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Category Archives: Veganism

What Is a Vegan Diet.. And Is It Healthier? – SWAAY – SWAAY

Veganism has been around for decades now, and yet it is only just emerging as a mainstream dietary trend rather than remaining as an incredibly niche concern.

So what are the rules of being a vegan and is it a diet worth adopting from a health perspective? Lets delve into the details and take a closer look.

The good news about becoming a vegan is that the diet you follow has only one main restriction, which is that you cannot eat any kind of animal product.

There are several main motivations that might make someone decide to be vegan, chief amongst which is a desire to avoid the exploitation of animals in any form. More and more people are choosing veganism for environmental reasons as well, since producing plant-based foods can be far more eco-friendly than those using animal products.

By moving away from animal products in favor of a diet replete with fruits and vegetables, vegans are able to significantly increase their intake of a number of nutrients which might otherwise be at lower levels overall.

While the specific nutritional benefits you glean will depend on the types of plants you eat, in general you can expect this diet to be higher in fiber and antioxidants, in addition to providing more key vitamins such as A, C and E, amongst other things.

This sounds good in principle, but you also need to make sure that you plan any vegan diet appropriately so that you can get the right balance of nutrients, and not miss out on some crucial ones. For example, vegan diets can be lacking in calcium and vitamin D, so it may be necessary to make tweaks and even take supplements to support this diet if you are looking for convenience.

Perhaps the most appealing health benefit of moving towards a vegan diet is that it could help you to lose weight. Cutting out meat and dairy eliminates a lot of the more harmful fats from the table, and plant-based products tend to have lower calorie counts, meaning you need to eat more if you want to get the same amount of energy.

This has the added perk of meaning that a vegan diet can leave you feeling full and satisfied after a hearty meal, while still allowing you to lose weight because it will be less calorific.

Lastly, veganism has been associated with a lower risk of common diseases and ailments, including certain cancers, as well as heart disease and even arthritis.

If you are not yet ready to go full vegan, taking steps to cut down on the amount of animal products in your diet can give you access to many of these benefits as well.

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Anti-vaxxers are pretending to be vegan to avoid potential vaccine regulations in the workplace – Euronews

Anti-vaxxers in the UK have started to declare themselves vegans on social media, in a bid to avoid any potential compulsory vaccines.

A Twitter thread from the Telegraph stated that companies could not force employees to get the COVID-19 vaccine if they were vegan. The paper cites legal experts who argue that vegans' beliefs are protected by employment law, after a 2020 tribunal concluded that ethical veganism was a protected status.

Because the COVID-19 vaccine has been tested on animals - a legal requirement in the UK and many other countries - some ethical vegans may decide not to get jabbed.

Last week 'veganism' began trending on Twitter, as anti-vax conspiracy theorists joked that they would "become" vegan in order to avoid having to get the vaccine.

Currently, only a handful of companies are requiring that staff be double vaccinated before they return to the office - but it is expected that more organisations will follow suit. Some government ministers have lent their support to companies wishing to enact this policy, while emphasising that vaccines will never be made mandatory by law.

The right-wing political activist and former actor Laurence Fox was among those claiming to be vegan on Twitter. Fox has been a frequent agitator during the COVID-19 pandemic, urging members of the public to break public health guidelines.

After declaring himself vegan, he added, "I will only eat plant-based food and medium-rare sirloin steaks. And chicken, pork scratchings and salami."

However, vegan and animal rights activist groups have countered this social media stir by encouraging all people - including vegans - to get the vaccine if eligible. Their argument is that though the drugs have been tested on animals, this is a legal requirement in many places.

So activists are urging people to take the vaccine, and then channel their energy into campaigning to end mandatory animal testing.

As a scientist working to end animal testing and a vegan, Ill tell you why Ive had both COVID-19 vaccines.

While science is changing, we still live in a world in which companies that make medicines, including vaccines, are required by government agencies to conduct certain tests on animals before they can market their products.

The COVID-19 vaccines made by Pfizer/BioNTech, Oxford/AstraZeneca, and Moderna that have been approved for use in the UK do not contain any animal-derived ingredients - although animal-derived materials may have been used in the production process.

Its possible that future vaccines will contain animal-derived ingredients. An example of such an ingredient is shark squalene an oil derived from the livers of sharks which is sometimes added to make a vaccine better at stimulating an immune response.

But it will only be possible to know whether a future vaccine contains animal-derived ingredients if and when it is approved for use, and by that point, its likely wed be able to opt for a vaccine that doesnt contain them on ethical grounds.

The goal of being vegan and advocating for animal rights is to bring about positive changes for animals. As long as tests on animals are a legal requirement, refusing to take a medicine on ethical grounds will not help the animals who have already been used in tests or spare any the same fate in the future.

What we need is a change in the law so that animals are no longer required to suffer in tests, which is why PETA and our international affiliates are working with government agencies in the UK and abroad to draw attention to the scientific failings of tests on animals and promoting the development, use, and acceptance of modern, non-animal testing methods.

We recently published a strategy for replacing animals in vaccine development and other biomedical research - which people, vegans and non-vegans alike, can support to help urge governments to end animal testing.

Greater investment in animal-free methods would not only allow scientists in the UK to develop better treatments for human diseases, but also help end the almost unimaginable suffering of millions of mice, rats, dogs, primates, rabbits, fish, and other animals in laboratories.

While vaccines are our best way out of this pandemic, we must look at what got us here in the first place. The link between humans treatment of animals and outbreaks of diseases like COVID-19 is something we continue to ignore at our peril.

Humans insatiable demand for meat, eggs, and dairy means that huge numbers of animals are reared in intensive confinement, within conditions that are breeding grounds for new strains of dangerous bacteria and viruses.

In fact, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has calculated that 75 per cent of all new or emerging infectious diseases originated in animals.

But that's not the only way industrial farming is putting our lives at risk.

Globally, animals on farms consume more antibiotics every year than humans do. These drugs are used by farmers to keep animals alive and, sometimes, promote unnatural growth - and now they are making humans sick. Bacteria become resistant to antibiotics as a result of overuse, and this contributes to the emergence of superbugs.

According to a report commissioned by the UK government, the antibiotic-resistance crisis is predicted to kill one person every three seconds by 2050.

If were to have any chance of preventing future dangerous diseases from emerging and spreading, we must move towards scientific methods, food, clothing, and other products for which no animals are harmed.

So, to prevent animals from suffering and humans from getting sick or dying of COVID-19, please, get vaccinated and go vegan.

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Anti-vaxxers are pretending to be vegan to avoid potential vaccine regulations in the workplace - Euronews

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New York Is The Best State for Vegan Dating. The Second State Will Shock You. – VegNews

New York is the best state in the United States for vegan dating, according to vegan and vegetarian dating app Veggly. The app recently released new data that shows New York taking the top spot with the highest number of users in relation to population, with 787 users per million.

The second state on the list is Virginia, with the second highest number of users in relation to population at 377 Veggly users for every million people in the state. Following closely behind with 341 users per million is California. The West Coast state also has the most users of any state in the country, with a total of 10,729 Veggly users. The top 10 states for vegan dating also include New Jersey, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, Illinois, and Pennsylvania.

Launched in 2017 in the Apple App store, Veggly is modeled after dating app Tinder and includes similar features such as the ability to like a potential match, and if that person likes you back, you have a Veg-Match and can start chatting. The app also allows users to sort potential matches by distance, new users, and last online status.

In the last two years alone, Veggly has grown rapidly, now reaching over 450,000 global users, including in Canada, Australia, Denmark, Korea, and Spain. Last year, the app reported that its number of members quadrupled from 3,300 to 12,100 in just six months. This growth is due, in part, to vegan volunteers around the world who have helped translate the app into different languages such as Spanish, German, Portuguese, French, Italian, Danish, Korean, and Polish. However, the US still boasts the highest number of Veggly users in one country, with 78,662. The growth in the US alone has doubled since last year.

The Empire State is the best place to be if youre an American vegan looking for love these days. But its not the only placewe are seeing strong growth across the whole country, with many new hotspots popping up, Veggly founder Alex Felipelli said. Its great to see such a wide spread from east to west, and north to south. Even Texas is on the riseit just missed out on the top 10, ranking at number 11 this time, with 187 users per million. If veganism can grow in Texas, it can grow anywhere.

Earlier this year, Veggly announced that the United Kingdom is the best country in the world for vegan dating for a second year in a row with nearly 700 users per million people in the country. The Netherlands is close behind the UK with the second highest number of users in relation to population (601 users per million people). Germany places third thanks to a strong user base of 46,375, which means there are nearly 560 Veggly users per million people in the country. Spain is fourth with a figure of 435 users per million.

Though the US boasts the highest number of Veggly users, it has a much higher population than the UK (328 million vs 67 million), so it scores lower on the ranking list. Meat-centric Brazil has the second most users overall with over 51,000.

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New York Is The Best State for Vegan Dating. The Second State Will Shock You. - VegNews

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Everything You Need To Know About The Vegan Society Controversy – Plant Based News

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Last month, five trustees resigned from The Vegan Society following allegations that the charity is institutionally racist and homophobic.

Eshe Kiama Zuri, Michele Fox, Sally Anderson, Joel Bravette, and Robb Masters resigned from the council.

The Vegan Society is the oldest of its kind in the world. It aims to provide an educational platform that advocates for veganism.

Zuri, who was the organizations Vice Chair, shared their lengthy resignation letter online.

In it, they said they were naive to believe that their time, energy and input would be respected and welcomed.

As a young and multiply marginalised trustee, being Black, queer, disabled and working class, I brought a perspective to council that challenged not just trustees as individuals, they said, but also the systemic racism and oppression that exists in any organisation set up without any time taken to look at diversity or inclusivity and with a hierarchical, patriarchal, and white supremacist structure that certain council members have spent years honing.

They added that The Vegan Society council forces out anyone with different or progressive views, and wished it could run the charity to a 1944 ideal.

I can confidently say that The Vegan Society is not a safe place for young people, for Black people, for Queer people or for any other marginalised people, Zuri continued.

They described the organization as having a hostile work environment from the beginning, which included microaggressions, racially motivated complaints, and a smear campaign. They also reported abuse, threats, and targeted bullying.

Hours after being voted on the council, one trustee said the N-word in conversation to Zuri.

Im not giving up, I have been forced out. I have no choice, they said, later adding they feel broken and disheartened.Former council member Bravette also had his lived experience ignored by the council, his letter said.

And in Ex-Chairman Masters resignation letter, he reported a toxic environment. Masters also reported that transphobia and ableism were common within the council.

The Vegan Society shared a statement online following the resignations.

There has been conflict amongst the Board that we have been working hard to address and it is regrettable that the most recent resignations were received the day before a planned mediation session, the charity wrote. It also wished them well for their future endeavours.

In their letter, Zuri confirmed they did not want to go through a mediation to avoid reliving difficult experiences.

The Vegan Society continued: As with many charities, The Vegan Society has a number of challenges that we must address as we evolve into an even more diverse and inclusive organisation.

This is something we are actively working on, supported by respected external ED&I consultants, and our commitment is to foster an inclusive environment for all of our staff, trustees, members, and supporters.

In February 2021, the society commissioned Ijeoma Omambala QC to investigate Zuri and Masters alleged inappropriate behavior.

In summary, the council claimed Zuri had shared racist comments online, and that Masters had enabled discriminatory behavior.

In the report, Omambala said:I do not uphold any of the complaints brought against [Masters]. There is no evidence to suggest that [Masters] has acted unlawfully or in breach of his obligations as a Trustee or as Chair of the Society.

The report continued: I make clear that I do not criticise the fact that [Zuri] expressed frustration, disappointment and anger with The Vegan Society in those posts.

It is the means of expression the language used that I consider to be inappropriate and unprofessional given that the posts can readily be related to the Society.

It added that the vast majority of complaints made against Zuri have not been upheld.

It also said that the Society had repeatedly misgendered Zuri referring to them with pronouns they dont use.

The report highlighted nine mitigating factors. These included profound personal animosity towards Zuri and their identity, as well as their stance on various political issues.

It also stated that members of Council criticized Zuri for raising their genuine concerns.

I am satisfied in particular that [Zuris] concerns about their treatment by some Council members and in relation to diversity and inclusivity in the Society were raised in good faith, the report continued.

[Zuri] had previously and appropriately raised concerns about language used by members of Council that raised issues of equality, diversity, and inclusion. These have not been adequately addressed in a timely way, Omambala wrote.

The report revealed that in June 2019, Zuri suggested that Council members complete inclusivity and diversity training. The council did not see the proposal through.

Further, the report stated that the council is not equipped to have mature and constructive conversations on diversity and inclusion matters; nor is it able to deal effectively with challenges to prevailing orthodoxies.

The report made 15 recommendations for The Vegan Society. These included adopting a written procedure for processing complaints against trustees, as well as implementing appropriate policies and procedures that protect those who whistle-blow.

Further, Omambala recommended that The Vegan Society work quickly and positively to handle relationship breakdowns with external facilitation.

In June 2020, The Vegan Society shared a post about the Black Lives Matter movement. The charity pledged to do better.

We will be working towards these aims: amplifying BAME [Black, Asian, and minority ethnic] vegan voices on our platforms, hiring more BAME staff, including in positions of authority.

The society said it will recognize BAME excellence within the vegan community, reach out to BAME communities to offer support, and provide BAME vegans with access to its Vegan Society Grant program. The program, which originated in 2013, funds small to medium-sized grassroots not-for-profit organizations that encourage people to go vegan.

The Vegan Society said at the time it acknowledges that organizations must not just post their support but to act on it too.

A spokesperson from The Vegan Society spoke with The Vegan Review about the controversy in July 2021 after the resignations. They said that since the Black Lives Matter post, the organization has hired one Black, two Indian, and three mixed-race people.

We are actively trying to increase diversity in our organization and encourage applications from all sections of the community. We will offer an automatic interview to all candidates who meet our essential criteria and who identify as from an under-represented race or ethnicity or as deaf, neurodiverse, or living with disability, the spokesperson said.

The Vegan Society as an organization values equality, diversity, and inclusion. We want to be an organization that tackles any structural discrimination or prejudice The society has also proactively provided its platforms and campaigns to amplify the voices and recognise the excellence of a diverse range of vegans, including Black vegans.

The society proactively reached out to relevant groups to support access to its Engaging New Audiences grants programme, and has received 39 applications so far following that outreach.

*Updated August 6, 2021 at 12:50pm BST*

This article was updated to clarify the dates of the report release. Further details have been included based on feedback from the involved parties.

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Gordon Ramsay Just Dropped a Crispy Vegan Bacon Recipe on TikTok. And It’s So Easy to Make. – VegNews

World renowned chef Gordon Ramsaywho was previously a critic of veganismrecently shared a new recipe for vegan bacon on TikTok. In the TikTok video, the bacon is made in three stages. First, Ramsay whisks together a marinade of granulated garlic, nutritional yeast, paprika, cayenne pepper, maple syrup, soy sauce, sriracha, and vegan butter. A few spoonfuls are mixed into a bowl of crumbled tofu. Then, Ramsay cuts strips of rice paper that are dipped into the marinade and placed on a baking pan. A few spoonfuls of the crumbled tofu are then sprinkled on each strip of rice paper, covered with another strip, and then pressed together. After baking in the oven, the rice paper appears crispy and oilysimilar to traditional animal-based baconas the crumbled tofu between the two layers of rice paper acts as the bacon fat while it is baking.

The TikTok video goes on to use the vegan bacon to make a vegan BLT sandwich. Ramsay spreads vegan basil aioli on toasted bread, tops it with lettuce, tomato, the vegan bacon, avocado, and another slice of toasted bread. Im turning vegan, Ramsay says at the end of the video, for lunch.

In recent years, Ramsay has made himself out to be one of the biggest critics of veganism. He would frequently joke about vegans and once stated that he was allergic to them. But in 2018, the chef added a vegan Charred Aubergine Pizza to his Gordon Ramsay Street Pizza restaurant (now called Bread Street Kitchen) in London. At the time, he shared a photo of the new menu item on Twitter with the caption: Going to give this #vegan thing a try.

After receiving positive feedback from fans about the new vegan dish, Ramsay continued to experiment with plant-based cooking. In January 2019, he implemented a full plant-based menu at his restaurant in celebration of Veganuaryan annual challenge that promotes veganism and encourages people to go vegan for the month of January. Ramsays Veganuary menu featured pumpkin soup dotted with truffle oil, a superfood salad, risotto made with wild mushrooms, eggplant-topped pizza, and a selection of desserts ranging from chocolate avocado mousse to banana-based ice cream. The chef also created a vegan version of his famed Beef Wellington using beets instead of meat.

In 2019, Ramsays vegan take on the traditional British Sunday Roast grabbed the attention of famed vegan hater and Good Morning Britain host Piers Morgan. When Ramsay tweeted a photo of the vegan Sunday Roast, Morgan commented: Oh, for f*cks sake, Ramsay not you, as well? This looks utterly revolting. Not long after, Ramsay set Morgan straight during an appearance on the Late Late Show with James Cordon. So, Piers Morgan is now a food critic? Go and f*ck yourself, Ramsay said. Heres the thing veganism is on the rise and we ought to adapt and yeah, eat a slice of humble pie.

Earlier this year, Ramsay took his newfound love of the plant-based lifestyle one step further by welcoming the first vegan contestant, Josie Clemens, to the most recent season of his cooking reality show, Hells Kitchen.

Ramsay also recently became an ambassador for a new campaign by vegan brand Silk to promote its oat milk. The G.O.A.T. campaign promotes Silks oat milk as the Greatest of All Time (G.O.A.T.) milk and features celebrity ambassadors who are the G.O.A.T. in their own right. Ramsay, who was named the G.O.A.T. of Yelling in Kitchens, took to social media to promote the campaign. Well, it took my kids getting on me, but now I really enjoy cooking more plant-based dishes at home and in my restaurants, Ramsay said. Let me tell you, I know greatness when I taste it, and I am loving Silk Oatmilk for both sweet and savory recipes.

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Gordon Ramsay Just Dropped a Crispy Vegan Bacon Recipe on TikTok. And It's So Easy to Make. - VegNews

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NBA’s No. 1 Draft Pick Cade Cunningham Reveals That He is Vegan – The Beet

Oklahoma State University's Cade Cunningham isthis year's NBA top draft pick, going first overall afterthe Detroit Pistons drafted him.The rising athlete spoke with ESPN about what he does to maximize his athletic ability, revealing that he went vegan in high school to experiment with how this dietary change would impact his performance. Initially, Cunningham decided to adopt the plant-based diet as a test, but the positive results inspired him to make the change permanent.

I think, bigger than anything, I just wanted to try something new for my body and see how my body reacted to it, he said. So, once I tried it, I did it for two weeks, Cunningham said, explaining how he ate at McDonalds during the 2019 FIBA World Cup and then realized he couldnt eat animal products again. We werent accustomed to the food that we had out there. So, I started back eating burgers and things, [but] on that trip, I told myself, Im going back to vegan, and Im sticking to it.

Cunningham decided to take his veganism to the next step: After years of plant-based eating, the basketball star is sponsoring JUST Eggs mung bean-based vegan egg replacement. The new NBA athlete is promoting a plant-based menu item using the JUST Egg Folded at Detroits famous FOLK Cafe. The Cade Stack will debut at the restaurants Corktown location this August. The limited-time offer will feature the JUST Egg Folded topped with shakshuka cheese sauce, Rosemary potato chips, greens, lettuce leaf basil, and served on a plant-based Zingermans country bread.

Cunningham is not the first superstar athlete to announce their vegan diet, citing that the plant-based shift helps enhance performance rather than limit it. Kyrie Irving also adopts a plant-based diet in 2017 during his time playing for the Boston Celtics. He claims at the time that he could attribute the teams 13-game winning streak to his plant-based. The Celtics player also became an ambassador for Beyond Meat, spearheading the Go Beyond campaign.

This year, Brooklyn Nets player DeAndre Jordan debuted his vegan cooking show, Cooking Clean, airing on PlayerTV. The vegan athlete chose to drop animal products to improve his nutritional intake, enhance his playing ability, and reduce his environmental impact. Jordan is a vocal advocate for the benefits of veganism for the individual and the planet.

Recently, JaVale McGee partnered with vegan company Outstanding Foods for its #HellaHotChallenge campaign. The campaign challenged fans to eat the spicy Hella Hot Oustanding Puffs without reaching for water or flinching. The Denver Nuggets star went vegan in 2016 to help his athletic ability and improve his health. The partnership also highlighted McGees JUGLIFE organization that helps bring clean water to communities suffering from water shortages.

NBA's No. 1 Draft Pick Cade Cunningham Reveals That He is Vegan - The Beet

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