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Category Archives: Quantum Computing

Groundbreaking Discovery in Graphene Paves the Way for Robust Quantum Computing – Medriva

Physicists at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have made a significant breakthrough in the field of quantum physics and computing. They have successfully observed the elusive fractional quantum anomalous Hall effect in five layers of graphene without the need for an external magnetic field. This discovery has the potential to revolutionize quantum computing by paving the way for more robust and fault-tolerant systems.

The fractional quantum anomalous Hall effect, also known as fractional charge, is a rare and complex phenomenon. It is observed when electrons pass through as fractions of their total charge. Traditionally, the occurrence of this effect requires high magnetic fields. However, the recent study by MIT physicists has challenged this conventional understanding.

According to the study, the stacked structure of graphene inherently provides the right conditions for the manifestation of the fractional charge effect. This groundbreaking discovery opens up new possibilities for quantum computing and further exploration of rare electronic states in multilayer graphene.

The MIT research team explored the electronic behavior in pentalayer graphene, a structure comprising five graphene sheets each stacked slightly off from the other. When placed in an ultracold refrigerator, the electrons in the structure slow down significantly. This allows the particles to sense each other and interact in ways they wouldnt when moving at higher temperatures.

This discovery challenges previous assumptions about graphenes properties and introduces new dimensions to our understanding of its crystalline structure. Moreover, the researchers believe that aligning the pentalayer structure with hexagonal boron nitride could enhance electron interactions, potentially yielding a moir superlattice.

The successful detection of fractional charge in graphene without the need for an external magnetic field is a significant milestone in the pursuit of more robust quantum computing systems. This no magnets discovery could significantly simplify the path to topological quantum computing, a promising branch of quantum computing that leverages the properties of quantum bits (qubits) to perform complex computations.

Moreover, the observation of both integer and fractional quantum anomalous Hall effects in a rhombohedral pentalayer graphene-hBN moir superlattice at zero magnetic field provides an ideal platform for exploring charge fractionalization and non-Abelian anyonic braiding at zero magnetic field. This could lead to the development of more advanced quantum computing systems that are more resistant to errors and environmental interference.

The discovery by MIT physicists provides a promising route to more robust and fault-tolerant quantum computing systems. It also gives a fresh impetus to the exploration of rare electronic states in multilayer graphene. As the understanding of these exotic phenomena deepens, it could unlock new quantum phenomena and propel the field of quantum computing to new heights.

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Groundbreaking Discovery in Graphene Paves the Way for Robust Quantum Computing - Medriva

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Quantum computer outperformed by new traditional computing type –

Quantum computing has long been celebrated for its potential to surpass traditional computing in terms of speed and memory efficiency. This innovative technology promises to revolutionize our ability to predict physical phenomena that were once deemed impossible to forecast.

The essence of quantum computing lies in its use of quantum bits, or qubits, which, unlike the binary digits of classical computers, can represent values anywhere between 0 and 1.

This fundamental difference allows quantum computers to process and store information in a way that could vastly outpace their classical counterparts under certain conditions.

However, the journey of quantum computing is not without its challenges. Quantum systems are inherently delicate, often struggling with information loss, a hurdle classical systems do not face.

Additionally, converting quantum information into a classical format, a necessary step for practical applications, presents its own set of difficulties.

Contrary to initial expectations, classical computers have been shown to emulate quantum computing processes more efficiently than previously believed, thanks to innovative algorithmic strategies.

Recent research has demonstrated that with a clever approach, classical computing can not only match but exceed the performance of cutting-edge quantum machines.

The key to this breakthrough lies in an algorithm that selectively maintains quantum information, retaining just enough to accurately predict outcomes.

This work underscores the myriad of possibilities for enhancing computation, integrating both classical and quantum methodologies, explains Dries Sels, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics at New York University and co-author of the study.

Sels emphasizes the difficulty of securing a quantum advantage given the susceptibility of quantum computers to errors.

Moreover, our work highlights how difficult it is to achieve quantum advantage with an error-prone quantum computer, Sels emphasized.

The research team, including collaborators from the Simons Foundation, explored optimizing classical computing by focusing on tensor networks.

These networks, which effectively represent qubit interactions, have traditionally been challenging to manage.

Recent advancements, however, have facilitated the optimization of these networks using techniques adapted from statistical inference, thereby enhancing computational efficiency.

The analogy of compressing an image into a JPEG format, as noted by Joseph Tindall of the Flatiron Institute and project lead, offers a clear comparison.

Just as image compression reduces file size with minimal quality loss, selecting various structures for the tensor network enables different forms of computational compression, optimizing the way information is stored and processed.

Tindalls team is optimistic about the future, developing versatile tools for handling diverse tensor networks.

Choosing different structures for the tensor network corresponds to choosing different forms of compression, like different formats for your image, says Tindall.

We are successfully developing tools for working with a wide range of different tensor networks. This work reflects that, and we are confident that we will soon be raising the bar for quantum computing even further.

In summary, this brilliant work highlights the complexity of achieving quantum superiority and showcases the untapped potential of classical computing.

By reimagining classical algorithms, scientists are challenging the boundaries of computing and opening new pathways for technological advancement, blending the strengths of both classical and quantum approaches in the quest for computational excellence.

As discussed above, quantum computing represents a revolutionary leap in computational capabilities, harnessing the peculiar principles of quantum mechanics to process information in fundamentally new ways.

Unlike traditional computers, which use bits as the smallest unit of data, quantum computers use quantum bits or qubits. These qubits can exist in multiple states simultaneously, thanks to the quantum phenomena of superposition and entanglement.

At the heart of quantum computing lies the qubit. Unlike a classical bit, which can be either 0 or 1, a qubit can be in a state of 0, 1, or both 0 and 1 simultaneously.

This capability allows quantum computers to perform many calculations at once, providing the potential to solve certain types of problems much more efficiently than classical computers.

The power of quantum computing scales exponentially with the number of qubits, making the technology incredibly potent even with a relatively small number of qubits.

Quantum supremacy is a milestone in the field, referring to the point at which a quantum computer can perform a calculation that is practically impossible for a classical computer to execute within a reasonable timeframe.

Achieving quantum supremacy demonstrates the potential of quantum computers to tackle problems beyond the reach of classical computing, such as simulating quantum physical processes, optimizing large systems, and more.

The implications of quantum computing are vast and varied, touching upon numerous fields. In cryptography, quantum computers pose a threat to traditional encryption methods but also offer new quantum-resistant algorithms.

In drug discovery and material science, they can simulate molecular structures with high precision, accelerating the development of new medications and materials.

Furthermore, quantum computing holds the promise of optimizing complex systems, from logistics and supply chains to climate models, potentially leading to breakthroughs in how we address global challenges.

Despite the exciting potential, quantum computing faces significant technical hurdles, including error rates and qubit stability.

Researchers are actively exploring various approaches to quantum computing, such as superconducting qubits, trapped ions, and topological qubits, each with its own set of challenges and advantages.

As the field progresses, the collaboration between academia, industry, and governments continues to grow, driving innovation and overcoming obstacles.

The journey toward practical and widely accessible quantum computing is complex and uncertain, but the potential rewards make it one of the most thrilling areas of modern science and technology.

Quantum computing stands at the frontier of a new era in computing, promising to redefine what is computationally possible.

As researchers work to scale up quantum systems and solve the challenges ahead, the future of quantum computing shines with the possibility of solving some of humanitys most enduring problems.

The full study was published by PRX Quantum.

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Singapore warns banks to prepare for quantum computing cyber threat – Finextra

The Monetary Authority of Singapore has told the country's financial institutions to make sure they are prepared for the rising cybersecurity risks posed by quantum computing.

Experts predict that over the next decade cryptographically relevant quantum computers will start posing cybersecurity risks. These computers will break commonly-used asymmetric cryptography, while symmetric cryptography could require larger key sizes to remain secure.

A recent DTCC white paper warned that quantum computing could "create significant new risks for financial firms by making even the most highly protected computer systems vulnerable to hacking".

In an advisory to FS firms, MAS says this means the sector needs to attain 'cryptoagility' to be able to efficiently migrate away from the vulnerable cryptographic algorithms to post-quantum cryptography without significantly impacting their IT systems and infrastructure.

To help them prepare, the regulator says companies should be monitoring ongoing quantum computing developments; making sure management and third party vendors are up to speed on the subject; and working with vendors to assess IT supply chain risks.

Firms should be maintaining an inventory of cryptographic assets, and identifying critical assets to be prioritised for migration to quantum-resistant encryption, says the MAS.

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Singapore warns banks to prepare for quantum computing cyber threat - Finextra

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A Quantum Leap in Graphene: MIT Physicists Uncover New Pathways for Quantum Computing – Medriva

MIT physicists have made a groundbreaking discovery that could revolutionize the field of quantum computing. The research team has observed the fractional quantum anomalous Hall effect in a simpler material: five layers of graphene. This rare and exotic phenomenon, known as fractional charge, occurs when electrons pass through as fractions of their total charge, without the need for an external magnetic field. This discovery marks a significant leap for fundamental physics and could pave the way for the development of more robust, fault-tolerant quantum computers.

The fractional quantum Hall effect is a fascinating manifestation of quantum mechanics, highlighting the unusual behavior that arises when particles shift from acting as individual units to behaving collectively. This phenomenon typically emerges in special states where electrons are slowed down enough to interact. Until now, observing this effect required powerful magnetic manipulation. However, the MIT team has found that the stacked structure of graphene provides the right conditions for this fractional charge phenomenon to occur, eliminating the need for an external magnetic field.

Graphene, a material made of layers of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal pattern, has long been studied for its unique properties. The recent discovery challenges prior assumptions about graphenes properties and introduces a new dimension to our understanding of its crystalline structures intricate dynamics. The researchers have found signs of this anomalous fractional charge in graphene, a material for which there had been no predictions for exhibiting such an effect. This finding could unlock new quantum phenomena and advance quantum computing technologies.

The observation of the fractional quantum anomalous Hall effect could lead to the development of a more robust type of quantum computing that is more resilient against perturbations. Additionally, the research suggests that electrons might interact with each other even more strongly if the graphene structure were aligned with hexagonal boron nitride (hBN). This potential for increased electron interaction might further enhance the fault-tolerance of quantum computing systems.

While this discovery marks a significant advancement in the field of quantum computing, the researchers are not resting on their laurels. They are exploring other rare electron modes in multilayer graphene, which could further our understanding of quantum mechanics and its potential applications in technology. The research, published in Nature, is supported in part by the Sloan Foundation and the National Science Foundation. With the continued support of these organizations, the research team is set to make more groundbreaking discoveries in the future.

A Quantum Leap in Graphene: MIT Physicists Uncover New Pathways for Quantum Computing - Medriva

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Superconducting qubit promises breakthrough in quantum computing – Advanced Science News

A radical superconducting qubit design promises to extend their runtime by addressing decoherence challenges in quantum computing.

A new qubit design based on superconductors could revolutionize quantum computing. By leveraging the distinct properties of single-atom-thick layers of materials, this new approach to superconducting circuits promises to significantly extend the runtime of a quantum computer, addressing a major challenge in the field.

This limitation on continuous operation time arises because the quantum state of a qubit the basic computing unit of a quantum computer can be easily destabilized due to interactions with its environment and other qubits. This destruction of the quantum state is called decoherence and leads to errors in computations.

Among the various types of qubits that scientists have created, including photons, trapped ions, and quantum dots, superconducting qubits are desirable because they can switch between different states in the shortest amount of time.

Their operation is based on the fact that, due to subtle quantum effects, the power of the electric current flowing through the superconductor can take discrete values, each corresponding to a state of 0 and/or 1 (or even larger values for some designs).

For superconducting qubits to work correctly, they require the presence of a gap in the superconducting circuit called a Josephson junction through which an electrical current flows through a quantum phenomenon called tunneling the passage of particles through a barrier that, according to the laws of classical physics, they should not be able to cross.

The problem is, the advantage of superconducting qubits in enhanced switching time comes at a cost: They are more susceptible to decoherence, which occurs in milliseconds, or even faster. To mitigate this issue, scientists typically resort to meticulous adjustments of circuit configurations and qubit placements with few net gains.

Addressing this challenge with a more radical approach, an international team of researchers proposed a novel Josephson junction design using two, single-atom-thick flakes of a superconducting copper-based material called a cuprate. They called their design flowermon.

In their study published in the Physical Review Letters, the team applied the fundamental laws of quantum mechanics to analyze the current flow through a Josephson junction and discovered that if the angle between the crystal lattices of two superconducting cuprate sheets is 45 degrees, the qubit exhibits more resilience to external disturbances compared to conventional designs based on materials like niobium and tantalum.

The flowermon modernizes the old idea of using unconventional superconductors for protected quantum circuits and combines it with new fabrication techniques and a new understanding of superconducting circuit coherence, Uri Vool, a physicist at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids in Germany, explained in a press release.

The teams calculations suggest that the noise reduction promised by their design could increase the qubits coherence time by orders of magnitude, thereby enhancing the continuous operation of quantum computers. However, they view their research as just the beginning, envisioning future endeavors to further optimize superconducting qubits based on their findings.

The idea behind the flowermon can be extended in several directions: Searching for different superconductors or junctions yielding similar effects, exploring the possibility to realize novel quantum devices based on the flowermon, said Valentina Brosco, a researcher at the Institute for Complex Systems Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche and Physics Department University of Rome. These devices would combine the benefits of quantum materials and coherent quantum circuits or using the flowermon or related design to investigate the physics of complex superconducting heterostructures.

This is only the first simple concrete example of utilizing the inherent properties of a material to make a new quantum device, and we hope to build on it and find additional examples, eventually establishing a field of research that combines complex material physics with quantum devices, Vool added.

Since the teams study was purely theoretical, even the simplest heterostructure-based qubit design they proposed requires experimental validation a step that is currently underway.

Experimentally, there is still quite a lot of work towards implementing this proposal, concluded Vool. We are currently fabricating and measuring hybrid superconducting circuits which integrate these van der Waals superconductors, and hope to utilize these circuits to better understand the material, and eventually design and measure protected hybrid superconducting circuits to make them into real useful devices.

Reference: Uri Vool, et al., Superconducting Qubit Based on Twisted Cuprate Van der Waals Heterostructures, Physical Review Letters (2024). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.017003

Feature image credit: SuttleMedia on Pixabay

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Apple is future-proofing iMessage with post-quantum cryptography – Cointelegraph

Apple unveiled PQ3, the most significant cryptographic security upgrade in iMessage history, for iOS 17.4 on Feb. 21.

With the new protocol, Apple becomes one of only a handful of providers featuring post-quantum cryptography for messages. Signal launched a quantum resistant encryption upgrade back in September 2023, but Apple says its the first to reach level 3 encryption.

According to the Cupertino-based company:

Apples iMessage has featured end-to-end encryption since its inception. While it initially used RSA encryption, the company switched to Elliptic Curve cryptography (ECC) in 2019.

As of current, breaking such encryption is considered infeasible due to the amount of time and computing power required. However, the threat of quantum computing looms closer every day.

Theoretically, a quantum computer of sufficient capabilities could break todays encryption methods with relative ease. To the best of our knowledge there arent any current quantum computing systems capable of doing so, but the rapid pace of advancement has caused governments and organizations around the world to begin preparations.

The big idea is that by developing post-quantum cryptography methods ahead of time, good actors such as banks and hospitals can safeguard their data against malicious actors with access to cutting-edge technology.

Theres no current time frame for the advent of quantum computers capable of breaking standard cryptography. IBMclaims it will have hit an inflection point in quantum computing by 2029, while MIT/Harvard spinout QuEra says it will have had a 10,000-qubit error-corrected system by 2026.

Unfortunately, bad actors arent waiting until they can get their hands on a quantum computer to start their attacks. Many are harvesting encrypted data illicitly and storing it for decryption later in whats commonly known as a HNDL attack (harvest now, decrypt later).

Related: Oxford economist who predicted crypto going mainstream says quantum economics is next

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