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Review of HGH & Sermorelin Injections for Weight Loss …

Home HGH Therapy Sermorelin Review of Injectable HGH & Sermorelin Acetate for Weight Loss & Muscle Gain (Includes Dosage Protocol)

Last Updated: Mar 28, 2018 @ 4:42 am

Youve probably heard about the muscle gain / weight loss therapies that base their claims on the effects human Growth hormone (HGH) can have on the body.

The theory is that HGH promotes muscle development and reduces the bodys fat storage, therefore enhancing weight loss and bodybuilding efforts.

But does it really work, or is HGH therapy just another fad?

That is the question we are going to explore in this article and we will leave no stone unturned.

HGH is a naturally occurring hormone produced by the pituitary gland and its function is to fuel growth and development. It boosts the bodys natural ability to rebuild tissue, promotes muscle growth, stimulates brain function, boosts energy and regulates the metabolism.

The levels of HGH in the human body are highest when we are teenagers. As we age, the body begins to produce less HGH. Studies have shown that those who are overweight tend to have lower than average HGH levels. Could this HGH deficiency be the cause of obesity? And if so, will hGH injections for weight loss be an effective therapy?

In 1990, the New England Journal of Medicine published the results of a study in which HGH injections were administered to adults. The results were convincing: subjects showed an average of 8.8% in muscle gain and 14% loss of body fat. Needless to say, the results of this study were somewhat controversial with many critics citing the potentially negative effects of HGH injections. However, and additional study published in 1999 by the US National Institutes of health combined HGH with calorie restrictions with similar results.

However, the fact remains that the physiological processes promoted by HGH would promote muscle gain and weight loss. Heres how:

Human Growth Hormone causes the liver to secrete a hormone known as IGF-1. The metabolic effects of this hormone are well-known. Stored fat in the form of triglycerides are broken down and converted into energy. There is less translocation of sugars from the bloodstream into cells and the body retains less sodium, phosphates and water. Many overweight people actually suffer more from water retention than excessive fat storage. Another beneficial effect of HGH is the stimulation of protein production hence its muscle building reputation. In fact, HGH use is banned in the Olympic Games and other athletic events for exactly this reason.

HGH can definitely boost weight loss and promote muscle development, but there are some additional benefits too.

At this point having learnt about hGH for weight loss, you may be wondering Where can I get HGH injections? So far, everything sounds too good to be true, so whats the catch? Here it is: using HGH injections for weight loss or bodybuilding has several associated health risks. By injecting HGH rather than letting the pituitary gland do its job, you experience unnaturally high levels of HGH. You can definitely have too much of a good thing, and side effects of HGH weight loss injections include:

HGH injections side effects can be pretty dangerous at worst, uncomfortable at best. Even if you decide that all these risks are worth taking, you will have difficulty in obtaining HGH for fat loss. It is a controlled substance and because of the risk factors, doctors will not give you prescription HGH.

You might think its a good idea to buy HGH injections online from some site that offers Human Growth Hormone for sale. Its not legal. Getting it on the black market means you could be getting anything -not necessarily HGH at all and you run the risk of falling foul of the law. Even supposing you can get hold of it, you will certainly pay a small fortune for a course of HGH online or anywhere else. The bottom line is: dont buy injectable HGH. But there is still some good news, Sermorelin Acetate offers an excellent alternative. Read on to find out more!

We have already ascertained that injecting yourself with HGH is extremely risky, expensive and inadvisable, but theres more than one way to achieve any end. If you want to boost your HGH levels, you can also do it by stimulating your pituitary gland to produce more HGH. You may be asking yourself if thats not exactly the same as directly injecting HGH. It isnt. Heres the science behind this idea.

Sermorelin Acetate is not a growth hormone. It is a growth hormone-releasing hormone or GHRH. It gets to work on the pituitary gland which in turn releases more HGH. So far so good, but why is it a healthier approach than HGH injections and how does Sermorelin work?

Simply put, your endocrine system will simply not allow your pituitary gland to produce too much HGH. You cannot end up with an overdose. The concentration of HGH will remain within healthy parameters.

The connections between sermorelin, bodybuilding, weight loss and HGH are already known. However, the cost and the risks are high. By encouraging the body to produce its own HGH, Sermorelin injections offer a safe way to take advantage of the benefits of HGH while eliminating the risks of overdosing and reducing the chances of side-effects.

The bodybuilding community has a lot to say about the benefits of Sermorelin, but many of these users confuse Sermorelin with steroids. There is a big difference. Using steroids is dangerous and unhealthy and results in massive hormone imbalances in the body. Sermorelin has none of these effects.

Admittedly, using Sermorelin hGH therapy is banned in athletics because it is felt that the increased muscle and endurance it imparts amounts to an unfair advantage, but if youre not a competitive athlete, unfair advantages become perfectly fair!

Do you want extra energy and endurance? Why not? Would you like your body to burn more fat? Absolutely! Do you want your muscles to recover faster and bulk up quicker? Why not? Best of all, youre doing it by using your bodys natural ability to synthesize enough, but not too much growth hormone. Sermorelin, bodybuilding and weight loss go hand in hand.

Weight loss is all about burning fat. If your HGH levels are low, your body is more inclined to hang onto fat and as we age, we have a higher percentage of body fat compared to lean muscle. Thats because our HGH levels decrease after our teens and continue to do so throughout our lifespan.

By boosting our HGH levels naturally, we persuade our bodies that extra fat storage is unnecessary and that fat should be burned to give us energy. This extra energy can be applied to extra exercise which in turn burns even more fat. The result is an exponential increase in our ability to shed those extra kilograms.

Sure, you can lose a lot of weight by crash-dieting, but since most of the weight you lose will consist of muscle, youre not doing yourself any favors. As if that werent enough, crash dieting makes the body think that it had better store away some extra fat as soon as it can in case you start starving yourself again. You end the diet and what happens? Massive weight gain!

Sermorelin for weight loss allows you to lose weight naturally. Your body isnt ringing any alarm bells, in fact, its healthier and stronger than ever before. You lose weight and it stays off.

Because Sermorelin promotes HGH secretion by the pituitary gland, you will experience all the benefits of HGH without any of the dangers associated with injecting HGH. These benefits include positive effects on:

Your endocrine system regulates itself, so youll never have too much and your pituitary gland gets used to producing more HGH rather than being suppressed. In simple terms, you experience the rejuvenating effects of HGH in a safe and cost-effective way.

It is always best to be guided by your prescribing health care professional when determining how much Sermorelin you should take. As a general guideline, a commonly prescribed Sermorelin dosing protocol is 3-9mg per month broken up into daily 100-300mcg shots. Recommended bodybuilding and weight loss dosages are generally the same for men and women since human growth hormone is produced at similar amounts in both sexes.

When adding GHRP-2 or GHRP-6 to the mix for added performance benefits, prescribed dosages also commonly range between 100-300mcg per daily injection. Your health care practitioner may recommend less or more depending on your individual circumstances so it is always best to follow the instructions you are given by them.

As for Sermorelin cycle length, studies have shown that the greatest benefits from hGH replacement therapy occur 6-12 months after continuous treatment. But once again, you should be guided by your doctor as to the optimal cycle length for your needs.

When you are ready to begin using Sermorelin, a decision that often needs to be made is whether or not to add GHRP-2 and/or GHRP-6 to your hGH replacement therapy protocol. This is a decision which is best made via consultation with the doctor prescribing the peptides for you.

They will likely take into account your individual goals to determine which is the better option for you. For example, Sermorelin on its own is excellent for anti-aging benefits such as increasing energy, strengthening joints and connective tissue, healthier hair, skin and nails and improving general muscle tone and weight loss efforts.

The Sermorelin/ GHRP-6 / GHRP-2 blend on the other hand is likely to more powerfully improve growth hormones levels so may be more suitable for individuals who want to trim down but also add muscle bulk (as opposed to just toning existing muscle).

The answer to this questions is obvious: its safer, its more natural and it wont cost you an absolute fortune. In addition, you can get Sermorelin Acetate from a reputable pharmacy provided you have a doctors prescription. Once thats done, you can experience all the Sermorelin results without the synthetic HGH risks. The Sermorelin cost and safety are the primary deciding factors.

We have already looked at some of the dangerous side effects of HGH when it is administered directly. We know that Sermorelin is less dangerous, but what are the specific Sermorelin side effects?

Compared to HGH, these are very mild. You may have some pain, swelling or redness at the injection site and a few people experience headaches, flushed skin, dizziness, hyperactivity or sleepiness. You could also get hives, a temporary skin rash. Not everybody experiences these side-effects in fact very few people do and none of the side-effects presents a serious danger to your health.

You only have to compare the side effects listed for each of these treatments, HGH and Sermorelin, on to see what a marked difference there is and that Sermorelin is the better, safer option.

Not all doctors support the use of Sermorelin for weight loss and muscle building. However, you can get medical support online and if the doctor believes that Sermorelin might work for you, he/she will supply you with a prescription that allows a US pharmacy to ship the treatment directly to you.

Your telemedicine provider (online doctor) will not sell any products directly to you that way, you know that he or she has no vested interests in selling any product and you can buy Sermorelin injections (Performance Peptides) without having to worry about scams.

Let the buyer beware: You can buy Sermorelin online, but if anyone tries to sell you Sermorelin without a prescription, theyre probably not selling Sermorelin at all!

Check out the supplier we recommend for US pharmacy made Sermorelin

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Review of HGH & Sermorelin Injections for Weight Loss ...

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Sermorelin vs HCG for Weight Loss – Nu Image Medical

Last week we discussed the differences between HGH and HCG for weight loss, however we didn't discuss Sermorelin vs HCG for weight loss and how this HGH stimulating peptide is different. Sermorelin is a HGH secretagogue, or a peptide that causes the body to naturally release its own HGH. This way, the HGH that is produced is natural and there are no concerns about the purity of the actual hormone since it is produced by the body. Sermorelin causes a gradual rise in HGH production after being injected for several weeks at a time. Sermorelin directly causes the body to create its own HGH, while the hormone HGH itself is often injected for the purpose of weight loss and anti-aging. Sermorelin and HGH have different effects on the body, and Sermorelin has become a popular anti-aging treatment that also has some weight loss gains. However, between Sermorelin and HCG, HCG is still the better hormone for weight loss for reasons explained below.

HCG is the most widely used and effective hormone for the specific purpose of weight loss. It is clinically proven to assist with weight loss on a very low calorie diet. Most people try Sermorelin therapy for the purpose of anti-aging, and it has a wide range of positive effects on the body. Weight loss is certainly possible with Sermorelin therapy but it is rarely the primary goal of the treatment. The usual primary goal of Sermorelin injections is to replace any reduced HGH levels that are the result of aging or other causes. Sermorelin can result in a moderate amount of weight loss but it often needs to be combined with exercise and a healthy diet, and it can be much more difficult to lose weight with Sermorelin alone compared to HGH.

Unlike the HCG diet, there is no specific Sermorelin diet that will optimize the weight loss potential of the treatment. Sermorelin results in weight loss when administered as a treatment over a long period of time. The weight loss that normally results is usually around 5 to 10 pounds after several months of treatment, usually four to six months. This assumes very little to no exercise. The HCG diet on the other hand is designed to help the body lose as much weight as possible by maximizing the effectiveness of the hormone. The diet avoids specific foods that can cause an interaction with the hormone, and it was developed through clinical research. There is no such protocol for Sermorelin outside of general guidelines for eating healthy and exercising on a regular basis.

As previously mentioned, weight loss is only a side benefit of Sermorelin therapy, and the amount of weight loss will vary dramatically from one person to another. In general, the weight loss that Sermorelin can offer is very limited. It is a good treatment for many people who are HGH deficient, and it is a good way to maintain a healthy weight when combined with a healthy diet and exercise. However, HCG is far better for the purpose of losing a large amount of weight in a short period of time. HCG can realistically cause up to 40 pounds of weight loss in just six weeks when combined with the very low calorie diet protocol. It has been proven time and time again to be one of the best weight loss treatments in the world, and for patients who intend to lose weight there is simply no other hormone or treatment that will work better in the vast majority of cases.

When combined with exercise, Sermorelin is great for maintaining a healthy weight. The loss of HGH that occurs with aging is correlated with an increase in body fat and a decrease in muscle mass. The loss of HGH also slows down the body's fat metabolism, which is why it is easier to put on weight as we start to age and harder to lose it. Sermorelin helps with all of that and more. It helps restore a more youthful metabolism, so that the food you do eat isn't converted into fat as easily. It also helps with improving muscle mass which in turn burns more calories when you are sedentary, and it helps burn abnormal fat that you already have. In general, it's a great option for aging adults to help them maintain their weight.

Sermorelin is also proven to be effective at helping adults restore a more normal sleep cycle. An abnormal sleep cycle and insomnia are both associated with weight gain. People who stay up for longer periods of time are more likely to eat to stay alert or out of boredom, and many sleep disorders and problems are associated with weight gain. Sermorelin has been reported to help adults improve their sleep within just days of starting the treatment, and by getting higher quality sleep and more sleep, it can be easier to maintain a healthy weight. Most adults need a minimum of 7 hours of sleep per night to be adequately rested, and if you are an aging adult with weight to lose as well as sleep problems, you may definitely want to consider starting Sermorelin therapy.

You will only lose a very small amount of weight on Sermorelin therapyunless you exercise regularly. One of the main benefits of taking Sermorelin is the fact that you will recover more quickly from your workouts, and you will build more muscle than you would without the treatment. Just as a young person can exercise while maintaining a high energy level, Sermorelin can help improve your energy levels when you are working out and help your body get more out of your workouts. The result is that your body will respond better to physical activity. To really see significant weight loss results with the therapy you do have to exercise regularly. However, exercise is definitely not a requirement for the HCG diet and as a result it is often more convenient for patients, especially those with a lot of pounds to lose.

A main benefit of the HCG diet is that it never requires exercise for weight loss and it works fast. Anyone who wants to lose weight as quickly as possible should consider starting the HCG diet. Once the diet has been completed, if the patient has a HGH deficiency, it can easily be corrected with Sermorelin therapy and it should. Although HCG is better for weight loss than Sermorelin, Sermorelin is often necessary for many patients who have a small to significant HGH deficiency. It offers a great way for patients to maintain a youthful metabolism, lose a few pounds, put on more muscle and get more out of their workouts, but the HCG diet offers the fastest way to lose weight in the shortest period of time.

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Sermorelin vs HCG for Weight Loss - Nu Image Medical

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Sermorelin Acetate Cost, Review of Benefits and Comparison …

hGH Replacement Therapy has been a popular Anti-Aging and performance enhancing treatment since as early as 1990, but unfortunately, use of hGH does not come without risks.

Sermorelin acetate has become a popular alternative as it enables you to obtain the benefits of hGH Therapy, without the associated risks.

This article looks more closely at Sermorelin injections as a hGH alternative.

To begin with, it is a good idea to have an understanding of what sermorelin acetate is and what role it plays when administered via injection. Scientifically sermorelin acetate is referred to as growth hormone releasing factor 129 NH2-acetate, this is because it is a peptide which contains the first 29 amino acids that make up growth hormone produced in our bodies.

This contributes to sermorelins function as a growth hormone secretagogue (a substance which causes another substance to be secreted Wikipedia) in this case, the substance whose secretion is promoted is growth hormone. For this reason, sermorelin is often also referred to as an hGH stimulator and is considered an excellent alternative to hGH.

One important thing to understand about Sermorelin is that it promotes healthy function of the pituitary (the gland responsible for our bodys production of hGH) during the aging process. This is a far cry from aggressive administration of hGH which can, in fact, negatively impact normal pituitary function.

There are many advantages of using sermorelin for hGH replacement therapy rather than hGH itself, both in terms of safety as well as accessibility and sermorelin price.

With regards to safety, it has long been known that administration of hGH is associated with a range of adverse side-effects. These include, but are not limited to, bone and tissue growth abnormalities, diabetes, heart disease and even cancer.

Add to this the possibility of overdose, a shutting down of normal growth hormone production and the possibility of a sudden reduction in response to hGH injections (a phenomenon known as Tachyphylaxis) and you may start to wonder if hGH is worth the risk.

Sermorelin on the other hand, has not been associated with the same long list of side-effects as hGH. Overdose is considered to be very difficult, if not impossible, and administration of sermorelin results in a release of growth hormone more in line with our bodys natural process rather than having consistently high levels as is the case with hGH injections.

Sermorelin peptides do not shut down the bodys own production of hGH but instead supports pituitary function and promotes natural production of hGH. For this reason, increased hGH production is noted for a period even after sermorelin therapy has stopped.

Check out this table comparing Peptide Therapy and hGH

Then there are the safety concerns surrounding use of hGH which arise from its status as a controlled substance. Legally doctors can only prescribe hGH for children with human growth hormone deficiency, medically diagnosed hGH deficiency in adults and individuals with HIV. This makes accessing hGH very difficult and has contributed to the illegal sale of hGH.

As with any illegally produced and purchased drug, the consumer has no way of knowing the quality of drug they are injecting into their body. At best, you may inject inert (and therefore useless) hGH, at worst a lethal cocktail of contamination produced in somebodies garage. And even if you do find what appears to be a reputable seller of hGH outside of the US, import it and you face the legal implications of importing a controlled substance.

Sermorelin, by comparison, is not governed by the same strict laws of medical use and this is largely due to its safety profile. For this reason, sermorelin is much more accessible and is commonly prescribed by doctors in anti-aging and wellness clinics in conjunction with other growth hormone releasing peptides such as GHRP-2 and GHRP-6.

Sermorelin is still a pharmaceutical and therefore a prescription is required to purchase it but there are legitimate online portals which match patients and doctors making it very easy for you to purchase sermorelin and have it delivered to your home.

Another distinct advantage of using sermorelin instead of hGH is cost. hGH typically costs $1000+ per month of treatment, sermorelin is a much more affordable option with 3 months treatment of sermorelin costing significantly less than just one month on hGH.

Check the Cost of 1 Month and 3 Months Supply of Sermorelin

Besides the obvious advantages of sermorelin injections detailed above, you may want to know how you can benefit from using this therapy. Perhaps the easiest way to understand the potential benefits of hGh replacement therapy is to look at the symptoms of hGH decline and the effect hGH replacement has on those symptoms. These are detailed below:

1. Changes in Body Composition

Changes in body composition due to decreasing levels of hGH are reflected by a decrease in lean body mass (muscle) and an increase in fat mass. Correcting hGH levels has been shown to reverse this state by improving muscle mass and reducing fat.

2. Bone Mineral Density

Research indicates that hGH deficiency in adults contributes to a reduction in bone density and therefore increased risk of osteoporosis. It has also been shown that hGH replacement therapy for greater than 12 months results in improved bone mineral density and hence, lower risk of osteoporosis.

3. Muscle Strength

Due to changes in body composition detailed above, muscle strength is understandably compromised. As hGH therapy corrects body composition and improves muscle mass, muscle strength also improves. The best results are gained after 12 months of hGH therapy.

4. Joint Health

By improving bone mineral density and increasing muscle mass and strength, hGH therapy can help to prevent joint deterioration that is a feature of arthritis. Optimal growth hormone levels are also essential for health of connective tissue such as the synovium found in joints.

5. Exercise Performance

Exercise performance is reduced in individuals with growth hormone deficiency. This appears to be partially due to reductions in bone density and muscle mass but also in part due to a reduction in oxygen uptake. hGH therapy for 6 months has been shown to improve exercise performance by improving muscle mass and also oxygen uptake

6. Heart Health

There is evidence of a greater risk of heart disease in individuals with growth hormone deficiency and it has been hypothesized that this is due to a greater propensity to develop premature atherosclerosis (a build-up of plaque inside the arteries which increases risk of heart attack and stroke). Growth hormone deficiency also results in changes in heart size and function. These changes have been demonstrated to be reversed after 6 months hGH therapy.

7. Metabolism

Growth hormone deficiency results in a reduced resting metabolism and replacement therapy reverses this decrease. hGH therapy has also been shown to increase protein synthesis, increase fat oxidation, normalize carbohydrate metabolism and reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol. These favorable effects on metabolism may in part explain some of the other benefits of hGH including improved hearth health and body composition.

8. Skin Thickness

A reduction in skin thickness and all-important skin collagen is another result of growth hormone deficiency. Both conditions are improved by hGH therapy.

9. Immune Function

Although adults with growth hormone deficiency are not normally considered to have a compromised immune system, there is some evidence to suggest that hGH therapy can help regulate immune function.

10. Libido

It has been demonstrated that people with growth hormone deficiency have more difficulty with sexual relationships and reportedly, lower energy levels. Many individuals have found an improvement in energy, libido and sexual performance following hGH therapy, some men even claiming an improvement in problems with premature ejaculation.

11. Quality of Life

Reduced psychological well-being has been reported in individuals with growth hormone deficiency and hGH replacement has resulted in improvements in mood, energy and general feelings of well-being.

As discussed, sermorelin peptides are a pharmaceutical product requiring prescription and purchase from a pharmacy.

There are online portals which can connect you with a physician who specializes in prescribing hGH therapy via phone/internet chat. You can then purchase and be sent the sermorelin via the mail.

This is all done in one easy order that includes the consultation with the prescribing doctor (via phone or internet chat), your hGH replacement therapy and ongoing support all in the upfront sermorelin price.

Beware of websites that offer sermorelin for sale without a prescription. Chances are you are not getting the real deal and could be jeopardizing your health.

Compare Available Sermorelin Programs Here

Sermorelin Acetate Cost, Review of Benefits and Comparison ...

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Sermorelin Aging Therapy Olympia Compounding Pharmacy

Sermorelin Acetate is a growth hormone-releasing hormone that is produced naturally by the human brain to stimulate production and release of growth hormone by the pituitary gland. It stimulates the pituitary gland to naturally produce increased amounts of human growth hormone. The increased volume of human growth hormone (hGH) produced by the pituitary gland causes an increase in the production of Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) by the liver. During youth, ample amounts of GHRH are produced so that the pituitary is able to provide the body with sufficient growth hormone to sustain health, vitality, and growth. During aging, GHRH declines causing a decrease in the secretion of pituitary hGH which leads to growth hormone insufficiency which can erode health & vitality.

Sermorelin Acetate Therapy causes the pituitary gland to increase growth hormone production thereby increasing the livers production of IGF-1.

Sermorelin Acetate is often prescribed as a cost effective alternative to human growth hormone for adults with human growth hormone deficiency as diagnosed by a licensed physician.

Sermorelin therapy has many positive effects and helps restore the energy and vitality from your youth.

Sermorelin Injections

Sermorelin therapy is prescribed as a daily subcutaneous (under the skin) injection, usually done before bed time. The normal dosage range is 200 300mcg per daily injection.

The cost of Sermorelin will range from about $180 per month to $270 per month, depending on dosage.

Sermorelin Acetate is a medication that must be prescribed by a licensed physician. It can be obtained from Olympia Compounding Pharmacy upon order of a licensed physician. We are always happy to work with you and your physician to determine if Sermorelin therapy is right for you.

Once you receive a prescription, or if you have additional questions, call 407.673.2222 or 888.323.7788 today, or complete the contact form to the right for more information.

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Sermorelin Aging Therapy Olympia Compounding Pharmacy

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Sermorelin – Improve hGH Therapy Safety With Peptides

hGH Replacement Therapy has been a popular Anti-Aging and performance enhancing treatment since as early as 1990, but unfortunately, use of hGH does not come without risks.

Sermorelin acetate has become a popular alternative as it enables you to obtain the benefits of hGH Therapy, without the associated risks.

This article looks more closely at Sermorelin injections as a hGH alternative.

To begin with, it is a good idea to have an understanding of what sermorelin acetate is and what role it plays when administered via injection. Scientifically sermorelin acetate is referred to as growth hormone releasing factor 129 NH2-acetate, this is because it is a peptide which contains the first 29 amino acids that make up growth hormone produced in our bodies.

This contributes to sermorelins function as a growth hormone secretagogue (a substance which causes another substance to be secreted Wikipedia) in this case, the substance whose secretion is promoted is growth hormone. For this reason, sermorelin is often also referred to as an hGH stimulator and is considered an excellent alternative to hGH.

One important thing to understand about Sermorelin is that it promotes healthy function of the pituitary (the gland responsible for our bodys production of hGH) during the aging process. This is a far cry from aggressive administration of hGH which can, in fact, negatively impact normal pituitary function.

There are many advantages of using sermorelin for hGH replacement therapy rather than hGH itself, both in terms of safety as well as accessibility and sermorelin price.

With regards to safety, it has long been known that administration of hGH is associated with a range of adverse side-effects. These include, but are not limited to, bone and tissue growth abnormalities, diabetes, heart disease and even cancer.

Add to this the possibility of overdose, a shutting down of normal growth hormone production and the possibility of a sudden reduction in response to hGH injections (a phenomenon known as Tachyphylaxis) and you may start to wonder if hGH is worth the risk.

Sermorelin on the other hand, has not been associated with the same long list of side-effects as hGH. Overdose is considered to be very difficult, if not impossible, and administration of sermorelin results in a release of growth hormone more in line with our bodys natural process rather than having consistently high levels as is the case with hGH injections.

Sermorelin peptides do not shut down the bodys own production of hGH but instead supports pituitary function and promotes natural production of hGH. For this reason, increased hGH production is noted for a period even after sermorelin therapy has stopped.

Check out this table comparing Peptide Therapy and hGH

Then there are the safety concerns surrounding use of hGH which arise from its status as a controlled substance. Legally doctors can only prescribe hGH for children with human growth hormone deficiency, medically diagnosed hGH deficiency in adults and individuals with HIV. This makes accessing hGH very difficult and has contributed to the illegal sale of hGH.

As with any illegally produced and purchased drug, the consumer has no way of knowing the quality of drug they are injecting into their body. At best, you may inject inert (and therefore useless) hGH, at worst a lethal cocktail of contamination produced in somebodies garage. And even if you do find what appears to be a reputable seller of hGH outside of the US, import it and you face the legal implications of importing a controlled substance.

Sermorelin, by comparison, is not governed by the same strict laws of medical use and this is largely due to its safety profile. For this reason, sermorelin is much more accessible and is commonly prescribed by doctors in anti-aging and wellness clinics in conjunction with other growth hormone releasing peptides such as GHRP-2 and GHRP-6.

Sermorelin is still a pharmaceutical and therefore a prescription is required to purchase it but there are legitimate online portals which match patients and doctors making it very easy for you to purchase sermorelin and have it delivered to your home.

Another distinct advantage of using sermorelin instead of hGH is cost. hGH typically costs $1000+ per month of treatment, sermorelin is a much more affordable option with 3 months treatment of sermorelin costing significantly less than just one month on hGH.

Check the Cost of 1 Month and 3 Months Supply of Sermorelin

Besides the obvious advantages of sermorelin injections detailed above, you may want to know how you can benefit from using this therapy. Perhaps the easiest way to understand the potential benefits of hGh replacement therapy is to look at the symptoms of hGH decline and the effect hGH replacement has on those symptoms. These are detailed below:

1. Changes in Body Composition

Changes in body composition due to decreasing levels of hGH are reflected by a decrease in lean body mass (muscle) and an increase in fat mass. Correcting hGH levels has been shown to reverse this state by improving muscle mass and reducing fat.

2. Bone Mineral Density

Research indicates that hGH deficiency in adults contributes to a reduction in bone density and therefore increased risk of osteoporosis. It has also been shown that hGH replacement therapy for greater than 12 months results in improved bone mineral density and hence, lower risk of osteoporosis.

3. Muscle Strength

Due to changes in body composition detailed above, muscle strength is understandably compromised. As hGH therapy corrects body composition and improves muscle mass, muscle strength also improves. The best results are gained after 12 months of hGH therapy.

4. Joint Health

By improving bone mineral density and increasing muscle mass and strength, hGH therapy can help to prevent joint deterioration that is a feature of arthritis. Optimal growth hormone levels are also essential for health of connective tissue such as the synovium found in joints.

5. Exercise Performance

Exercise performance is reduced in individuals with growth hormone deficiency. This appears to be partially due to reductions in bone density and muscle mass but also in part due to a reduction in oxygen uptake. hGH therapy for 6 months has been shown to improve exercise performance by improving muscle mass and also oxygen uptake

6. Heart Health

There is evidence of a greater risk of heart disease in individuals with growth hormone deficiency and it has been hypothesized that this is due to a greater propensity to develop premature atherosclerosis (a build-up of plaque inside the arteries which increases risk of heart attack and stroke). Growth hormone deficiency also results in changes in heart size and function. These changes have been demonstrated to be reversed after 6 months hGH therapy.

7. Metabolism

Growth hormone deficiency results in a reduced resting metabolism and replacement therapy reverses this decrease. hGH therapy has also been shown to increase protein synthesis, increase fat oxidation, normalize carbohydrate metabolism and reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol. These favorable effects on metabolism may in part explain some of the other benefits of hGH including improved hearth health and body composition.

8. Skin Thickness

A reduction in skin thickness and all-important skin collagen is another result of growth hormone deficiency. Both conditions are improved by hGH therapy.

9. Immune Function

Although adults with growth hormone deficiency are not normally considered to have a compromised immune system, there is some evidence to suggest that hGH therapy can help regulate immune function.

10. Libido

It has been demonstrated that people with growth hormone deficiency have more difficulty with sexual relationships and reportedly, lower energy levels. Many individuals have found an improvement in energy, libido and sexual performance following hGH therapy, some men even claiming an improvement in problems with premature ejaculation.

11. Quality of Life

Reduced psychological well-being has been reported in individuals with growth hormone deficiency and hGH replacement has resulted in improvements in mood, energy and general feelings of well-being.

As discussed, sermorelin peptides are a pharmaceutical product requiring prescription and purchase from a pharmacy.

There are online portals which can connect you with a physician who specializes in prescribing hGH therapy via phone/internet chat. You can then purchase and be sent the sermorelin via the mail.

This is all done in one easy order that includes the consultation with the prescribing doctor (via phone or internet chat), your hGH replacement therapy and ongoing support all in the upfront sermorelin price.

Beware of websites that offer sermorelin for sale without a prescription. Chances are you are not getting the real deal and could be jeopardizing your health.

Compare Available Sermorelin Programs Here

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Sermorelin - Improve hGH Therapy Safety With Peptides

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Buy Sermorelin Injections | Buy Sermorelin Online

It is now possible to buy sermorelin injections online and have them shipped directly to your home or office. The ability to buy sermorelin online does not change the fact that a prescription is required by a licensed Physician. Just as with any other type of prescription medication, a licensed Physician must determine there is a medical necessity for a prescription to be issued. The same applies to sermorelin. This is not a medication that should be prescribed unless there is a true need for it, in adults, that reason would be reduced levels of natural HGH production. Laboratory testing is a sure way to determine if this is the case. A physical examination is also required to rule out the possibility of any other causes for present symptoms. The final requirement is a patient medical history. If a true deficiency is diagnosed, it will then be possible to buy sermorelin injections online.

1. First, complete a contact form, one of our wellness consultants will contact you soon after. The wellness consultant will discuss all the details of hormone replacement therapy as well as answer any questions or concerns you may have.

2. Your wellness consultant will then schedule both a blood test and physical exam in your local area. You will also be required to complete a new patient medical history.

3. Upon completion of steps 1 and 2, one of our Physicians will review your results to determine if a hormone deficiency or imbalance exists. If it is determined a deficiency or imbalance is present, the Physician will determine the most effective hormone replacement therapy program for you.

4. The prescription(s) for the appropriate medication are sent directly to the pharmacy. These medications are shipped overnight to your home or office. One of our highly trained staff will guide you step by step through the instructions, injection procedure and program schedule.

Choosing an educated and specialized provider of hormone replacement therapy, as well as the safest and most effective method of treatment, is very important. While some seek hormone therapy through their family Doctor, this is rarely as comprehensive and effective as treatment from a specialized hormone Doctor. Family Doctors, if they are even open to prescribing hormone therapy, typically lack the understanding and thoroughness of a hormone specialist.

A generic method of hormone replacement therapy is never the answer. With Elite HRT, you will receive a completely personalized hormone replacement therapy program. Designed specifically for you, the benefits and safety of your treatment will far exceed any of the generic methods of treatment available today.

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Buy Sermorelin Injections | Buy Sermorelin Online

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