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10. MV Food Warning from The Quran! Immunity System Collapse

Posted: October 31, 2012 at 10:24 pm

10. MV Food Warning from The Quran! Immunity System Collapse Agriculture Economy (LINKS below)
Genetically Modified Food,Corn and Soil. in Sura Al-Kahf 18:19 "....let him find out what food is purest there, and bring you thereof [some] provisions. But let him behave with great care and by no means make anyone aware of you:" 0, Food INC. intro 1. The Future of Food 2. Genetically Modified Food - Panacea or Poison: 3. The World According to Monsanto: 4. Vandana Shiva - The Future of Food: 5. William F. Engdahl that discusses the origin of the industry of genetically modified food and how this industry is used as a weapon to control world population and impoverish certain people and make other people richer by reaping off other people natural resources through systematically industrialized food industry: Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation. FIND PDF AS WELL (isnt Gog Magog destroying our GENERATIONS thru food?) by Dr Tammam Adi 5. Fasaad to offspring (nasl). Systematic destruction of all human reproduction or mass murder of all children (li yufsida feeha . . . wa yuhlika . . . an-nasl, Qur #39; #257;n,al-Baqarah, 2:205). Another point of Dr Tammam Adi 4. Agricultural fasaad. Systematic destruction or spoiling of all crops (li yufsida feeha wa yuhlika alharth, Qur #39; #257;n, al-Baqarah, 2:205). This includes, for example, the ruining of whole agricultural systems or the genetic modification and insertion of poisons into seeds www ...From:DajjalPOWERViews:117 2ratingsTime:03:37More inPeople Blogs

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10. MV Food Warning from The Quran! Immunity System Collapse

Recommendation and review posted by G. Smith