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Xandria – Forevermore [with lyrics] – Video

Posted: November 14, 2012 at 7:41 pm

Xandria - Forevermore [with lyrics]
Xandria - Forevermore lyrics From: Once there was a time of a never-ending dream Of being free, of immortality When a song was a mystery And the stars so easy to reach But something changed, now the sand #39;s trickling slow The time of innocence is over now I know the rivers won #39;t be flowing on forevermore The wind of time blows right into my eyes My flower withers and so do they all Nothing lasts forevermore Why is my fate that I will never see The story #39;s end, the final truth to be And to you lights that help me through the dark My greatest fear is losing your spark I know... I see the days go by and feel the snow is falling down I #39;ve seen the end is waiting by my side The dream is lost, once I was told It #39;s gone forevermoreFrom:George LampropoulosViews:1 2ratingsTime:04:56More inMusic

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Xandria - Forevermore [with lyrics] - Video

Recommendation and review posted by G. Smith