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CRYPTOSIS Take You Behind The Scenes Of "Prospect Of Immortality" Music Video –

January 6, 2021, 2 days ago

news heavy metal cryptosis

Dutch futuristic multi-metal eruption, Cryptosis, have released behind the scenes footage from the shoot for their latest video, Prospect Of Immortality. Find the new footage, as well as the official video, below.

On the single, the band stated: "'Prospect Of Immortality' is a song in which we used an experimental approach of songwriting. In contrast to other material, this song is a lot more atmospheric and doesnt make use of a clear verse/chorus structure. The lyrics are written as a suicide note by a person who can no longer cope with the 24/7 surveillance and human experiments that she is being subjected too. The experiments and lost sense of reality has caused her to believe suicide is the only way out. Trapped inside a continuous cycle of endeavours, she is unable to succeed. The song consists of 5 chapters, each representing a different part of her reality."

Check out the previously released video for Decypher:

Cryptosis are:

Laurens Houvast (vocals/guitar)Frank te Riet (bass/mellotron/backing vocals)Marco Prij (drums)

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Phase 4 Introduces A Bigger MCU Problem Than Retiring The OG Avengers – Screen Rant

It will be tricky to retire the remaining original Avengers in Phase 4, but they have a bigger problem with the Eternals who are deemed immortals.

The impending introduction of the Eternals in the Marvel Cinematic Universe poses a bigger problem than how to retire the remaining Avengers. 2019's Avengers: Endgame marked the end of the Infinity Saga with Spider-Man: Far From Home functioning as its epilogue. To further highlight the idea it's the final chapter of the franchise's first overarching narrative, the movie doubled as the swan song to some of its founding heroes such as Iron Man, Captain America, and Black Widow, leavingHulk, Thor, and Hawkeye still in the universe.

By keeping some original heroes, Marvel Studios is slowly transitioning from the Infinity Saga to new storytelling territory in Phase 4. This is the safest way to ensure the MCU continues to be successful without getting stagnant. Seeing some of the founding Avengers still involved in the franchise will help fans get used to this difficult but needed change. Losingprimary players like Iron Man and Captain America isalready jarring as it is, but it would've been a much more difficult transition if all six Avengers were non-existent in MCU's future.

Related:Infinity War Teased Iron Man's Death Well Before The Snap

There will come a time that Hulk, Thor, and Hawkeye will eventually leave the MCU, however; Marvel Studios may already be setting up their imminent departure with the introduction of their respective franchise replacements. Without any massive event like Endgame on thehorizon, it will be difficult to find a justified way to see them off. Even with that, it will still be tricky to write out almost-immortal heroes like Thor and Hulk.That being said, Marvel Studios is setting themselves up for a similar but more difficult problem when they introduce the Eternals to the MCU.Createdby the Celestials,the Eternals are powerful beings who are essentially immortals, meaningthey had to have been in unseen existence in the franchise for centuries now.

At this point, not much is known about these new characters, but soon, they will debut in the MCU through Chloe Zhao's Eternals. There's no explicit indication they've already been in the franchise throughout the Infinity Saga, although the Celestials have been referenced in past films. Considering how they're being set to be very powerful characters, it would be more difficult to find a way to justify their deathswhen their time in the MCU comes to an end,like Iron Man and Captain America in Endgame.Of course, there's always the possibility that by the time they emerged and become prominent key players in the franchise, they're already at the tail end of their life spans since they've been alive for centuries. As seenwithOdin in Thor: Ragnarok, they're not exactly immune to death.

While Kevin Feige and co.are known for playing the long game in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it's more likely that they don't have anything laid out when it comes to writing out upcoming characters in the franchise. After all, if they go by what they did in the Infinity Saga. most of the Eternals will have at least 10 years in the universe before they move on. In any case,Marvel Studios would need to have a more put-together exit plan for these characters compared to its predecessors considering their origins.

More: Every Time The Infinity Stones Were Used Wrong In The MCU

The Batman: How Robert Pattinson's Batsuit Compares To The Dark Knight

Accidental geek who is perpetually curious, Ana rekindled her love for writing several years back and married it with everything pop culture. The result is a passionate young writer who could ramble (and of course, pen) about films and series multiple hours a day. She has a soft spot for The Lion King, old songs, and home design; is currently obsessed with old sitcoms (The Golden Girls!); and won't dare watch any horror films although shes (ironically) dying to see one. Though a bit late to the party and was an actual Force non-believer, she now finds the Star Wars franchise quite fascinating (fun fact: it was a crazy Jar Jar Binks/Sith theory that drew her in).

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Phase 4 Introduces A Bigger MCU Problem Than Retiring The OG Avengers - Screen Rant

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Holocaust Memorial Center hosts ‘Soap Myth’ online reading and discussion – The Detroit News

Award-winning playwright Jeff Cohen is heralding the importance of listening to Holocaust survivors while they're still living.

Actor Ed Asner stars in "The Soap Myth."(Photo: Burke-Cohen Entertainment)

Well-known stage and screen actors Ed Asner and Tovah Feldshuh star in a PBS concert reading of his play, "The Soap Myth," hosted by theHolocaust Memorial Center Zekelman Family Campus. It was filmed last January in New York and is viewable online now.

This Sunday, watch a Zoom conversation between playwright Jeff Cohen and Detroit News film critic Adam Graham.

"The Soap Myth" is set 50 years after the end of World War II and tells the story of an elderly Holocaust survivor,Milton Saltzman, who believes the Nazis turned the fat of murdered Jewish people into soap.

He teams up with a young investigative journalist in hopes that historians and museums recognize his eyewitness account. The play also delves into the evils of antisemitism and Holocaust denial in present day.

"The Soap Myth" reading at B'nai Jeshurun, New York in January 2019, starring Ed Asner and Tovah Feldshuh.(Photo: Burke-Cohen Entertainment)

"In the power of live theater lives a certain immortality," said Cohen in a press release about the virtual performance. "Five years from now, 50 years from now, 150 years from now when an actor portrays Milton Saltzman, Milton is alive. For those 90 minutes, Milton lives in all his rage and all his sorrow and all his stubborn refusal to be silenced. And when Milton lives, rest assured, he will not let the audience forget the Holocaust."

The play's reading is viewable to watch online now

Register in advance for the 2 p.m. Sunday Zoom webinar with Cohen and Graham with questions for Cohen or Graham can submit them by noon Tuesday

Twitter: @melodybaetens

'The Soap Myth'

Online discussion with playwright Jeff Cohen and Detroit News film critic Adam Graham

2 p.m. Sunday

Register in

Concert reading of the play online

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Inverted tulips, juniper trees added to Iran’s national heritage list – Tehran Times

TEHRAN Inverted tulips in the city of Mahneshan as well as two juniper trees in Tarom, northwestern Zanjan province have recently been inscribed on the national heritage list, IRNA reported on Thursday.

Each year in the spring, hillsides and surrounding meadows of the city are teeming with colorful flowers, particularly inverted tulips.

Inverted tulips or Fritillaria is one of the 120,000 identified plants in Iran. There are more than 170 species of tulips in the country. It is said that the tulip has some remedial use for arthritis and rheumatic pains.

Juniper is a very valuable and long-lasting species that grows in mountainous and high areas and has a special place in the legends and myths of Iranian people.

It has long been a symbol of immortality in Iranian culture and it can be seen in historical Iranian miniatures.

Some more three natural properties in the region including rhubarb plain, salt spring, and a Juniper forest were also added to the National Heritage list.

Having an opulent tourist circuit with 24 UNESCO World Heritage sites, of which the vast Hyrcanian Forest and Lut Desert are among the natural properties, Iran seeks to acquire a greater share of the global tourism industry by 2025.


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Inverted tulips, juniper trees added to Iran's national heritage list - Tehran Times

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Legacies: Who Is the Most Powerful – Witches, Werewolves or Vampires? – CBR – Comic Book Resources

Out of the three main supernatural beings of The Vampire Diaries universe and the Legacies TV series, which is the most powerful?

The Vampire Diarieswasrichinthe supernatural.Aside from humans, the main threespecies toappear in the series werevampires, werewolves and witches, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. The spin-offs that followed, The Originals and Legacies, took the timeto expand the backgrounds of these creatures, giving them limits and then breaking those limits, creating Hybrids and later Tribrids.

Legacies followsHope Mikaelson, the teenage daughter of Klaus Mikaelson andHayley Marshall, as she attendsThe Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted, a special school run by AlaricSaltzman that takes in young supernatural beings and teaches them how to use their abilities.The school is mostly home to the core triad vampires, witches and werewolves but whichone is the most powerful?

Related:Legacies Has Its First Field Day in Season 3 Premiere Photos

Werewolvesareprobably themost vulnerable of the triad. They possess increased strength, speed and reflexes, but only obtain true power during their full moon transformation. It is only in their wolf form that they can kill or fatally harm their natural enemies, the vampire. Otherwise, they are pretty much defenseless and are no different than enhanced humans. In contrast, vampireswereexplicitlydesignedto be more lethal than werewolvesby the witch, Esther Mikaelson. Whatever the wolves can do, the vampires are supposed to do better and are granted complete free will outside of the moon. However, despite their abilities, vampires also have many limitations.

Confined to night hours, any vampire outside of the originalswithout a daylight ring would burn up in the sun, and despite being immortal, they are oftenkilled quite easily. Vampires can beharmedby a multitude of things including vervain, wood, white oak ash, werewolf venom and even regular man-made poison in rare circumstances. A large theme of The Vampire Diariesuniverse is the balance of nature and order, which is why vampires, being so dangerous, have the most defenses made against them.However, it is this balance that reveals the truly most powerful supernatural being of The Vampire Diaries universe: witches.

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Legacies: Who Is the Most Powerful - Witches, Werewolves or Vampires? - CBR - Comic Book Resources

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how is the calendar and when are the long weekends in the year – Explica

After a 2020 marked by the coronavirus, started a new year in which there will be 18 holidays that will seek to shore up tourism, one of the sectors hardest hit by the pandemic.

More than a month in advance, the national government set what will be the three bridge holidays, established in order to promote the activity, through Decree 947/2020, published on November 26.

The standard provided that these will be:

On Monday, May 24, in the prelude to the national day in memory of the May Revolution. On Friday, October 8, in anticipation of the Day of Respect for Cultural Diversity. On Monday, November 22, after the Day of National Sovereignty.

The norm recalls that the Executive Power is empowered to set annually up to three holidays or non-working days destined to promote tourist activity, which must coincide with Monday or Friday.

In the text, it was established that this faculty becomes a policy aimed at boost domestic tourism in the Argentine RepublicAnd, in turn, it was mentioned that those three days are related to helping to reduce the negative effects of seasonality in the tourism sector, trying to distribute them over time.

In addition, there will be 11 fixed holidays, five of which will lead to long weekends:

1 of January New Year). April 2 (Veterans Day and the Fallen in the Malvinas War, and Good Friday). July 9 (Independence Day). February 15 and 16 (Carnival).

Two of the immovable holidays fall on weekends and will not have modifications:

May 1 (Labor Day). 25th December, Christmas).

On the other hand, there will be four portable holidays at the ends of generating long weekends:

Thursday, June 17 (Passage to the Immortality of General Gemes) will be held on Monday, June 21. On Tuesday, August 17 (General Jos de San Martns Passage to Immortality) is moved to Monday, August 16. Tuesday, October 12 (Respect for Cultural Diversity Day) moves to Monday through October 11. Saturday November 20 (National Sovereignty Day) goes to Monday November 22.

January 1: New Years February 15: Carnival February 16: Carnival March 24: National Day of Remembrance for Truth and Justice April 1: Holy Thursday April 2: Veterans Day and the Memorial Day Malvinas War, and Good Friday May 1: Labor Day May 24: Holiday for tourist purposes May 25: Day of the May Revolution June 20: Day of the Immortality of General Manuel Belgrano June 21: Day of the Passage to the Immortality of General Martn de Gemes July 9: Independence Day August 16: Passage to the Immortality of General Jos de San Martn October 8: Holiday for tourist purposes October 11: Day of Respect for the Cultural Diversity November 20: National Sovereignty Day November 22: Holiday for tourism purposes December 8: Immaculate Conception of Mary December 25: Christmas

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