the
changes the report calls for, but given the spin the agency put on
its response -- saying the report praises the 'agency as a bold
innovation' -- shows it's business as usual. This sort of behavior
will only ensure that CIRM doesn't get another round of public

Marcy Darnovsky, associate executive
director of the Center for Genetics and Society of Berkeley, Ca.,
welcomed the recommendations. But she said,

“Given the agency’s shortcomings
and the state’s budgetary problems, it would be wrong to ask
Californians to give it more public money. If the agency acquires new
funds from industry sources or venture firms, it must recognize that
it has ongoing obligations to the people of California.” 

She continued,

 “CIRM has not
responded in a meaningful way to many previous public interest
suggestions or to independent reviews, including the one in 2009 by
the state’s Little Hoover Commission. We hope the agency will not
continue that pattern.” 

The California Stem Cell Report also
queried most of the 10 patient advocates on the agency's governing
board for comment. Their roles could be altered in a major way by the
IOM recommendations. None of the advocates have yet responded.
(The full text or nearly
full text of all the above comments is available here.)  


Recommendation and review posted by Fredricko

Text of Comments Reacting to IOM Report on California Stem Cell Agency

Posted: December 9, 2012 at 7:51 am

Here is the full text or the essential
elements of comments sought by the California Stem Cell Report on the
Institute of Medicine report that recommended sweeping changes at the
California stem cell agency. Consumer Watchdog and the Center for
Genetics and Society
put their comments in the form of news releases,
which contained redundant material.

From Stuart Drown, executive director
of California's Little Hoover Commission:

“CIRM initiated the Institute of
Medicine review, which is to its credit.  The Institute of
Medicine took a scrupulous and rigorous approach to its review of the
California Institute of Regenerative Medicine and in its report,
notes CIRM’s many achievements and accomplishments.

“The Institute’s recommendations
for much-needed changes to CIRM’s governance structure to provide
greater efficiency, clarity and accountability reinforce the
recommendations the Little Hoover Commission made in 2009. The
institute graciously acknowledged the commission’s work, which
clearly is as relevant now as it was in 2009.

“Then and now, the Commission’s
recommendations are aimed at improving CIRM’s ability to meet its
goals for the good of all who can benefit from stem cell research,
and to ensure that California taxpayers’ dollars are put to their
most efficient use to that end.”

From John M. Simpson, stem cell project
director at Consumer Watchdog of Santa Monica, Ca.(full press release here):

“Consumer Watchdog Thursday welcomed
a report from the prestigious Institute of Medicine (IOM) calling for
sweeping reforms in governance at California’s stem cell agency and
an end to the board’s built-in conflicts of interest. 

“The report said that 'far too many
board members represent organizations' that receive funding or
benefit from the stem cell agency. The IOM said that the board’s
oversight function should be separated from the day-to-day management
of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM). 

“'The IOM's critical report echoes
what every independent evaluator has said in the past,' said John
M. Simpson, Consumer Watchdog’s Stem Cell Project director.
'As we have repeated from the beginning, CIRM suffers from built-in
conflicts of interest and needs to separate the board's oversight
function from day-to-day management.'

“'It's long past time to make the
changes the report calls for, but given the spin the agency put on
its response -- saying the report praises the 'agency as a bold
innovation' -- shows it's business as usual. This sort of behavior
will only ensure that CIRM doesn't get another round of public
funding,' Simpson said.”

From Marcy Darnovsky, associate
executive director of the Center for Genetics and Society in
Berkeley, Ca.(full press release here):

“The Center for Genetics and Society,
a nonprofit policy research and advocacy organization, welcomed the
report on the California stem cell agency released today by the
Institute of Medicine and called for stronger protections for  the interests of Californians as
the agency continues its disbursement of public funds.

“CIRM is nearing the end of the
billions of dollars of public funding allocated to it in
2004. The agency is currently considering how to extend
its operations after the money runs out. CGS Associate Executive
Director Marcy Darnovskysaid, “Given the agency’s
shortcomings and the state’s budgetary problems, it would be wrong
to ask Californians to give it more public money. If the agency
acquires new funds from industry sources or venture firms, it must
recognize that it has ongoing obligations to the people of

“She continued, 'CIRM has not
responded in a meaningful way to many previous public interest
suggestions or to independent reviews, including the one in 2008 by
the state’s Little Hoover Commission. We hope the agency will not
continue that pattern.' 

“'Today’s report from the IOM
reaffirms the significance of the conflicts of interest and
structural flaws that were built into the stem cell program from the
beginning, and that continue to threaten its credibility and
effectiveness. These are serious problems that the Center for
Genetics and Society and other public interest voices pointed out
even before the agency was approved by the 2004 ballot measure on
which backers spent some $35 million. 

“'Many aspects of these early
concerns remain directly relevant,' Darnovsky said. 'There is
still no way for elected officials to provide oversight because the
measure that created CIRM requires a 70% vote by both houses – more
than a supermajority. The agency’s governing board is still tainted
by its built-in conflicts of interest, and still includes no
representation of the public beyond disease advocates. Members of the
agency’s powerful Working Groups, including the one that reviews
grant applications, are still not required to publicly disclose their
individual financial interests.'”


Recommendation and review posted by Fredricko

More IOM-CIRM Coverage: One Story Notes Major 2007 Conflict Flaps at Stem Cell Agency

Posted: December 9, 2012 at 7:51 am

Additional coverage emerged this morning,
including stories in the Los Angeles Times, the Nature web site and
Businessweek. on a blue-ribbon report that recommended sweeping changes
at the the $3 billion California stem cell agency

In the Times, California's largest
circulation newspaper, Eryn Brown's story was headlined,

"Stem cell
agency board criticized for conflicts of interest."

The article began,

"The board of California's stem cell
funding agency is rife with conflicts of interest and should be
restructured to improve the integrity of its grant-making process,
according to a new report from independent experts convened by the
national Institute of Medicine."“

In the San Diego U-T, reporter Bradley
' article was the only piece in all the coverage to mention two major conflict-of-interest flaps at the agency in 2007.
One involved then CIRM board member
John Reed, head of Sanford-Burnham in La Jolla, who tried to influence CIRM staff
in connection with a grant to his organization, triggering
an investigation by the state's political ethics commission. (Reed's
actions were first disclosed by the California Stem Cell Report.) The
other case involved inappropriate actions by four members of the
29-member board in an $85 million round. Ten applications were dumped
from the round because of the directors' actions. The conflict
issues were so rampant that only eight of the directors present at a
December 2007 meeting could discuss the issues.
(See here, here and here.)
On the Nature news blog, Monya Baker
had a thorough piece that said the agency “received a mixture of
praise and hard-to-enact recommendations from an august scientific
body.” She also wrote,

“It’s unclear what effect the
report will have. Many of these recommendations run counter to
requirements enshrined in the legislation that created CIRM, and the
board of CIRM has heard similar recommendations before and failed to
act on them.”

On the web site of the journal Science,
Greg Miller wrote that IOM report "praises the California Institute for
Regenerative Medicine
(CIRM) as a 'bold social innovation' that
provided a creative new source of funding that has turned the state
into an international hub of stem cell research. But the IOM panel
authoring the report also concluded that the funding agency’s
organization and governance is not optimal."
Businessweek carried the AP story by
Alicia Chang mentioned yesterday. The AP story also appeared on the San
Francisco Chronicle
and Sacramento Bee web sites and was also carried internationally on other web sites.  The Chronicle also had a staff story by Erin Allday.  
(An earlier version of this item did not contain the last sentence regarding the Allday story.)


Recommendation and review posted by Fredricko

Coverage of the IOM Report: Light but a Column with a Cutting Edge

Posted: December 9, 2012 at 7:51 am

News coverage has been light so far
today of the Institute of Medicine's recommendations for an overhaul
at the $3 billion California stem cell agency. But a Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist from the Los Angeles Times took a sharp knife to the agency's press release on the IOM report.

Michael Hiltzik, who is a regular critic of the agency, asked,

 "So how did CIRM react to the report? Even before the review panel's conference call with the press was completed, the agency issued a news release stating that the panel had 'praised' the agency 'for its ground breaking work in helping advance the science of stem cell research.'"If you wanted to know about the committee's criticisms, the first mention of those was in paragraph 9 of the news release. It quoted board Chairman Jonathan Thomas as promising to 'work on establishing a process to enable us to consider how best to proceed with reviewing the recommendations.' 

"By my count, that's seven steps it will take before actually acting on the recommendations. 

"As it happens, the panel's recommendations, which include creating a majority of independent board members without any potential conflicts of interest, track very closely to recommendations made by several previous outside reviews of CIRM, especially a 2009 study by the state's Little Hoover Commission.

"CIRM rejected almost every one, and it looks to be preparing to circle the wagons again against sensible improvements in the way it does business."

The Associated Press story by Alicia
popped up in two different forms on the Washington
web site and in Ottowa and Spokane, among other places. Chang
was on board for the IOM news conference and had this to say about
CIRM from one of the IOM study group members.

“'They’re not broken but they’re
bent,' said Sharon Terry, president of the nonprofit Genetic Alliance
who was part of the panel. 'They need some correction.'”

Chang's story originally began,

“California has transformed into a
powerhouse player in stem cell research, but the taxpayer-funded
institute responsible for that needs an overhaul, a report released
Thursday found.”

Another version, that appeared in
Ottowa and Spokane and beyond, started this way,
“A report says California’s stem
cell agency needs more independent oversight and recommends a
restructuring to avoid the appearance of conflict of interest.”
Ron Leuty of the San Francisco
Business, who is one of perhaps two reporters who regularly cover
the stem cell agency, wrote,

“A review of California's stem cell
research funding agency proposed changes to the agency's governing
structure and commercial goals while praising its results so far. The
124-page report from the Institute
of Medicine
 recycles many conflict of interest and
intellectual property concerns that have dogged the San
Francisco-based” agency.

Stephanie O'Neill at KPCC radio in Los
Angeles also had a story.


Recommendation and review posted by Fredricko

IOM Recommends Sweeping Changes at California Stem Cell Agency

Posted: December 9, 2012 at 7:51 am

Recommendation and review posted by Fredricko

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