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Longevity Shaped by Lifestyle Choices, Says Hassan Vally – BNN Breaking

Posted: December 27, 2023 at 2:37 am

Lifestyle Choices Shape Longevity: Insights from Associate Professor Hassan Vally

As the world welcomes 2024, longevity and health emerge as top priorities for many around the globe. Associate Professor Hassan Vally from Deakin University, an unbiased voice in the field, has highlighted the importance of lifestyle choices, emphasizing that genetics only account for a quarter of our lifespan. The rest, he notes, is shaped by the decisions we make daily, from the food we eat to the activities we engage in.

According to Vally, diet plays a critical role in longevity and health. A plant-based diet, rich in nutrients, phytochemicals, antioxidants, and fiber, is protective against cellular damage and disease. Vally points to the Mediterranean diet as one of the healthiest options, lauded by the World Health Organization as a longevity-boosting habit. The Mediterranean diet not only nourishes the body but also shields it from heart disease, high blood pressure, and skin cancer.

Obesity is a pressing concern in developed countries, primarily driven by the ubiquity of high-calorie foods. Vally urges individuals to achieve a healthy weight, as obesity is linked to an array of health issues and psychological distress. Regular physical activity is another crucial component of a healthier life. It offers benefits like chronic illness prevention, stress reduction, and improved mental health. Moreover, strength training and compound exercises can significantly contribute to an increased lifespan.

Vally advises against smoking and vaping due to their association with numerous health risks. Quitting, he states, can lead to immediate benefits. Alongside physical health, he underscores the significance of social connections and psychological health. Loneliness correlates with an increased risk of early death and various diseases, emphasizing the importance of fostering and maintaining relationships for a healthier life.

As we enter 2024, it is crucial to prioritize our health and lifestyle choices. By opting for healthier diets, regular physical activity, maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding harmful habits like smoking, and nurturing our social connections, we can shape our path towards a longer, healthier life.

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Longevity Shaped by Lifestyle Choices, Says Hassan Vally - BNN Breaking

Recommendation and review posted by G. Smith