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Latest Study explores the Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Witness Highest Growth in near future – AlgosOnline

The ' Testosterone Replacement Therapy market' research report now available with Market Study Report, LLC, is a compilation of pivotal insights pertaining to market size, competitive spectrum, geographical outlook, contender share, and consumption trends of this industry. The report also highlights the key drivers and challenges influencing the revenue graph of this vertical along with strategies adopted by distinguished players to enhance their footprints in the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market.

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The latest report on the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market contains a detailed analysis of this marketplace and entails information about various industry segmentations. According to the report, the market is presumed to amass substantial revenue by the end of the forecast duration while expanding at decent growth rate.

Details regarding the industry size, remuneration potential, and volume share are compiled in the report. It further lists out the drivers and challenges that will impact the growth of Testosterone Replacement Therapy market during the estimated timeframe.

The Testosterone Replacement Therapy market with respect to the geographical terrain:

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Additional highlights from the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market report are enlisted below:

Table of Contents:

Executive Summary: It includes key trends of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market related to products, applications, and other crucial factors. It also provides analysis of the competitive landscape and CAGR and market size of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market based on production and revenue.

Production and Consumption by Region: It covers all regional markets to which the research study relates. Prices and key players in addition to production and consumption in each regional market are discussed.

Key Players: Here, the report throws light on financial ratios, pricing structure, production cost, gross profit, sales volume, revenue, and gross margin of leading and prominent companies competing in the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market.

Market Segments: This part of the report discusses about product type and application segments of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market based on market share, CAGR, market size, and various other factors.

Research Methodology: This section discusses about the research methodology and approach used to prepare the report. It covers data triangulation, market breakdown, market size estimation, and research design and/or programs.

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Some of the Major Highlights of TOC covers:

Chapter 1: Methodology & Scope

Definition and forecast parameters

Methodology and forecast parameters

Data Sources

Chapter 2: Executive Summary

Business trends

Regional trends

Product trends

End-use trends

Chapter 3: Testosterone Replacement Therapy Industry Insights

Industry segmentation

Industry landscape

Vendor matrix

Technological and innovation landscape

Chapter 4: Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market, By Region

Chapter 5: Company Profile

Business Overview

Financial Data

Product Landscape

Strategic Outlook

SWOT Analysis

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Latest Study explores the Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Witness Highest Growth in near future - AlgosOnline

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LA Becomes First City in US to Offers Free COVID-19 Testing to All Residents at Tadias Magazine – Tadias Magazine

Ethiopia pardons more than 4,000 prisoners to help prevent coronavirus spread

Los Angeles offers free testing to all county residents

The Washington Post

All residents of Los Angeles County can access free coronavirus testing at city-run sites, Mayor Eric Garcetti (D) said on Wednesday. Previously, the city had only offered testing to residents with symptoms as well as essential workers and people who lived or worked in nursing homes and other kinds of institutional facilities. In an announcement on Twitter, Garcetti said that priority would still be given to front-line workers and anyone experiencing symptoms, including cough, fever or shortness of breath. But the move, which makes Los Angeles the first major city in the country to offer such widespread testing, allows individuals without symptoms to be tested. Health experts have repeatedly said that mass testing is necessary to determine how many people have contracted the virus and in particular, those who may not have experienced symptoms and then begin to reopen the economy. Testing is by appointment only and can be arranged at one of the citys 35 sites. Read more

Global coronavirus death toll surpasses 200,000, as world leaders commit to finding vaccine

By NBC News

The global coronavirus death toll surpassed 200,000 on Saturday, according to John Hopkins University data. The grim total was reached a day after presidents and prime ministers agreed to work together to develop new vaccines, tests and treatments at a virtual meeting with both the World Health Organization (WHO) and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. We will only halt COVID-19 through solidarity, said Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. Countries, health partners, manufacturers, and the private sector must act together and ensure that the fruits of science and research can benefit everybody. As the U.S. coronavirus death tollpassed 51,000 people, according to an NBC News tally, President Donald Trump took no questions at his White House briefing on Friday, after widespread mockery for floating the idea that light, heat and disinfectants could be used to treat coronavirus patients.

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Germany to start first coronavirus vaccine trial


German Health Minister Jens Spahn has announced the first clinical trials of a coronavirus vaccine. The Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI), the regulatory authority which helps develop and authorizes vaccines in Germany, has given the go-ahead for the first clinical trial of BNT162b1, a vaccine against the SARS-CoV-2 virus. It was developed by cancer researcher and immunologist Ugur Sahin and his team at pharmaceutical company BioNTech, and is based on their prior research into cancer immunology. Sahin previously taught at the University of Mainz before becoming the CEO of BioNTech. In a joint conference call on Wednesday with researchers from the Paul Ehrlich Institute, Sahin said BNT162b1 constitutes a so-called RNA vaccine. He explained that innocuous genetic information of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is transferred into human cells with the help of lipid nanoparticles, a non-viral gene delivery system. The cells then transform this genetic information into a protein, which should stimulate the bodys immune reaction to the novel coronavrius.

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Webinar on COVID-19 and Mental Health: Interview with Dr. Seble Frehywot

By Liben Eabisa | TADIAS

Dr. Seble Frehywot, an Associate Professor of Global Health & Health Policy at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. and her colleague Dr. Yianna Vovides from Georgetown University will host an online forum next week on April 30th focusing on the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on mental health. Dr. Seble who is also the Director of Global Health Equity On-Line Learning at George Washington University told Tadias that the virtual conference titled Peoples Webinar: Addressing COVID-19 By Addressing Mental Health is open to the public and available for viewing worldwide. Read more

Young and middle-aged people, barely sick with covid-19, are dying from strokes

By The Washington Post

Doctors sound alarm about patients in their 30s and 40s left debilitated or dead. Some didnt even know they were infected. Read more

CDC director warns second wave of coronavirus is likely to be even more devastating

By The Washington Post

Even as states move ahead with plans to reopen their economies, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned Tuesday that a second wave of the novel coronavirus will be far more dire because it is likely to coincide with the start of flu season. Theres a possibility that the assault of the virus on our nation next winter will actually be even more difficult than the one we just went through, CDC Director Robert Redfield said in an interview with The Washington Post. And when Ive said this to others, they kind of put their head back, they dont understand what I meanWere going to have the flu epidemic and the coronavirus epidemic at the same time, he said. Having two simultaneous respiratory outbreaks would put unimaginable strain on the health-care system, he said. The first wave of covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, has already killed more than 42,000 people across the country. It has overwhelmed hospitals and revealed gaping shortages in test kits, ventilators and protective equipment for health-care workers.

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Americans at World Health Organization transmitted real-time information about coronavirus to Trump administration

By The Washington Post

More than a dozen U.S. researchers, physicians and public health experts, many of them from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, were working full time at the Geneva headquarters of the World Health Organization as the novel coronavirus emerged late last year and transmitted real-time information about its discovery and spread in China to the Trump administration, according to U.S. and international officials. A number of CDC staff members are regularly detailed to work at the WHO in Geneva as part of a rotation that has operated for years. Senior Trump-appointed health officials also consulted regularly at the highest levels with the WHO as the crisis unfolded, the officials said. The presence of so many U.S. officials undercuts President Trumps assertion that the WHOs failure to communicate the extent of the threat, born of a desire to protect China, is largely responsible for the rapid spread of the virus in the United States. Read more

In Ethiopia, Dire Dawa Emerges as Newest Coronavirus Hot Spot

By Africa News

The case count as of April 20 had reached 111 according to health minister Lia Tadesses update for today. Ethiopia crossed the 100 mark over the weekend. All three cases recorded over the last 24-hours were recorded in the chartered city of Dire Dawa with patients between the ages of 11 18. Two of them had travel history from Djibouti. Till date, Ethiopia has 90 patients in treatment centers. The death toll is still at three with 16 recoveries. A patient is in intensive care. Read more

COVID-19: Interview with Dr. Tsion Firew, an Ethiopian Doctor on the Frontline in NYC

Dr. Tsion Firew is Doctor of Emergency Medicine and Assistant Professor at Columbia University. She is also Special Advisor to the Ministry of Health in Ethiopia. (Courtesy photo)

By Liben Eabisa

In New York City, which has now become the global epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic, working as a medical professional means literally going to a war zone, says physician Tsion Firew, a Doctor of Emergency Medicine and Assistant Professor at Columbia University, who has just recovered from COVID-19 and returned to work a few days ago. Indeed the statistics coming out of New York are simply shocking with the state recording a sharp increase in death toll this months surpassing 10,000 and growing. According to The New York Times: The numbers brought into clearer focus the staggering toll the virus has already taken on the largest city in the United States, where deserted streets are haunted by the near-constant howl of ambulance sirens. Far more people have died in New York City, on a per-capita basis, than in Italy the hardest-hit country in Europe. At the heart of the solution both in the U.S. and around the world is more testing and adhering to social distancing rules until such time as a proper treatment and vaccine is discovered, says Dr. Tsion, who is also a Special Advisor to the Ministry of Health in Ethiopia. Dr. Tsion adds that at this moment we all as humanity have one enemy: the virus. And whats going to win the fight is solidarity. Listen to the interview

Ethiopia Opens Aid Transport Hub to Fight Covid-19


Ethiopia and the United Nations on Tuesday opened a humanitarian transport hub at Addis Ababa airport to move supplies and aid workers across Africa to fight coronavirus. The arrangement, which relies on cargo services provided by Ethiopian Airlines, could also partially offset heavy losses Africas largest carrier is sustaining because of the pandemic. An initial shipment of 3 000 cubic metres of supplies most of it personal protective equipment for health workers will be distributed within the next week, said Steven Were Omamo, Ethiopia country director for the World Food Programme (WFP). This is a really important platform in the response to Covid-19, because what it does is it allows us to move with speed and efficiency to respond to the needs as they are unfolding, Omamo said, referring to the disease caused by the coronavirus. The Addis gateway is one of eight global humanitarian hubs set up to facilitate movement of aid to fight Covid-19, according to WFP.

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Covid-19: Ethiopia to buy life insurance for health workers


The Ethiopian government is due to buy life insurance for health professionals in direct contact with Covid-19 patients. Health minister Lia Tadesse said on Tuesday that the government last week reached an agreement with the Ethiopian Insurance Corporation but did not disclose the value of the cover. The two sides are expected to sign an agreement this week to effect the insurance grant. According to the ministry, the life insurance grant is aimed at encouraging health experts who are the most vulnerable to the deadly coronavirus. Members of the Rapid Response Team will also benefit.

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U.N. says Saudi deportations of Ethiopian migrants risks spreading coronavirus

By Reuters

The United Nations said on Monday that deportations of illegal migrant workers by Saudi Arabia to Ethiopia risked spreading the coronavirus and it urged Riyadh to suspend the practice for the time being.

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Ethiopias capital launches door-to-door Covid-19 screening

Getty Images


Ethiopias capital, Addis Ababa is due to begin a door-to-door mass Covid-19 screening across the city, Addis Ababa city administration has announced. City deputy Mayor, Takele Uma, on Saturday told local journalists that the mass screening and testing programme will be started Monday (April 13) first in districts which are identified as potentially most vulnerable to the spread of the highly infectious coronavirus. The aggressive city-wide screening measure intends to identify Covid-19 infected patients and thereby to arrest a potential virus spread within communities. He said, the mass screening will eventually be carried out in all 117 districts, locally known as woredas, of the city, which is home to an estimated 7 million inhabitants. According to the Mayor, the door-to-door mass Covid-19 screening will be conducted by more than 1,200 retired health professionals, who responded to governments call on the retired to join the national fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

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Worldwide deaths from the coronavirus hit 100,000

By The Associated Press

The worldwide death toll from the coronavirus has hit 100,000, according to the running tally kept by Johns Hopkins University. The sad milestone comes as Christians around the globe mark a Good Friday unlike any other in front of computer screens instead of in church pews. Meanwhile, some countries are tiptoeing toward reopening segments of their battered economies. Public health officials are warning people against violating the social distancing rules over Easter and allowing the virus to flare up again. Authorities are using roadblocks and other means to discourage travel.

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Ethiopia COVID-19 Response Team: Interview with Mike Endale

By Liben Eabisa | TADIAS

A network of technology professionals from the Ethiopian Diaspora known as the Ethiopia COVID-19 Response Team has been assisting the Ethiopian Ministry of Health since the nations first Coronavirus case was confirmed on March 13th. The COVID-19 Response Team has since grown into an army of more than a thousand volunteers. Mike Endale, a software developer based in Washington, D.C., is the main person behind the launch of this project. Read more

Ethiopia eyes replicating Chinas successes in applying traditional medicine to contain COVID-19

By CGTN Africa

The Ethiopian government on Thursday expressed its keen interest to replicate Chinas positive experience in terms of effectively applying traditional Chinese medicine to successfully contain the spread of COVID-19 pandemic in the East African country.

This came after high-level officials from the Ethiopian Ministry of Innovation and Technology (MoIT) as well as the Ethiopian Ministry of Health (MoH) held a video conference with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioners and researchers on ways of applying the TCM therapy towards controlling the spread of coronavirus pandemic in the country, the MoIT disclosed in a statement issued on Thursday.

China, in particular, has agreed to provide to Ethiopia the two types of Chinese traditional medicines that the country applied to successfully treat the first two stages of the novel coronavirus, a statement from the Ethiopian Ministry of Innovation and Technology read.

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WHO Director Slams Racist Comments About COVID-19 Vaccine Testing

The Director General of the World Health Organization, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has angrily condemned recent comments made by scientists suggesting that a vaccine for COVID-19 should be tested in Africa as racist and a hangover from the colonial mentality. (Photo: WHO)


The head of the World Health Organization (WHO) has condemned as racist the comments by two French doctors who suggested a vaccine for the coronavirus could be tested in Africa.

Africa cant and wont be a testing ground for any vaccine, said Director General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

The doctors remarks during a TV debate sparked outrage, and they were accused of treating Africans like human guinea pigs.

One of them later issued an apology.

When asked about the doctors suggestion during the WHOs coronavirus briefing, Dr Tedros became visibly angry, calling it a hangover from the colonial mentality.

It was a disgrace, appalling, to hear during the 21st Century, to hear from scientists, that kind of remark. We condemn this in the strongest terms possible, and we assure you that this will not happen, he said.

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Ethiopia declares state of emergency to curb spread of COVID-19

By Reuters

Ethiopias prime minister, Abiy Ahmed, on Wednesday declared a state of emergency in the country to help curb the spread of the new coronavirus, his office said on Twitter. Considering the gravity of the #COVID19, the government of Ethiopia has enacted a State of Emergency, Abiys office said.

Ethiopia virus cases hit 52, 9-month-old baby infected


Ethiopia on Tuesday reported eight new Covid-19 cases, the highest number recorded so far in one day since the country confirmed its first virus case on March 12. Among the new patients that tested positive for the virus were a 9-month-old infant and his mother who had travelled to Dubai recently. During the past 24 hours, we have done laboratory tests for a total of 264 people and eight out of them have been diagnosed with coronavirus, raising the total confirmed number of Covid-19 patients in Ethiopia to 52, said Health Minister Dr Lia Tadese. According to the Minister, seven of the newly confirmed patients had travel histories to various countries. They have been under forced-quarantine in different designated hotels in the capital, Addis Ababa. Five of the new patients including the 9-month-old baby and the mother came from Dubai while the two others came from Thailand and the United Kingdom, she said

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The coronavirus is infecting and killing black Americans at an alarmingly high rate

By The Washington Post

As the novel coronavirus sweeps across the United States, it appears to be infecting and killing black Americans at a disproportionately high rate, according to a Washington Post analysis of early data from jurisdictions across the country. The emerging stark racial disparity led the surgeon general Tuesday to acknowledge in personal terms the increased risk for African Americans amid growing demands that public-health officials release more data on the race of those who are sick, hospitalized and dying of a contagion that has killed more than 12,000 people in the United States. A Post analysis of what data is available and census demographics shows that counties that are majority-black have three times the rate of infections and almost six times the rate of deaths as counties where white residents are in the majority.

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In China, Wuhans lockdown officially ends after 11 weeks

After 11 weeks or 76 days Wuhans lockdown is officially over. On Wednesday, Chinese authorities allowed residents to travel in and out of the besieged city where the coronavirus outbreak was first reported in December. Many remnants of the months-long lockdown, however, remain. Wuhans 11 million residents will be able to leave only after receiving official authorization that they are healthy and havent recently been in contact with a coronavirus patient. To do so, the Chinese government is making use of its mandatory smartphone application that, along with other government surveillance, tracks the movement and health status of every person.

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U.S. hospitals facing severe shortages of equipment and staff, watchdog says

By The Washington Post

As the official U.S. death toll approached 10,000, U.S. Surgeon General Jerome M. Adams warned that this will be the hardest and saddest week of most Americans lives.

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Ethio-American Tech Company PhantomALERT Offers Free App to Track & Map COVID-19 Outbreak

By Tadias Staff

PhantomALERT, a Washington D.C.-based technology company announced, that its offering a free application service to track, report and map COVID-19 outbreak hotspots in real time. In a recent letter to the DC government as well as the Ethiopian Embassy in the U.S. the Ethiopian-American owned business, which was launched in 2007, explained that over the past few days, they have redesigned their application to be a dedicated coronavirus mapping, reporting and tracking application. The letter to the Ethiopian Embassy, shared with Tadias, noted that PhantomALERTs technology will enable the Ethiopian government (and all other countries across the world) to locate symptomatic patients, provide medical assistance and alert communities of hotspots for the purpose of slowing down the spread of the Coronavirus.

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2nd COVID-19 death confirmed in Ethiopia

By Dr. Lia Tadesse (Minister, Ministry of Health, Ethiopia)

It is with great sadness that I announce the second death of a patient from #COVID19 in Ethiopia. The patient was admitted on April 2nd and was under strict medical follow up in the Intensive Care Unit. My sincere condolences to the family and loved ones.

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The Next Coronavirus Test Will Tell You If You Are Now Immune. And Its Fast.

People line up in their cars at the COVID-19 testing area at Roseland Community Hospital on April 3, 2020, in Chicago. (E. Jason Wambsgans / Chicago Tribune)

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LA Becomes First City in US to Offers Free COVID-19 Testing to All Residents at Tadias Magazine - Tadias Magazine

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Women told NOT to have IVF amid the coronavirus outbreak by fertility watchdog – Infosurhoy

Women are being urged not to have IVF amid the coronavirus outbreak over fears the virus negatively affects pregnancy.

A statement issued by the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology says all couples considering fertility treatment should avoid becoming pregnant at this time.

It advised those who are already having IVF to consider freezing their eggs or the embryos they have created for a pregnancy until the pandemic is halted.

Meanwhile a mother-to-be is concerned hospitals will be overwhelmed when she is due to give birth next month.

Natalie Lyons, from Derby, is due to give birth to her second child in a month. She says she is doing her best not to panic, but is concerned about hospitals becoming overwhelmed and has struggled to get hold of supplies such as nappies.

The 33-year-old mother-of-one has followed the Governments advice and yesterday stopped her job as a hairdresser to start maternity leave three weeks early.

Im trying not to panic but when you have a baby you need all these supplies, and how are we meant to get them if were advised to stay inside?

ESHRE says all those considering or planning treatment to have a baby should put it on hold as a precautionary measure.

But many of the 68,000 women who choose to have IVF every year in the UK are in their late thirties and have little time to delay.

It comes following reports of women infected with coronavirus giving birth to premature babies in China.

However ESHRE which provides guidance for fertility clinics across Europe and in the UK notes the reports are based on limited data with no strong evidence.

In its statement, ESHRE said: As a precautionary measure and in line with the position of other scientific societies in reproductive medicine we advise that all fertility patients considering or planning treatment, even if they do not meet the diagnostic criteria for Covid-19 infection, should avoid becoming pregnant at this time.

The NHS today revealed it would send pregnant staff to lower risk hospitals in areas with few cases of the virus as the crisis escalates over fears for their safety.

And mothers-to-be are strongly advised to follow social distancing measures such as avoiding public transport, socialising in groups or going to the cinema or reataruants.

Despite this, the Royal College of Midwives yesterday urged them to attend antenatal appointments.

The UKs chief medical adviser, Professor Chris Whitty, said there is currently no evidence to suggest any coronavirus-related complications in pregnancy.

But he added the UK was still very early in what we know about this, stating: Infections and pregnancy are not a good combination in general and that is why we have taken the very precautionary measure while we try and find out more.

Yesterday the Prime Minister said millions of the elderly and most vulnerable will need to shield themselves from social contact and stay at home for three months.

But theadvice stopped short of defining explicitly who needs to stay at home.

Pregnant women in the UK are expected to be among those told in the coming days to self-isolate for 12 weeks and avoid non-essential contact with others.

Boris Johnson acknowledged that drastic action was required to quell the spread of the deadly coronavirus which has killed 55 and infected more than 1,500 throughout the country.

By the weekend, those with the most serious conditions will be advised to take steps to ensure they are largely shielded from social contact for around 12 weeks.

It comes afterNHS hospitals were told tocancel operations for three months in a bid to free up 30,000 beds in preparation for a surge in coronavirus patients.

In a call to arms letter sent to hospital bosses today, NHS Englandsaid trusts should cancel all non-urgent surgeries starting from April 15 for at least 12 weeks.

It is hoped the measure could free up a third of the 100,000 hospital beds in England so the health service is not overwhelmed by the pandemic.

Staff who have family members self-isolating at home will also be offered to stay in a hotel for free so they can continue working and not have to join them in quarantine.

The letter, which laid out the health services coronavirus battle plan, also called for all inpatients who are medically fit to be discharged immediately.

It stated that staff must take part in special training for dealing with a high number of patients on ventilators andbegin work setting up makeshift intensive care wards.

The call to arms comes after the UK suffered 407 more coronavirus infections and two more deaths.It means there are now officially 1,950 people with the disease and 71 have succumbed to it.

Any cancer operations and patients needing emergency treatment will not be affected by the new measures.

The letter from NHS England chief executive Simon Stevens said: The operational aim is to expand critical care capacity to the maximum; free up 30,000 (or more) of the English NHSs 100,000 general and acute beds.

Assume that you will need to postpone all non-urgent elective operations from 15 April at the latest, for a period of at least three months.

However you also have full local discretion to wind down elective activity over the next 30 days as you see best, so as to free up staff for refresher training, beds for Covid-19 patients, and theatres/recovery facilities for adaptation work.

In the meantime hospitals were told to do as much elective surgery, such as hip operations and knee replacements, as possible so that by mid-April there are thousands more free beds.

Sir Simon warned frontline staff that dealing with the outbreak was going to be a very difficult time.

He said those required to self-isolate because a family member has symptoms or has tested positive will be offered to stay in a hotel.

The letter adds: For those staff affected by PHEs 14 day household isolation policy, staff should on an entirely voluntary basis be offered the alternative option of staying in NHS-reimbursed hotel accommodation while they continue to work.

Pregnant, elderly and staff with underlying conditions will either be moved to lower risk hospitals in areas with few cases, according to the document.

Clinicians who fall under this category will be able to do online or video consultations from home.

As well as keeping staff healthy, Sir Simon said it was vital NHS staff were trained about how to care for ventilated patients.

He gave trusts two weeks to put all clinical and patient facing staff through refresher training.

Sir Simon added that patients who did not need to be in hospital should be discharged as quickly as possible adding: Community health providers must take immediate full responsibility for urgent discharge of all eligible patients identified by acute providers on a discharge list.

For those needing social care, emergency legislation before Parliament this week will ensure that eligibility assessments do not delay discharge.

This could potentially free up to 15,000 acute beds currently occupied by patients awaiting discharge or with lengths of stay over 21 days.

The letter confirmed that recently retired staff would be asked to return to the health service during the crisis and that medical students would be fast tracked into the NHS.

As the NHS ramped up its coronavirus efforts, the governments chief scientific adviser today revealed there are likely to be as many as 55,000 cases of coronavirusin the UK.

Sir Patrick Vallance said modelling of the spread of the disease in Britain showed that for every death there was likely to be 1,000 positive cases.

Latest official statistics put the death toll at 55 which means it is a reasonable sort of ballpark to think there are now more than 50,000 cases nationwide, he said.

Last week the government estimated the number of cases was likely to be between 5-10,000.

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5 romantic comedies to raise your spirit during the MCO – The Star Online

Love will help us get through this period of self-quarantine and social distancing. So will laughter. That's why romantic comedies are a good choice for pausing pandemic anxiety for a few hours. Here are five that fit the times in their own special ways.

The Holiday (2006)

You're in safe hands for a cinematic getaway when director Nancy Meyers is in charge. She makes movies that are funny, sophisticated images of a dream life. Her films also provide ideas for dream date, dream best friends and dream kitchens.

Meyers achieved cable-rerun immortality with The Holiday, a rom-com too good to limit to December. The house-swap escapade sends a high-powered Hollywood exec (Cameron Diaz) off to vacation in a cozy English cottage, while its usual resident, a British columnist (Kate Winslet), borrows the exec's luxurious Los Angeles trophy home.

What's the best part of a film that's as comfortable as fuzzy socks and flannel pyjamas? Is it Jude Law's take on a humble, awkward widower? Jack Black's sexy side? Winslet's friendship with an elderly screenwriter played by the great Eli Wallach? Yes, all that, plus Diaz's endless supply of off-white winter knitwear. Keep watching over and until you feel much better about life.

The Big Sick (2017)

It's a counterintuitive pick, maybe, but star and co-screenwriter Kumail Nanjiani's tender comedy about a man who breaks up with his true love, then sticks by her through a medically-induced coma makes a hopeful statement about surviving a medical crisis.

Nanjiani is wonderful in a plot based on his real-life courtship of his wife, co-screenwriter Emily V. Gordon. Whether dealing with his strict Pakistani parents (Anupam Kher and Zenobia Shroff)m who are pushing an arranged marriage, or facing the skepticism of his girlfriend's mom and dad (Holly Hunter and Ray Romano), he depicts the learning curve that anyone goes through when love is tested by uncontrollable outside forces.

Same goes for Zoe Kazan, who is superb as a woman who realises that perfection in a relationship is unattainable, but extreme loyalty might be even better. If you think it's impossible to laugh in a time of viral peril, the funny human moments here will correct that impression.

You've Got Mail (1998)

Oh, the simple days of AOL email accounts. This classic Tom Hanks-Meg Ryan reboot of 1940's Shop Around The Corner directed and co-written by the great Nora Ephron is set in the dinosaur age of technology, yet it's just the thing for coping with 2020.

What better way to conduct a flirtation right now than through online chatting and never actually meeting? And what more charming conflict than a feud between an indie bookstore owner (Ryan) and the scion of a mega-bookstore chain (Hanks)? It almost (but not quite) makes you forget your library is closed and your local bookstore is taking a big financial hit.

And given how much we all need a cathartic cry, the moment where Hanks wipes away Ryan's tears "Don't cry, shopgirl" is one of the most exquisite weeping inducers of the last 30 years. Someday, when social distancing is no longer necessary, find someone who touches your face the same way.

Jumping The Broom (2011)

Paula Patton and Laz Alonso star as the gorgeous young couple whose lavish wedding on Martha's Vineyard seems destined to be disrupted. But it's still a reminder that family gatherings with dozens of testy relatives may not be the worst thing to endure.

As Patton and Alonso see their plans begin to unravel, a strong supporting cast finds comedy gold in the tensions of clashing relatives and in-laws. With Angela Bassett and Brian Stokes Mitchell as Patton's snooty parents, Loretta DeVine as Alonso's clingy mother, and Meagan Good and Gary Dourdain as the maid of honour and reception chef who send sparks flying, you'll be saying "I do" to this comedy of misunderstandings, unearthed secrets and, eventually, blessed reconciliation.

And extra kudos to Tasha Smith as Patton's best friend who is pursued by a much younger man and Julie Bowen of Modern Family as the frazzled wedding planner.

The American President (1995)

The biggest problem faced by President Andrew Shepherd, at least for much of this politically themed rom-com, is convincing a florist he is not prank-calling when he tries to order flowers for the lobbyist who has stolen his heart.

Sure, there is some agonising over an environmental bill and a mini-scandal involving the lobbyist's youthful involvement in the protest movement. But rest assured, the ride in this star vehicle driven by Michael Douglas and Annette Bening is a smooth fantasy version of high-profile love affairs, not to mention government in action.

And if the ballroom scene in Beauty And The Beast animated or live action is your ultimate in swoon-level dances, check out Douglas and Bening's twirl at a White House state dinner. As they used to say in 1995 (or maybe it was 1935?), yowza! Julie Hinds/Detroit Free Press/Tribune News Service

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5 romantic comedies to raise your spirit during the MCO - The Star Online

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BRUMMETT ONLINE: Anatomy of a smear – Arkansas Online

State Sen. Bart Hester of Cave Springs in Benton County, a pleasant extremist who probably will be the next president pro tempore of the Senate, says there's no difference between savage liberal attacks on conservative judges and his calling the Arkansas Supreme Court "a friend of the child rapist."

There is a difference, though.

The most serious attacks on any appellate justice from the left that I can recall were directed toward Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearing. They had to do with women accusing him of drunken adolescent sexual assault, and with whom one believed. It concerned whether Kavanaugh was worthy amid such charges to join the nation's highest court.

Last week, Hester publicly called the Arkansas Supreme Court a "friend of the child rapist" because of a legal technicality that a 4-3 majority found it necessary to apply under the law in remanding a gruesome child murder case to Benton County for retrial.

Kavanaugh was smeared, you might say, in the course of a background check for his confirmation. The entire Arkansas Supreme Court was smeared, you might say, for applying the law and doing its job.

If you're going to smear somebody, the context is better in the confirmation process.

Hester brought up the matter when a Supreme Court contract for architectural services came before his committee. He didn't tie the contract to his displeasure. He merely used the contract as an opening to express his overheated displeasure.

What the four state Supreme Court justices decided was that the Benton County court should not, by state law, have used a rape of a 6-year-old child occurring on a camping trip in Missouri as an essentially compounding factor proving capital murder in Arkansas, where the child died of horrid complications the next day.

The court majority sent the case back for Benton County to conduct a retrial.

State law requires certain compounding factors to be proven to elevate a murder conviction to capital murder. In this case, the prosecutor cited two such factors--one murder with rape and the other murder with child abuse.

It was not known on which the jury relied in returning a capital murder conviction. For that reason, the four judges said they couldn't be sure the capital murder determination wasn't based on a factor that the applicable Arkansas law didn't allow to be used.

It was a strictly legal ruling, not an exercise in friendship toward a child rapist. Most thinking adults can see that. It in no way meant the local court couldn't take the case back and win a capital murder conviction on the child abuse factor alone. And the retrial gets underway this week.

The three Supreme Court justices voting the other way did not agree with the legal point. But none of them referred to their four colleagues as friends of child rapists.

Hester's lamentation is that the horrific matter had to be relived at a second trial when the only issue was, as he put it, that the Supreme Court got "confused" about a state line.

The four justices weren't confused. They saw the law clearly. And, paining them though I presume it did, they applied it.

"I simply believe we need more justices from the side of three and less justices [he meant fewer] from the side of the four," Hester wrote to me Sunday. "As to whether or not they can be criticized, I have watched your side savagely attack justices with whom they disagree. So, I think the truth is that it's not questioning justices you find offensive. It's criticizing liberal justices."

Notice that Hester's construction of the issue is all about the prevailing and bitter ideological divide. But not everything falls along that handy continuum.

We're talking about appropriateness and proportion.

In that regard, current Senate leader Jim Hendren and House Speaker Matthew Shepherd--asked by a reporter for reaction to Hester's smear--cut the young senator slack. Shepherd said there is free speech and Hendren said it's hard to say anymore what if anything is beyond the pale rhetorically.

They go easy on Hester because he is a good-hearted team player within the insular legislative culture, or so I'm told.

Hester is the current majority leader of the Senate and likely to be elected to succeed Hendren as president pro tempore, meaning the leader of the entire Senate, in the regular session of 2021.

Reasonable legislative colleagues tell me Hester can be reasoned with.

Four state Supreme Court justices might have reason to believe Hester cannot always be reasoned with, or at least reasonable.

For the record, to be clear: I have little regard for the Arkansas Supreme Court. I think the members are mostly Republican partisans living several tiers below the elite of the Arkansas Bar. But I wish to stipulate that I don't think there is a friend of a child rapist among them.

And I also think the prevailing four got the central issue of this case right, uncomfortable though their work sometimes must be.

John Brummett, whose column appears regularly in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, is a member of the Arkansas Writers' Hall of Fame. Email him at Read his @johnbrummett Twitter feed.

Web only on 02/26/2020

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BRUMMETT ONLINE: Anatomy of a smear - Arkansas Online

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Therapies poised to reshape the treatment landscape for hematologic disorders – BioWorld Online

Millions of people are affected by blood disorders, and the prevalence is expected to grow as our population ages.

It is not surprising that, according to the American Society of Hematology, the FDA approved several new therapies or new indications for previously approved therapies in 2019 for people living with non-malignant blood disorders. Those included two disease-modifying treatments for sickle cell disease and the first anticoagulant for venous thromboembolism management in children.

In the wings and poised to reshape the treatment landscape for hematologic disorders are two potential blockbuster drugs - Valrox (valoctocogene roxaparvovec) for hemophilia A and vadadustat for anemia related to chronic kidney disease - that are among the 11 included in the Cortellis Drugs to Watch analysis predicted to achieve annual sales of $1 billion by 2024.

Hemophilia A

Hemophilia A, also called factor VIII (FVIII) deficiency or classic hemophilia, is a genetic disorder caused by missing or defective factor VIII, a clotting protein. People with that disorder are at risk for painful and/or potentially life-threatening bleeds from even modest injuries. According to the U.S. CDC, the condition occurs in approximately one in 5,000 live births, and about 20,000 people are living with hemophilia in the U.S. Accurate data on the worldwide incidence of hemophilia is estimated at more than 400,000.

People suffering from the most severe form of hemophilia A often experience painful, spontaneous bleeds into their muscles or joints and that group makes up approximately 43% of the hemophilia A population. The standard of care (SOC) for such individuals is a prophylactic regimen of replacement factor VIII infusions administered intravenously up to two to three times per week or 100 to 150 infusions per year. Despite those treatments, many people continue to experience bleeds, resulting in progressive and debilitating joint damage, which can have a major impact on their quality of life.

One and done treatment

San Rafael, Calif.-based Biomarin Pharmaceutical Inc. has submitted a BLA to the FDA for its investigational AAV gene therapy, Valrox, for adults with hemophilia A. The therapy is designed to deliver functional copies of the FVIII gene into patients cells, enabling them to make the previously missing or defective FVIII protein. If approved, Valrox would be the first potentially curative (one and done) approach to hemophilia A, eliminating the need for blood transfusions and FVIII replacement therapy after a single infusion. Subject to completion of the agency's filing review, the company anticipates the BLA review to start in February.

The FDA has granted breakthrough therapy and orphan drug designations; and the EMA has validated the company's marketing authorization application with the review under accelerated assessment.

According to the Cortellis Drugs to Watch analysis, the filings were based on interim data from the phase III GENEr8-1 study as well as three-year phase I/II trial data. In GENEr8-1, Valrox met the prespecified criteria for U.S. and EU regulatory review, with eight patients in a 20-patient cohort achieving FVIII levels of at least 40 IU/dl at 23 to 26 weeks; the ongoing trial has the goal of evaluating superiority of Valrox to the current standard of care, prophylactic therapy. The high-dose cohort in the phase I/II study showed 100% resolution of target joints, a 96% reduction in mean annualized FVIII usage, and all patients remained off FVIII prophylaxis. No thrombotic events or development of FVIII inhibitors have been reported to date.

Transformative for patients

"People with severe hemophilia A continue to experience clinically relevant breakthrough bleeds despite the current standard of care and can be limited in their physical activities," noted John Pasi, chief investigator for the phase I/II study and a principal investigator for the phase III study. "Valoctocogene roxaparvovec represents a potentially transformative investigative therapy that could improve patients' quality of life, including consequences of bleeding, physical functioning, role functioning, emotional impact, treatment concern and worry."

In January, the company published three years of follow-up data in the phase I/II study showing the median use of exogenous factor VIII at the 6e13-vg/kg dose was reduced from 138.5 infusions per year to zero infusions per year in year three. In the year before study entry, the mean annualized number of factor VIII infusions per participant was 136.7+22.4; at the end of year three, the mean annualized use of exogenous factor VIII decreased by 96% to a mean of 5.5+9.4 infusions.

"As a treating physician, I am excited about the potential of the field of gene therapy to make a meaningful difference in the lives of people with hemophilia A," Pasi noted on the results.

First-mover advantage

In a presentation at the annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference in January 2020, Biomarin Chairman and CEO Jean-Jacques Bienaime was excited to reveal that the company is ramping up productivity at its Novato, Calif., plant, more than doubling its capacity to 10,000 doses annually. He noted that the capacity upgrade is important as the firm wants to be able to supply the gene therapy market as quickly as possible "because first-mover advantage in gene therapy is fundamental in a sense that every time you treat a patient that patient is off the market."

Gene therapy certainly has the potential to revolutionize treatment for patients with hemophilia A. However, according to the Canadian Hemophilia Society, Never have so many coagulation therapies been in development. In addition to the large number of therapies recently introduced, we have identified another 18 new therapies in development or soon to be marketed, including six clotting factor concentrates, four bypassing therapies to treat patients with inhibitors, two non-factor coagulation products and five gene therapy products.

If approved, Valrox will certainly face competition from well-established FVIII replacement therapies, in addition to those that are nearing the market, the Cortellis analysis suggests.

Recently approved therapies such as Roche Holding AG's Hemlibra (emicizumab) and Bayer AG's Jivi (antihemophilic factor [recombinant] pegylated) are improving the options available to those patients. The hemophilia market is conservative in adopting new therapies, the analysis notes, and patients may be reluctant to switch to new products if their current replacement therapy works well. However, an unmet need remains, as approximately 75% of hemophilia A patients do not respond adequately to their treatment or even do not receive treatment at all. Despite a relatively low worldwide prevalence of patients, with orphan pricing, hemophilia A represents a large market.

In addition, Valrox is not without its own challenges, the Cortellis analysis notes. The drug fell short in the initial cohort of the phase III GENEr8-1 trial: of 17 evaluable patients, three failed to achieve FVIII levels above 5 IU/dl. The mean and median FVIII levels across the cohort were also lower than seen in phase I/II, at 33 and 36 IU/dl, respectively. Failure to improve the response once full data are available may impact the potential commercial uptake

The market

The global market for hemophilia A last year was estimated to be close to $10 billion, and Bienaime in his presentation said that an estimated 121,000 patients are located in the territories covered by the company. Although no pricing has yet been set for the gene therapy, the company has done a lot of payer research. He indicated that payers attribute a high value to the physiological correction of hemophilia A, and it appears the U.S. payer community would be comfortable with a price between $2 million and $3 million.

Given the fact that wholesale acquisition pricing for Hemlibra in non-inhibitor adult patients is between $600,000 to $800,000 per year, Biomarin has looked at pricing of between $1 million and $5 million. Since by launch date it will have four years of data on Valrox, the price could be set at four times the average price of Hemlibra ($700,000), establishing a price of $2.8 million. That would make it the most expensive one-time therapy, topping spinal muscular atrophy gene therapy Zolgensma (onasemnogene abeparvovec-xioi) from Novartis AG at $2.1 million. The company says that this first gene therapy for any form of inherited hemophilia could save health care systems more than $20 million over a typical patients lifetime.

For that reason, even if the penetration is modest, Valrox could post significant revenue. The Cortellis analysis predicts sales of $17.45 million forecast for this year, rising to $1.297 billion in 2024. However, while Biomarin is in the pole position with its gene therapy, potential competition in the pipeline from FVIII gene therapies in development may temper sales forecasts in the mid- to long term. Spark Therapeutics Inc.'s SPK-8011 entered phase III development in February 2019, having shown a 94% reduction in bleeds and a 95% reduction in FVIII infusions in a previous phase I/II study. Other direct competitors in phase I/II development include Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc.s DTX-201, Sparks SPK-8016, Shire plcs SHP-654 and University College London (UCL)/St. Jude Children's Research Hospitals AAV2/8-HLP-FVIII-V3.

Anemia in chronic kidney disease

Anemia is one of the many complications of chronic kidney disease (CKD), which worsens as kidney disease progresses; most patients whose CKD has progressed to kidney failure have significant anemia. It is estimated that CKD affects 200 million people worldwide. The anemia in CKD is currently treated with injectable recombinant erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs), which are often associated with inconsistent hemoglobin responses and safety risks.

The need for more effective and safer therapies has led to the discovery of hypoxia-inducible factor prolyl hydroxylase (HIF-PH) enzyme inhibitors, a new class of agents for the treatment of anemia in CKD (see sidebar story). Those agents work by stabilizing the HIF complex and stimulating endogenous erythropoietin production even in patients with end-stage kidney disease.

Several HIF-PH enzyme inhibitors are currently in development targeting the estimated $3.5 billion renal anemia market, including Cambridge, Mass.-based Akebia Therapeutics Inc.s vadadustat, which has advanced to late-stage clinical trials. In July, its strategic partner, Osaka-based Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corp., filed an NDA with the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, seeking approval for the product as a treatment for anemia due to CKD.

The filing is based on data from four studies in Japanese patients: an active-controlled study in non-dialysis-dependent CKD anemia (J01), another active-controlled study but in dialysis-dependent patients with CKD anemia (J03), and two single-arm studies in patients with peritoneal and hemodialysis-dependent CKD anemia (J02 and J04). Vadadustat demonstrated non-inferiority with respect to hemoglobin level versus the active comparator (darbepoetin alfa) in both dialysis- and non-dialysis-dependent patients (J01 and J03 studies; 11.66 vs 11.93 g/dL, and 10.61 vs 10.65 g/dL, respectively) and showed therapeutic effect in the single-arm studies.

If approved, the company expects commercial launch during mid-2020, and filings in the U.S. and the EU are planned, those territories covered by Akebias alliance with Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.


Within the HIF-PH inhibitor class itself, and particularly from Fibrogen Inc.s Evrenzo (roxadustat), the first-in class HIF-PH inhibitor, vadadustat will face direct competition. Fibrogen has partnered with Astellas Pharma Inc. and Astrazeneca plc for the development and marketing of Evrenzo, which has been approved in Japan (in dialysis patients) and China (in dialysis- and nondialysis-dependent patients) in the third quarter of 2019. An additional filing in Japan in non-dialysis patients is expected in the short term upon completion of a second pivotal study in that setting. The drug has also been filed in the U.S (for both patient populations) and filings in the EU are expected by March, according to Cortellis, following positive top-line data from the ALPS (nondialysis-dependent) and HIMALAYAS (dialysis-dependent) studies.

The analysis indicates vadadustat would also face competition from other well-established therapeutic approaches in CKD such as intravenous iron replacement products and blood transfusions that offer rapid increases in Hb levels.

Future direct competition will also come from Glaxosmithkline plcs HIF-PH inhibitor daprodustat, which was submitted for approval in Japan in August last year.

The Cortellis analysis cites sales forecasts in 2024 of $1.188 billion for Evrenzo and $286 million for daprodustat. For vadadustat, sales of $2 million are forecast for this year, rising to $1.589 billion in 2024.

See a related article:

Out of basic science, a blockbuster: Vadadustat

To read more about the Cortellis Drugs to Watch potential blockbusters, visit BioWorlds collection of articles which are freely available.

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Therapies poised to reshape the treatment landscape for hematologic disorders - BioWorld Online

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