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Coming All the Way Down (Day 345 – Jens) – Video

Posted: December 11, 2012 at 1:42 am

Coming All the Way Down (Day 345 - Jens)
He was older than the ground upon which he walked, his beard trailing behind him like a grey snake with five tails, each tail being a braid as thick as the arm of a five year old child. He did not hobble or lean on a stick, but walked proudly, al-bight slightly hunched at the shoulders, his keen eyes having not a hint of cloudiness in them as he looked out at the world through which he walked. Children and grown-ups alike recognized him and always had, for he had remained unchanged in their eyes for as long as they could remember, be they three, thirty-three or ninety-three years of age. Many asked him for the secret of his longevity and he would always smile a kind smile, look them straight in the eyes and tell them to be true to themselves and never give in to any kind of temptation if anything within them, even the tiniest of tinglings, was against it. The music was a quick idea that I made in GarageBand. It took about 5 minutes 🙂 This video is one of the tools for an open-source physical-theatre project by Jens Bäckvall and Christian Adelhorst Rossil. Every day in 2012, we will create a small movement or other idea for the stage with a minimum length of 10 seconds. This will be filmed and uploaded. The uploads are not meant as finished material, but are sketches for possible further work. Every video and the things done in them are open-source, meaning that anyone may copy, use or be inspired by the videos and movements and use them in any way they want to. All that ...From:2473652012Views:0 0ratingsTime:01:12More inEntertainment

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Coming All the Way Down (Day 345 - Jens) - Video

Recommendation and review posted by G. Smith