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wнere нαve yoÏ… вeeÉ´? (Shipping Wars Round 1) – Video

Posted: November 14, 2012 at 7:40 pm

w #1085;ere #1085; alpha;ve yo upsilon; #1074;ee #628;? (Shipping Wars Round 1)
PAUSE; READ; THANK YOU. Colors = Present B W = Past Nate and Elena were treasure hunters. They had done treasure hunts together in the past but the one that they were about to embark on Nate feared was too dangerous for Elaina. When I almost lost you before-" "you won #39;t" "I just can #39;t do that again." That was the parting conversation as Nate goes off on this wild adventure. The plane he was on crashes in the middle of the Sahara desert leaving Nathan stranded Nathan wonders of wonders. Hoping for a way back to Elena, but no such luck was found. He continued to think about the past adventures that they had together and how much he missed her, and it only made the determination to get back home worse. Eventually he came across the town in which they lived. When he entered the door he was not feeling too good, because he had been deprived of water and food for days. Elena gave him hugs and welcomed him back at home only minutes later to have Nathan die in her arms. "I #39;m sorry" Nathan says with his last breath. Death is the eternal separation This week #39;s bonus question: What is your LEAST favorite ship and why? Piers Nivans/Chris Redfield from Resident Evil. Because both characters are bland, unlikable, underdeveloped etc. and have no chemistry or and connection as a couple. The only reason i can come up with as to why they get shipped together is they #39;re both (sort of) attractive. I don #39;t have any problems with most yaoi pairings, but that one REALLY rubs me the wrong way ...From:XxIneedaheroxXViews:8 1ratingsTime:01:23More inFilm Animation

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wнere нαve yoυ вeeɴ? (Shipping Wars Round 1) - Video

Recommendation and review posted by G. Smith