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Posted: December 11, 2012 at 1:42 am

Kombucha Rejuvelac Enemas by Jordan Blaikie Liver Flush Man Kombucha rejuvelac enema #39;s for health and longevity. These fermented drinks contain beneficial friendly bacteria for the intestines creating healthy intestinal flora. Over 60% of the immune system is located in the intestines so maintaining a healthy intestinal tract keeps the immune system strong and vibrant. Kombucha rejuvelac are not only refreshing drinks but when taking as enemas instead of orally these drinks can have 10 times the healing effects on the body and intestinal system. Fermented drinks have anti-cancerous properties as they maintain the health of the immune system. Sincerely, Jordan Blaikie Liver Flush ManFrom:LiverFlushManViews:0 0ratingsTime:09:03More inHowto Style

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Recommendation and review posted by G. Smith