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Treatments – Anti Aging Medicine | Regenevda

Posted: September 29, 2019 at 1:42 pm

Anti Aging Medicine Chicago

Few of us pay attention to aging until we begin to notice the changes in how we look and feel. At Regenevda, our approach to anti-aging is aimed toward re-engineering how your body ages, whether you are in your thirties and want to stay healthy or are in your 50s and wish you were 35 again, at Regenevda we examine your genetics, nutrition, metabolism, and hormonal balance all key factors in the aging process to better understand how to help you maintain or restore your youth.

There are many who claim to practice anti-aging medicine. At Regenevda Chicago, our anti-aging medicine therapy delivers results that are unsurpassed. Going beyond simple prevention and slowing the aging process, we specialize in restoring your youth. The results are noticeable in the way you look, feel, and act. No one understands how to re-program your genes, nutrition, and hormones as well as we do.

Before embarking on a treatment program we start with a comprehensive evaluation consisting of the following steps:

From all of this, we get a comprehensive picture of your current state of health and aging patterns. Then we embark on re-programming your aging process with recommendations that begin with simple nutrient and supplement-based recommendations to getting your hormones regulated properly. Everything we do focuses on reducing your risk of getting cancer, heart and vascular disease, osteoporosis, dementia, and other age-related diseases. After a few months of the initial program you will be re-tested to see how we can optimize your program. From then on, it becomes a matter of sticking with the program to see lasting results and checking in periodically to fine-tune the program for you. Whether you simply want to slow the aging process or you want to turn the clock back decades, Regenevda will be your partner throughout the process.

Read this article:
Treatments - Anti Aging Medicine | Regenevda

Recommendation and review posted by G. Smith