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Can Men Live Longer By Taking Testosterone Therapy? – Anti Aging News

Posted: February 28, 2020 at 12:47 pm

Article courtesy of: T. Hertoghe, MD, author of Testosterone, the Therapy for Real Gentlemen

The potent effects of testosterone therapy and its abuse by sports players has put use of this therapy under controversy for decades. In 2020, the discussion on whether or not to treat men who have testosterone-deficiency symptoms and levels with testosterone is possibly over, belonging to the past. The scientific data gathered and published in support of testosterone-deficient men, generally older than 30 years, using testosterone therapy are abundant and relevant. There is also ample information on how to monitor testosterone treatment and problems that may potentially ensue.

Testosterone therapy can safely and efficiently help prevent and reduce the severity of many age-related disorders

Medical research has now shown that it is safe to treat with testosterone therapy all types of testosterone-deficient patients, even those with active (untreated) prostate cancer, a topic we will talk about in another article. Testosterone therapy has also been found to make the mind stronger, reducing the incidence and impacts of anxiety and depressive disorders. It also helps mental functioning, boosting memory and even serving as one of the tools to slow down and oppose the development of Alzheimers disease. More than 80% of the studies published on the topic in peer-reviewed medical journals have shown that testosterone therapy improves heart conditions. Moreover, testosterone therapy has been reported to help prevent, oppose, and even reverse the development of obesity, type II diabetes, sarcopenia, osteoporosis, stroke, cachexia, etc. By preventing and alleviating age-related disorders testosterone therapy may make men also live longer.

Recent evidence that testosterone deficiency may shorten life and supplementation of it may extend life

Paucity of studies on the effects of testosterone deficiency and therapy on longevity two decades ago

Two decades ago, there were almost no studies showing that testosterone deficiency could increase the risk of premature death and that testosterone therapy could potentially extend the life span. Now, we have the studies. In medicine, researchers seldom write down in a publication that the therapy they used could improve longevity in their patients. It sounds too positive, not serious enough to publish in medical journals. Most investigators prefer using the less positive terminology of reducing mortality, which produces a more scientific impression. However, increasing longevity and reducing mortality are basically the same.

I found 35 studies published in peer-reviewed medical journals that show that higher blood levels of testosterone (within the reference range) are associated with a significantly increased longevity. Low testosterone levels that may increase mortality are usually low-normal within the reference range (in the lower two-thirds, lower half, lower third, lower quartile, or lower quintile of the reference range), and below the lower reference limit for testosterone is below the lower reference limit for testosterone in a laboratory test or a. The association of increasingly greater longevity at progressively higher testosterone levels suggests that the lack of testosterone causes or contributes to premature death. Furthermore, 9 studies have shown that testosterone therapy significantly increases longevity (or, if you prefer lowers mortality). In other words, older men who take testosterone may live longer.

There are a few studies showing no effects of testosterone therapy, and almost no study showing the opposite. The balance is visibly in favor of providing testosterone therapy to men with mild to severe testosterone deficiencies to keep them alive longer.

To access the relevant data on testosterone deficiency, testosterone therapy, and their association with longevity visit the International Hormone Society website, in the Evidence-based hormone therapies section.

To get more references and practical information on testosterone therapy, read my 600-page book for physicians, Testosterone, the Therapy for Real Gentlemen.

To get practical and in-depth training in testosterone therapy, attend the hormone therapy workshop in Orlando, May 15-16, 2020. Check out the Evidence-based hormone therapy workshop here,which will be available at the A4M 28th Annual Spring Congress being held in Orlando, Florida on May 14-16, 2020.

See original here:
Can Men Live Longer By Taking Testosterone Therapy? - Anti Aging News

Recommendation and review posted by G. Smith