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Resveratrol | A Beginners Guide (UPDATE: 2018) | 10 Things …

Posted: August 26, 2018 at 1:41 am

Now and then, scientific studies are released that indicate profound health benefits linked to everyday foods and beverages.

This hype often builds, and many people begin to perceive some of these foods as superfoods.

They may even become an essential part of their diet because of the promise of substantial health benefits, weight loss benefits or something else.

Many people have heard about resveratrol as the latest supplement that is taking the world by storm, but you may want to know what is resveratrol.

More importantly, you need to know what does resveratrol do before you begin consuming more of it or taking supplements.

Resveratrol has many substantial benefits that can affect your health and well-being positively.

However, you should learn about the dosages required to generate those results as well as possible side effects before you decide to consume resveratrol as a supplement or as food.

After all, you only want to consume a substance that is known to be safe.

More than that, you only want to consume a healthy dosage that is not likely to produce dangerous or unpleasant side effects.

A closer look at resveratrol can tell you everything you need to know to make a wise decision that benefits your total body health and well-being.


Before you learn what does resveratrol do, you need to understand what this substance is and where it comes from.

From its name alone, you may think that resveratrol is a chemical substance that is made by humans, but this not actually the case.

Resveratrol is a naturally occurring substance that is plant-based, and it is only found in specific plants.

It is a natural phenol that is usually produced when specific plants are stressed out rather than when they are in a natural, unstressed condition.

This stress may be because the plant has been injured in some way or because it is fighting off bacteria or fungi.

In plants, this substance is called trans-resveratrol. Resveratrol in grapes is perhaps the most commonly known source.

However, this healthy substance derived from trans-resveratrol in plants is also found in several other berry-type fruits and even in some nuts.

Because it is naturally-derived from a handful of rather common foods, you may be able to easily consume at least a modest about of resveratrol without taking a supplement.

In fact, you may already be consuming resveratrol on a fairly regular basis without knowing it.

In some cases, you may need to take a supplement if you need to consume more resveratrol than what you can reasonably consume through your diet. [1]

You may have heard about antioxidants, but you may not understand what they are or how beneficial they can be for cells throughout your body.

When your bodys cells age, the oxidation process essentially damages them.

Further damage is caused by stress, environmental pollution, sunlight and more.

Some foods have antioxidant properties that can protect cells from the damaging effects of oxidation.

For example, the resveratrol antioxidant is an excellent source to consider consuming regularly.

Antioxidants, such as those found naturally in foods containing resveratrol, can work to prevent many serious health conditions from occurring.

In this way, the antioxidant properties in resveratrol can combat the signs of aging and other types of cellular damage that may occur in places that range from your skin and eyes to your heart, brain and other areas.

To enjoy substantial benefits from resveratrol, you should understand the recommended dosage based on scientific studies.

With a closer look at the results of a resveratrol study or two, you may discover that this is a healthy substance that you may want to incorporate into your diet on a regular basis.

In fact, you may want to take a supplemental pill so that you can easily consume the amount necessary for maximum benefits per scientific studies. [2]

What Is It Used For?

There are many resveratrol benefits that you can enjoy when you consume foods that are rich in this substance.

There are also beverages derived from these foods that are an excellent source of resveratrol, and you can take resveratrol pills in addition to eating specific foods rich in this substance to enjoy better results.

The pills or supplements are most commonly consumed by individuals who want to enjoy the maximum health benefits from this substance and who do not believe that their current diet is a sufficient source of resveratrol.

Resveratrol may be consumed for its health benefits, to improve mental sharpness, to feel more energized and more.

With so many resveratrol uses and benefits, it is understandable why many people are interested in learning more about foods high in resveratrol and other potential sources of resveratrol.

You may already be consuming resveratrol in your normal diet, but you may not be consuming enough to enjoy substantial benefits from it.

More details will tell you what you may need to do to enjoy the full range of benefits that resveratrol may provide to you. [3]


Many people will consume resveratrol for one primary reason.

For example, the proper resveratrol dosage has been positively linked to a decrease in the incidence of some types of cancers.

A resveratrol study has also shown that this substance can improve heart health and reduce the incidence of heart attacks and other cardiovascular issues.

Cataracts, rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimers disease and others are all potentially prevented by the antioxidants that are found in resveratrol. It can also promote skin health, weight loss and more.

While some people may be interested in preventing cancer by consuming resveratrol, others may be fearful about developing cataracts, Alzheimers disease or other health issues.

With so many resveratrol uses, you understandably want to learn more about the correct dosage to take to maximize the benefits that you are most concerned about.

You also need to know how you can incorporate the proper dosage in your regular diet through resveratrol-rich foods.

Remember that while you may be most concerned with some specific benefits of resveratrol, you may enjoy all of them when you take a healthy dose on a regular basis. [4]

Before you alter your diet or begin taking a supplement, you may be wondering what the link is for resveratrol for skin health.

As mentioned, the resveratrol in grapes and other foods, drinks and supplements is a rich source of antioxidants.

Antioxidants protect all of the bodys cells against the oxidation process. In the skin, these antioxidant benefits counteract the natural signs of aging as well as damage caused by UV light exposure.

This includes protecting the skin from skin cancer as well as signs of sun-related skin aging and damage.

Antioxidants may also have anti-inflammatory properties.

This means that inflammatory skin conditions, such as some types of rashes, may also be improved or prevented through the regular consumption of a reasonable about of resveratrol.

However, before you begin consuming high quantities of resveratrol to improve your skin health or the health of cells in other areas of the body, you need to learn more.

Specifically, it is important to know what the proper dosage is, how you can consume resveratrol in different ways and what the possible side effects may be.

While various studies have been conducted on the health benefits associated with resveratrol consumption, keep in mind that specific dosages and effects have not yet been conclusively determined.

Some results from studies can give you a reasonable indication about what levels are safe, but conclusive information is not yet available. [5]

Foods High in Resveratrol

Grapes are perhaps one of the most well-known sources of resveratrol.

Also, there is a resveratrol wine connection because red wine is made out of grapes.

Many people drink a glass or two of red wine each night because they have heard that it can help to prevent some types of cancer, ward off Alzheimers disease and provide other important health benefits.

You can also find resveratrol in relatively high doses in everything from peanut butter and peanuts to dark chocolate, blueberries, mulberries and more.

Some people also take resveratrol pills regularly to get the maximum healthy dose possible.

However, remember that when you consume foods that are a great source of resveratrol, you may also consume many other nutrients in the process.

Blueberries are also an excellent source of manganese, vitamin C and vitamin K.

Dark chocolate is a source of manganese, copper and iron.

When you consume these and other resveratrol-rich foods daily, you may consume many nutrients that your body needs in addition to resveratrol.

It may be a smart strategy to consume as much resveratrol as you can naturally before looking at using a supplement to consume what may be required for superior health benefits.

While consuming natural sources of resveratrol is important, it is also important to vary your diet so that you take in as many nutrients as possible through natural, healthy foods and drinks. [6]


After you learn what is resveratrol used for, you may be wondering how much resveratrol you need to enjoy all of the incredible results for yourself.

Be aware that resveratrol is not a nutrient that your body needs for proper function.

Because of this, there is not an FDA recommended dose for this substance.

Some studies, however, have indicated that adults may need as much as 250 to 500 milligrams to enjoy all of the benefits that could be enjoyed through the consumption of this substance.

Other studies have indicated that as little as 40 milligrams may yield significant health results. However, the resveratrol wine content of red wine is only 12.6 milligrams per liter.

To consume even 40 milligrams of resveratrol for minimal benefits, three liters of wine would need to be consumed daily.

This, however, could cause liver issues and numerous other health issues.

As mentioned, some people drink a glass or two of red wine each night to enjoy resveratrol health benefits, but you can see that this is not sufficient to enjoy the full level of health benefits that you may desire. [7]

It is not healthy consume three liters of red wine each day, but keep in mind that you can supplement your wine consumption with some of the other natural foods that are a rich source of resveratrol.

Even so, you may still need to take resveratrol supplements to consume the full amount of this substance that is recommended for exceptional benefits and results.

You can simply offset your pill dosage by the amount of natural resveratrol that you consume regularly.

With this strategy, you can ensure that you consume a varied diet while still taking in the amount of resveratrol that you desire for incredible health benefits.

It is not reasonable to expect to consume enough wine for optimal benefits of resveratrol.,

It is not reasonable for most people to consume the full amount recommended from a combination of foods rich in resveratrol either.

You cannot consume a diet entirely of peanut butter, blueberries and dark chocolate.

You need to consume a varied diet for optional nutritional health.

Taking pills to supplement your diet may be a smart idea for some individuals.

You should be aware that this substance and all of its effects have not been fully studied.

Its effects, when taken in combination with other medications, are not known.

If you take regular medications, your doctor should be consulted.Also, its effects on pregnant or breastfeeding women are not known.

If you intend to take resveratrol as a supplement in pill form or in high doses in its natural form, you should consult with your doctor beforehand.

Your doctor may be able to inform you about the latest health studies and about known drug interactions that may affect your decision. [8]

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Resveratrol | A Beginners Guide (UPDATE: 2018) | 10 Things ...

Recommendation and review posted by G. Smith