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Where will the world be in the next 300 years? – NIGERIAN TRIBUNE

Posted: January 29, 2022 at 2:22 am

The world is a flux, ever-moving, ever-changing, we are not where we were 300 years ago. This week on WhatsApp Conversation, we imagine what the world would be in 300 years.

Adeola Adejuwon

300 Years!

My prediction is religion losing its hold on people or people becoming more aware of the absurdities of certain beliefs as science continues to expand the scope of whats possible.

Through transhumanism, there will be cures for most genetic disorders and diseases and people can live much longer.

However, if you think were not seeing eye-to-eye on certain sociopolitical discussions, itll probably be much worse then.

Stella Eberechukwu

The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households.

Thats a quote from about 2400 years ago. Not related to technology, but as different as things seem, the more they are the same. In 300 years, I can only imagine where the state of parenting will be. The discrepancy between good and bad would have been further blurred into almost a state of oblivion.

Tokunboh Aderopo

During the 2000s, I was wondering where the hell that future we were promised was, and wishing it would hurry up and get here. Now as we close out the 2020s, Im wishing it would slow down and stop trying to get here all at once.

Were going to have some interesting challenges coming up, and I believe the next few centuries are going to be a critical point in human history. What happens during our lifetime is going to do a lot to determine the path humanity takes far into the future. Hope we choose well.

Tomisin Salami

The ratio of intelligent people to non-intelligent people at the moment, there will most likely have been a war of the century at that time, and rather than focusing on the development of the planet, it will most likely be about rebuilding and surviving effects. With the course we are on, there will be great changes in respect to technology, climatic happenings. We are on a warpath with each other and with our planet.

The wealth of the world will be concentrated in the hands of a few, this has always been the case but it will become even more pronounced.

Amos Oni

We massively over-simplify the past because well never be able to fully comprehend or understand what it felt like to be alive at the time. The agricultural revolution, urbanization, and change from hunter-gatherer to a more sedentary lifestyle might seem like an improvement and slow change to us but it wouldve been a massive change that brought incredible uncertainty. There are suddenly several diseases, infections, dangers, side effects and more that come with this change that people were not prepared for and wouldnt necessarily understand.

The difference now is that, even though our technological and societal changes are happening more rapidly, we have the foresight to think about the changes and the knowledge to adapt to changes.

We can discuss AI, privacy, automation, universal wages, climate change, etc. and take precautions or make changes as its happening. We know these things are coming and, even though they might be uncertain and confusing, we are significantly more prepared than we ever were in the past.

Anyway, Im pretty hopeful for the future. Were much safer, healthier, and more educated than ever before. In 300 years, it will be incredible to see what the world will be like.

Tosin Awoniyi

In the next 300 years, I think the world would have advanced in technology, how? We shall probably find a cure for certain types of incurable diseases. There would be many new technologies and perhaps the government would hide the possibility of time travel. In short, everything would change.

Our genetic ambitions would outpace our safeguards. Artificial Intelligence should not surpass us, otherwise, It would be disastrous. We cannot stop the world which is moving at the speed of light, but we can try and work it out in different ways. We can save the surrounding environment by planting trees or by simply trying not to destroy them.

Mercy Kabawa

The change over the past 200-250 years has been qualitatively different. For thousands of years before the industrial revolution, settled society was primarily agricultural, and 80-90% of humanity was rural. Moreover, capital accumulation was much slower, by and large. Industrialization has created a world in which the primary systemic threat to the economy is under-consumption, not scarcity of supply. I think Adam Smith could scarcely imagine the preposterous productive capacity of modern industrial technologies when he implied a balanced relationship between supply and demand.

In the next 300 years, the dynamics are going to be even crazier, the world will become relatively smaller with depletion of natural resources and an explosion of human resources. It will be difficult but while many paint a picture of doom, I will put faith in the natural ability of humans to survive anything thrown at it. We will adapt and move forward. We always do.

Next week, the question is on drawing the line between what is real and what is not -What is something you cannot believe is a real thing but is actually real? To be part of the next edition, send your response to 08133601345 on WhatsApp.

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Where will the world be in the next 300 years? - NIGERIAN TRIBUNE

Recommendation and review posted by G. Smith