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Transhumanism Australia

Posted: September 18, 2016 at 6:45 pm

[Update 2016.06.20] -Treat ageing as a disease - let's spread the word on election day!

Meow-Ludo Disco Gamma Meow-Meow Really Wants You To Care About Science -The Huffington Post

Chip Implants - The New Credit Cards?

[Update 2016.05.21]- Triple H FM radio interview with transhumanist and Science Party Candidate for Berowra, Brendan Clarke!

[Update 2016.05.18] - Matt Barrie Supports Science Party

[Update 2016.05.10]- Podcast with Questionable Content - AI For Prime Minister!

[Update 2016.05.05]- Coverage of Zoltan Istvan and the Transhumanist Partyby Vocativ!

[Update 2016.04.27]- Transhumanism Australia Update blog is up!Science Party Candidates, Design Workshops, Biohackers, Effective Altruism and More!

[Update 2016.04.09]- "CRISPR: A Genetic Cut and Paste Tool" from The Verge

[Update 2016.03.21]- Blog update is up! Future Day, Biohack+Ethereum, Basic Income and More!

[Update 2016.03.20] - The Tiny Key To Ageing

[Update 2016.03.18]- Dr Brian Greene in Sydney, Luna Park During Q&A

[Update 2016.03.12]- Real Future: Meet Zoltan Istvan, the Transhumanist Running For President (Episode 5)

Cleaned up homepage and moved old stuff to Archives

[Update 2016.3.01]- Happy Future Day! The videos from the Sydney event are up!

[Update 2016.02.26] - Transhumanism Australia on Vice AU!

[Update 2016.02.25]- Zoltan on The Feed - SBS 2!

[Update 2016.01.26] - New AI blog on Sightings from the Edge: Artificial Intelligence - January 2016. See our page dedicated to AI

[Update 2016.01.23] - How Will You Die? (Unless We Do Something About It)

Sign the petition to deem ageing as a disease.

[Update 2016.01.10]- Update to our page onAutomation. Enjoy!

[Update 2016.01.06] - Podcast with Questionable Content onSimulated Transhuman Overlords!

[Update 2016.01.02] -We've started uploading videos on our Facebook page and YouTube channel!

[Update 2015.12.31] - Zoltan's 2015 wrap up!

[Update 2015.12.30] -Join the chat group on Slack for all transhumanists around the world! If you haven't received an invite already, send an email to

[Update 2015.11.29] -Check out our new page onTranshumanism in pop culture!

[Update 2015.11.09]

Join us in signing this petition to deem ageing as a disease!

[Update 2015.10.17]Transhumanist Leandro Brun joins Sunday Night Safran on Triple J radio! (Skip to 43:45)


Welcome to the official site shared by Transhumanism Australia - the nonprofit organisation, and Transhumanist Party Australia - the Australian political organisation.


Transhumanism(abbreviated as H+ or h+) is an international cultural and intellectual movement with an eventual goal of fundamentally transforming the human condition by developing and making widely available technologies to greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities.

Transhumanismis a positive philosophy about the future based in optimism, rational thinking and the application of science and technology to improve the human condition. We seek to live longer, stay healthier, and become smarter and even more physically fit. We want to develop tools and technologies to help ourselves and others do the same.

Here's a well designed FAQ on What Is Transhumanism.


Transhumanism in Australia is a nonprofit organisation dedicated to our communities which educate and invest in scientific research and technologies enhancing the human biological condition.

Get involved with the Transhumanist movement today!

For a timeline of Transhumanism throughout history, check out the coverage by The Verge.


TPAU is an Australian political organisation dedicated to putting science, health, and technology at the forefront of the Australian political agenda.

TPAU aims to uphold the energy and political might of millions of transhumanist advocates around the world who desire to usescience and technology to significantly improve our lives.

The co-founders of TPAU arelisted here. Join ourFacebook groupto meet our existing TPAU admins and the transhumanist community in Australia!

Our party's core ideas and goals can be found in theTranshumanistDeclaration.The Transhumanist Party in the United States wasfoundedby futurist and philosopherZoltan Istvanon October 7, 2014 as a nonprofit organisation. Istvan manages the party and is its 2016 US Presidential candidate.

Check out thecalendarfor a list of upcoming events, and please considervolunteering for the partyormaking a donation.

Together we can vastly improve Australia through effective policy and investment in science, health and technology. Help us create a better future for all Australians.

Become a member today!

Find out more about us belowand get to know our team.

TPAU is not currently registered with the AEC. We have an alliance with theScience Partyto pool our votes and therefore contribute to shaping the policies of the Science Party. The Science Party's values are aligned with ours and you can find out about their policieshere.

Please support us by clicking on the sponsored ad below or throughout the website, or by making a donation!


Transhumanist Party Globalis an organisation co-founded byAmon TwymanandZoltan Istvan,dedicated to supporting Transhumanist Parties around the world and encouraging effective cooperation between them.

H+Pedia is a wiki for a single source of truth on all things transhumanism, created by Chris Monteiro and David Wood

2045 Initiative


Transhumanism is becoming more and more popular every day, and we hope to desensitise the term itself so that people can understand what the movement is about. Here's a video fromRhett & LinkfromGood Mythical Morningthat did a great job of this:

More here:
Transhumanism Australia

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