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Fringe Review: Bishops, Blondes and Bullets

Posted: October 28, 2012 at 7:45 am

Must every time the phrase "The Bullet That Saved the World" is uttered be in reference to a blonde Bishop? It seems a bit unfair that the entire fate of the world weighs upon the shoulders of the Dunham line, and perhaps solely because of what was done to it at the hands of Walter Bishop, but it would be difficult at this point to make a case against it.

The Team Doubts Broyles

It was the proverbial game-changer episode, as was hinted in the set interview with Joshua Jackson in September. The season was fairly lackluster up to this point, and it was an aggressive move. Sadly, the Bishop clan is rarely torn asunder by catastrophe, but instead their resolve is recharged and it's a signal to viewers that anyone in their way better hold tight because there will be hell to pay. The first time they were faced with this situation, when we weren't looking, they had hope. This time, there is only vengeance.

To ensure the most pain was received by the death blow, there were some meaningful moments between parents and child. We learned how Etta found the bullet necklace and why she wore it. She didn't fully understand its meaning, but knew enough that if it was retained it was for a purpose far greater than she could comprehend.

Seeing Broyles was great. Considering how difficult his life must have been over the past 21 years, they aged him subtly. Was anybody else confused by the original conversation between Broyles and Windmark? Twenty one years of studying the resistance and the Observers had no idea about the original Fringe team and the members that created it? That made no sense.

Were they so certain of their success that they erased the images of their foes from two decades earlier? If so, then that arrogance might hold the key to their defeat. It turned out Broyles didn't know that Windmark knew all along he had been friends with the original Fringe team.

Wasn't it wonderful to see Broyles and the group back together again? If only Astrid could have been there. Etta also got to see, so briefly, their two worlds touch. For mere minutes the team Etta had heard of for years was together again as they spoke about the plan. What a shame that it was the last reunion she would encounter. 

Not only was it an obvious sensational ploy for Peter to buy her the necklace on the very day she died, but also for the Observer in the pawn shop to read his reasons for buying it and for Windmark to want to understand why they would out themselves for something so inconsequential.

Naturally, Etta chose the most dramatic way possible for Windmark to interpret the meaning of love; by reading her. The one thing she had spent a lifetime hiding she allowed just moments before her death. Clutching her mother’s bullet in one hand and covering her wound in the other, Etta found herself destroyed by love. 

Olivia died inside. Her eyes went cold. You could see it happen. If there is a God, the Observers had better start praying, because Olivia will do nothing to stop now. She had her daughter ripped from her hands once, and didn’t know if she was alive or dead. This time she’s certain. There will be hell to pay.

The bitch of it is it will be hard to outsmart someone who can be at death’s door one second and out of harms way the next. Olivia, and her past with cortexiphan, has to be the ticket, together with Walter’s plan.  It will be interesting to see whether Peter blames himself for Etta's death since the Observer grabbed the image of Etta from his head.

If so, it could play out the opposite of the first time Etta "died." Olivia determinedly searching for a way to bring down her daughter's killers, while Peter second-guesses his choices in fear of what he might let on since the Observers can so easily read his mind. 

The Bishop family story is tragic from beginning to end. Even if they find some peace by saving the world, the tragedy will remain.

Other Thoughts:

  • I've been wondering where Lance Reddick and Blair Brown stood the season. if the special appearance designation is any indication they won't be on many episodes.  The only positive to Etta dying is that it might free up salary and space within the scripts.
  • Etta left the plan in Broyles hands. Will it be safe with him with Windmark onto his meeting, and knowing he can probably hide his feelings?
  • If this is really a three chapter final season, I can't even stand to think what the third chapter will bring.
  • Do you think they will take a chance and go back to the re-ambered lab, or was that the last we've seen of the former Harvard University? 


Recommendation and review posted by G. Smith