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Behind the Scenes of a Radical New Cancer Cure – Scientific American

An unexpected early morning phone call from the hospital is never good news. When Joy Johnson answered, her first thought was that Sharon Birzer, her partner of 15 years, was dead. Her fears were amplified by the voice on the other end refusing to confirm or deny it. Just come in and talk to one of the doctors, she remembers the voice saying.

Johnson knew this was a real possibility. A few weeks earlier, she and Birzer sat in the exam room of a lymphoma specialist at Stanford University. Birzers cancer had grown, and fast first during one type of chemotherapy, then through a second. Out of standard options, Birzers local oncologist had referred her for a novel treatment called chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy or CAR-T. Birzer and Johnson knew the treatment was risky. They were warned there was a chance of death. There was also a chance of serious complications such as multi-organ failure and neurological impairment. But it was like warning a drowning person that her lifeboat could have problems. Without treatment, the chance of Birzers death was all but certain. She signed the consent form.

Johnson hung up the phone that early morning and sped to the hospital. She met with a doctor and two chaplains in a windowless room in the cancer ward, where happy photos of cancer alumni smiled down from the walls. This is getting worse and worse, Johnson thought. As she remembers it, the doctor went through the timeline of what happened for 10 minutes, explaining how Birzer became sicker and sicker, before Johnson interrupted with the thought splitting her world in two: I need you to tell me whether shes alive or dead.

Birzer wasnt dead. But she was far from okay. The ordeal began with Birzer speaking gibberish. Then came seizures so severe there was concern she wouldnt be able to breathe on her own. When it took a few different medications to stop Birzer from seizing, her doctors sedated her, put a breathing tube down her throat, and connected her to a ventilator. Now, she was unconscious and in the intensive care unit (ICU).

Birzer was one of the early patients to receive CAR-T, a radical new therapy to treat cancer. It involved removing Birzers own blood, filtering for immune cells called T-cells, and genetically engineering those cells to recognize and attack her lymphoma. CAR-T made history in 2017 as the first FDA-approved gene therapy to treat any disease. After three to six months of follow-up, the trials that led to approval showed response rates of 80 percent and above in aggressive leukemias and lymphomas that had resisted chemotherapy. Patients on the brink of death were coming back to life.

This is something I often dream of seeing but rarely do. As a doctor who treats cancer, I think a lot about how to frame new treatments to my patients. I never want to give false hope. But the uncertainty inherent to my field also cautions me against closing the door on optimism prematurely. We take it as a point of pride that no field of medicine evolves as rapidly as cancer the FDA approves dozens of new treatments a year. One of my biggest challenges is staying up to date on every development and teasing apart what should and shouldnt change my practice. I am often a mediator for my patients, tempering theoretical promises with everyday realism. To accept a research finding into medical practice, I prefer slow steps showing me proof of concept, safety, and efficacy.

CAR-T, nearly three decades in the making, systemically cleared these hurdles. Not only did the product work, its approach was also unique among cancer treatments. Unlike our usual advances, this wasnt a matter of prescribing an old drug for a new disease or remixing known medications. CAR-T isnt even a drug. This is a one-time infusion giving a person a better version of her own immune system. When the FDA approved its use, it wasnt a question of whether my hospital would be involved, but how we could stay ahead. We werent alone.

Today, two FDA-approved CAR-T products called Kymriah and Yescarta are available in more than 100 hospitals collectively across the U.S. Hundreds of clinical trials are tinkering with dosages, patient populations, and types of cancer. Some medical centers are manufacturing the cells on-site.

The FDA approved CAR-T with a drug safety program called a Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS). As I cared for these patients, I quickly realized the FDAs concerns. Of the 10 or so patients Ive treated, more than half developed strange neurologic side effects ranging from headaches to difficulty speaking to seizures to falling unconscious. We scrambled to learn how to manage the side effects in real time.

Johnson and Birzer, who I didnt treat personally but spoke to at length for this essay, understood this better than most. Both had worked in quality control for a blood bank and were medically savvier than the average patient. They accepted a medical system with a learning curve. They were fine with hearing I dont know. Signing up for a trailblazing treatment meant going along for the ride. Twists and bumps were par for the course.

Cancer, by definition, means something has gone very wrong within a cell has malfunctioned and multiplied. The philosophy for fighting cancer has been, for the most part, creating and bringing in treatments from outside the body. Thats how we got to the most common modern approaches: Chemotherapy (administering drugs to kill cancer),radiation(using high energy beams to kill cancer), and surgery (cutting cancer out with a scalpel and other tools). Next came the genetics revolution, with a focus on creating drugs that target a precise genetic mutation separating a cancer cell from a normal one. But cancers are genetically complex, with legions of mutations and the talent to develop new ones. Its rare to have that one magic bullet.

Over the last decade or so, our approach shifted. Instead of fighting cancer from the outside, we are increasingly turning in. The human body is already marvelously equipped to recognize and attack invaders, from the common cold to food poisoning, even if the invaders are ones the body has never seen before. Cancer doesnt belong either. But since cancer cells come from normal ones, theyve developed clever camouflages to trick and evade the immune system. The 2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was jointly awarded to two researchers for their work in immunotherapy, a class of medications devoted to wiping out the camouflages and restoring the immune systems upper hand. As I once watched a fellow oncologist describe it to a patient: Im not treating you. You are treating you.

What if we could go one step further? What if we could genetically engineer a patients own immune cells to spot and fight cancer, as a sort of best hits of genetic therapy and immunotherapy?

Enter CAR-T. The technology uses T-cells, which are like the bouncers of the immune system. T-cells survey the body and make sure everything belongs. CAR-T involves removing a persons T-cells from her blood and using a disarmed virus to deliver new genetic material to the cells. The new genes given to the T-cells help them make two types of proteins. The first giving the technology its name is a CAR, which sits on the T-cells surface and binds to a protein on the tumor cells surface, like a lock and key. The second serves as the T-cells caffeine jolt, rousing it to activate. Once the genetic engineering part is done, the T-cells are prodded to multiply by being placed on a rocking device that feeds them nutrients while filtering their wastes. When the cells reach a high enough number a typical dose ranges from hundreds of thousands to hundreds of millions they are formidable enough to go back into the patient. Once inside, the cancer provokes the new cells to replicate even more. After one week, a typical expansion means multiplying by about another 1,000-fold.

Practically, it looks like this: A person comes in for an appointment. She has a catheter placed in a vein, perhaps in her arm or her chest, that connects to a large, whirring machine which pulls in her blood and separates it into its components. The medical team set the T-cells aside to freeze while the rest of the blood circulates back into the patient in a closed loop. Then, the hospital ships the cells frozen to the relevant pharmaceutical companys headquarters or transports them to a lab on-site, where thawing and manufacturing takes from a few days to a few weeks. When the cells are ready, the patient undergoes about three days of chemotherapy to kill both cancer and normal cells, making room for the millions of new cells and eradicating normal immune players that could jeopardize their existence. She then gets a day or two to rest. When the new cells are infused back into her blood, we call that Day 0.

I remember the first time I watched a patient get his Day 0 infusion. It felt anti-climactic. The entire process took about 15 minutes. The CAR-T cells are invisible to the naked eye, housed in a small plastic bag containing clear liquid.

Thats it? my patient asked when the nurse said it was over. The infusion part is easy. The hard part is everything that comes next.

Once the cells are in, they cant turn off. That this may cause collateral damage was evident from the start. In 2009 working in parallel with other researchers at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York and the National Cancer Institute in Maryland oncologists at the University of Pennsylvania opened a clinical trial for CAR-T in human leukemia patients. (Carl June, who led the CAR-T development, did not respond to Undarks interview request.) Of the first three patients who got CAR-T infusions, two achieved complete remission but nearly died in the process. The first was a retired corrections officer named Bill Ludwig, who developed extremely high fevers and went into multi-organ failure requiring time in the ICU. At the time, the medical teams had no idea why it was happening or how to stop it. But time passed. Ludwig got better. Then came the truly incredible part: His cancer was gone.

With only philanthropic support, the trial ran out of funding. Of the eligible patients they intended to treat, the Penn doctors only treated three. So they published the results of one patient in the New England Journal of Medicine and presented the outcomes of all three patients, including Ludwig, at a cancer conference anyway. From there, the money poured in. Based on the results, the Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis licensed the rights of the therapy.

The next year, six-year-old Emily Whitehead was on the brink of death when she became the first child to receive CAR-T. She also became extremely ill in the ICU, and her cancer was also eventually cured. Her media savvy parents helped bring her story public, making her the poster child for CAR-T. In 2014, the FDA granted CAR-T a breakthrough therapy designation to expedite the development of extremely promising therapies. By 2017, a larger trial gave the treatment to 75 children and young adults with a type of leukemia B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia that failed to respond to chemotherapy. Eighty-one percent had no sign of cancer after three months.

In August 2017, the FDA approved a CAR-T treatment as the first gene therapy in the U.S. The decision was unanimous. The Oncologic Drugs Advisory Committee, a branch of the FDA that reviews new cancer products, voted 10 to zero in favor of Kymriah. Committee members called the responses remarkable and potentially paradigm changing. When the announcement broke, a crowd formed in the medical education center of Penn Medicine, made up of ecstatic faculty and staff. There were banners and T-shirts. A remarkable thing happened was the tagline, above a cartoon image of a heroic T-cell. Two months later, in October 2017, the FDA approved a second CAR-T formulation called Yescarta from Kite Pharma, a subsidiary of Gilead Sciences, to treat an aggressive blood cancer in adults called diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, the trial of which had shown a 54 percent complete response rate, meaning all signs of cancer had disappeared. In May 2018, Kymriah was approved to treat adults with non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

That year, the American Society of Clinical Oncology named CAR-T the Advance of the Year, beating out immunotherapy, which had won two years in a row. When I attended the last American Society of Hematology meeting in December 2018, CAR-T stole the show. Trying to get into CAR-T talks felt like trying to get a photo with a celebrity. Running five minutes late to one session meant facing closed doors. Others were standing room only. With every slide, it became difficult to see over a sea of smartphones snapping photos. At one session I found a seat next to the oncologist from my hospital who treated Birzer. Look, she nudged me. Do you see all these non-member badges? I turned. Members were doctors like us who treated blood cancers. I couldnt imagine who else would want to be here. Who are they? I asked. Investors, she said. It felt obvious the moment she said it.

For patients, the dreaded c word is cancer. For oncologists, its cure. When patients ask, Ive noticed how we gently steer the conversation toward safer lingo. We talk about keeping the cancer in check. Cure is a dangerous word, used only when so much time has passed from her cancer diagnosis we can be reasonably certain its gone. But that line is arbitrary. We celebrate therapies that add weeks or months because the diseases are pugnacious, the biology diverse, and the threat of relapse looming. Oncologists are a tempered group, or so Ive learned, finding inspiration in slow, incremental change.

This was completely different. These were patients who would have otherwise died, and the trials were boasting that 54 to 81 percent were cancer-free upon initial follow-up. PET scans showed tumors that had speckled an entire body melt away. Bone marrow biopsies were clear, with even the most sensitive testing unable to detect disease.

The dreaded word was being tossed around could this be the cure weve always wanted?

When a new drug gets FDA approval, it makes its way into clinical practice, swiftly and often with little fanfare. Under the drug safety program REMS, hospitals offering CAR-T were obligated to undergo special training to monitor and manage side effects. As hospitals worked to create CAR-T programs, oncologists like me made the all too familiar transition from first-time user to expert.

It was May 2018 when I rotated through my hospitals unit and cared for my first patients on CAR-T. As I covered 24-hour shifts, I quickly learned that whether I would sleep that night depended on how many CAR-T patients I was covering. With each treatment, it felt like we were pouring gasoline on the fire of patients immune systems. Some developed high fevers and their blood pressures plummeted, mimicking a serious infection. But there was no infection to be found. When resuscitating with fluids couldnt maintain my patients blood pressures, I sent them to the ICU where they required intensive support to supply blood to their critical organs.

We now have a name for this effect cytokine release syndrome that occurs in more than half of patients who receive CAR-T, starting with Ludwig and Whitehead. The syndrome is the collateral damage of an immune system on the highest possible alert. This was first seen with other types of immunotherapy, but CAR-T took its severity to a new level. Usually starting the week after CAR-T, cytokine release syndrome can range from simple fevers to multi-organ failure affecting the liver, kidneys, heart, and more. The activated T-cells make and recruit other immune players called cytokines to join in the fight. Cytokines then recruit more immune cells. Unlike in the early trials at Penn, we now have two medicines to dampen the effect. Steroids calm the immune system in general, while a medication called tocilizumab, used to treat autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, blocks cytokines specifically.

Fortuity was behind the idea of tocilizumab: When Emily Whitehead, the first child to receive CAR-T, developed cytokine release syndrome, her medical team noted that her blood contained high levels of a cytokine called interleukin 6. Carl June thought of his own daughter, who had juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and was on a new FDA-approved medication that suppressed the same cytokine. The team tried the drug, tocilizumab, in Whitehead. It worked.

Still, we were cautious in our early treatments. The symptoms of cytokine release syndrome mimic the symptoms of severe infection. If this were infection, medicines that dampen a patients immune system would be the opposite of what youd want to give. There was another concern: Would these medications dampen the anti-cancer activity too? We didnt know. Whenever a CAR-T patient spiked a fever, I struggled with the question is it cytokine release syndrome, or is it infection? I often played it safe and covered all bases, starting antibiotics and steroids at the same time. It was counterintuitive, like pressing both heat and ice on a strain, or treating a patient simultaneously with fluids and diuretics.

The second side effect was even scarier: Patients stopped talking. Some, like Sharon Birzer spoke gibberish or had violent seizures.Some couldnt interact at all, unable to follow simple commands like squeeze my fingers. How? Why? At hospitals across the nation, perfectly cognitively intact people who had signed up to treat their cancer were unable to ask what was happening.

Our nurses learned to ask a standardized list of questions to catch the effect, which we called neurotoxicity: Where are we? Who is the president? What is 100 minus 10? When the patients scored too low on these quizzes, they called me to the bedside.

In turn, I relied heavily on alaminated booklet, made by other doctors who were using CAR-T, which we tacked to a bulletin board in our doctors workroom. It contained a short chart noting how to score severity and what to do next. I flipped through the brightly color-coded pages telling me when to order a head CT-scan to look for brain swelling and when to place scalp electrodes looking for seizures. Meanwhile, we formed new channels of communication. As I routinely called a handful of CAR-T specialists at my hospital in the middle of the night, national consortiums formed where specialists around the country shared their experiences. As we tweaked the instructions, we scribbled updates to the booklet in pen.

I wanted to know whether my experience was representative. I came across an abstract and conference talk that explored what happened to 277 patients who received CAR-T in the real world, so I emailed the lead author, Loretta Nastoupil, director of the Department of Lymphoma and Myeloma at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. Fortuitously, she was planning a trip to my university to give a talk that month. We met at a caf and I asked what her research found. Compared to the earlier trials, the patients were much sicker, she said. Of the 277 patients, more than 40 percent wouldnt have been eligible for the very trials that got CAR-T approved. Was her team calling other centers for advice? They were calling us, she said.

Patients included in clinical trials are carefully selected. They tend not to have other major medical problems, as we want them to survive whatever rigorous new therapy we put them through. Nastoupil admits some of it is arbitrary. Many criteria in the CAR-T trials were based on criteria that had been used in chemotherapy trials. These become standard languages that apply to all studies, she said, listing benchmarks like a patients age, kidney function, and platelet count. But we have no idea whether criteria for chemotherapy would apply to cellular therapy.

Now, with a blanket FDA approval comes clinical judgment. Patients want a chance. Oncologists want to give their patients a chance. Young, old, prior cancer, heart disease, or liver disease without strict trial criteria, anyone is fair game.

When I was making rounds at my hospital, I never wandered too far from these patients rooms, medically prepared for them to crash at any moment. At the same time, early side effects made me optimistic. A bizarre truism in cancer is that side effects may bode well. They could mean the treatment is working. Cancer is usually a waiting game, requiring months to learn an answer. Patients and doctors alike seek clues, but the only real way to know is waiting: Will the next PET scan show anything? What are the biopsy results?

CAR-T was fundamentally different from other cancer treatments in that it worked fast. Birzers first clue came just a few hours after her infusion. She developed pain in her lower back. She described it as feeling like she had menstrual cramps. A heavy burden of lymphoma lay in her uterus. Could the pain mean that the CAR-T cells had migrated to the right spot and started to work? Her medical team didnt know, but the lead doctors instinct was that it was a good sign.

Two days later, her temperature shot up to 102. Her blood pressure dropped. The medical team diagnosed cytokine release syndrome, as though right on schedule, and gave her tocilizumab.

Every day, the nurses would ask her questions and have her write simple sentences on a slip of paper to monitor for neurotoxicity. By the fifth day, her answers changed. She started saying things that were crazy, Johnson explained.

One of Birzer's sentences was guinea pigs eat greens like hay and pizza. Birzer and Johnson owned two guinea pigs, so their diet would be something Birzer normally knew well. So Johnson tried to reason with her: They dont eat pizza. And Birzer replied, They do eat pizza, but only gluten-free.

Johnson remembers being struck by the certainty in her partners delirium. Not only was Birzer confused, she was confident she was not. She was doubling down on everything, Johnson described. She was absolutely sure she was right.

Johnson vividly remembers the evening before the frightening early-morning phone call that brought her rushing back to the hospital. Birzer had said there was no point in Johnson staying overnight; she would only watch her be in pain. So Johnson went home. After she did, the doctor came by multiple times to evaluate Birzer. She was deteriorating and fast. Her speech became more and more garbled. Soon she couldnt name simple objects and didnt know where she was. At 3 a.m., the doctor ordered a head CT to make sure Birzer wasnt bleeding into her brain.

Fortunately, she wasnt. But by 7 a.m. Birzer stopped speaking altogether. Then she seized. Birzers nurse was about to step out of the room when she noticed Birzers arms and legs shaking. Her eyes stared vacantly and she wet the bed. The nurse called a code blue, and a team of more doctors and nurses ran over. Birzer was loaded with high-dose anti-seizure medications through her IV. But she continued to seize. As nurses infused more medications into her IV, a doctor placed a breathing tube down her throat.

Birzers saga poses the big question: Why does CAR-T cause seizures and other neurologic problems? No one seemed to know. My search of the published scientific literature was thin, but one name kept cropping up. So I called her. Juliane Gust, a pediatric neurologist and scientist at Seattle Childrens Hospital, told me her investigations of how CAR-T affects the brain were motivated by her own experiences. When the early CAR-T trials opened at her hospital in 2014, she and her colleagues began getting calls from oncologists about brain toxicities they knew nothing about. Where are the papers? she remembered thinking. There was nothing.

Typically, the brain is protected by a collection of cells aptly named the blood-brain-barrier. But with severe CAR-T neurotoxicity, research suggests, this defense breaks down. Gust explained that spinal taps on these patients show high levels of cytokines floating in the fluid surrounding the spine and brain. Some CAR-T cells circulate in the fluid too, she said, but these numbers do not correlate with sicker patients. CAR-T cells are even seen in the spinal fluid of patients without any symptoms.

What does this mean? Gust interprets it as a patients symptoms having more to do with cytokines than the CAR-T cells. Cytokine release syndrome is the number one risk factor for developing neurotoxicity over the next few days, she said. The mainstay for neurotoxicity is starting steroids as soon as possible. In the beginning we didnt manage as aggressively. We were worried about impairing the function of the CAR-T, she added. Now we give steroids right away.

But the steroids dont always work. Several doses of steroids didnt prevent Birzer from seizing. The morning after Johnsons alarming phone call, after the meeting at the hospital when she learned what had happened, a chaplain walked her from the conference room to the ICU. The first day, Johnson sat by her partners bedside while Birzer remained unconscious. By the next evening, she woke up enough to breathe on her own. The doctors removed her breathing tube, and Birzer looked around. She had no idea who she was or where she was.

Birzer was like a newborn baby, confused and sometimes frightened by her surroundings. She frequently looked like she was about to say something, but she couldnt find the words despite the nurses and Johnsons encouragement. One day she spoke a few words. Eventually she learned her name. A few days later she recognized Johnson. Her life was coming back to her, though she was still suspicious of her reality. She accused the nurses of tricking her, for instance, when they told her Donald Trump was president.

She took cues from the adults around her on whether her actions were appropriate. The best example of this was her I love you phase. One day, she said it to Johnson in the hospital. A few nurses overheard it and commented on how sweet it was. Birzer was pleased with the reaction. So she turned to the nurse: I love you! And the person emptying the trash: I love you! Months later, she was having lunch with a friend who asked, Do you remember when you told me you loved me? Birzer said, Well, I stand by that one.

When she got home, she needed a walker to help with her shakiness on her feet. When recounting her everyday interactions, she would swap in the wrong people, substituting a friend for someone else. She saw bugs that didnt exist. She couldnt hold a spoon or a cup steady. Johnson would try to slow her down, but Birzer was adamant she could eat and drink without help. Then peas would fly in my face, Johnson said.

Patients who experience neurotoxicity fall into one of three categories. The majority are impaired but then return to normal without long-term damage. A devastating handful, less than 1 percent, develop severe brain swelling and die. The rest fall into a minority that have lingering problems even months out. These are usually struggles to think up the right word, trouble concentrating, and weakness, often requiring long courses of rehabilitation and extra help at home.

As Birzer told me about her months of rehab, I thought how she did seem to fall somewhere in the middle among the patients Ive treated. On one end of the spectrum was the rancher who remained profoundly weak a year after his infusion. Before CAR-T, he walked across his ranch without issue; six months later, he needed a walker. Even with it, he fell on a near weekly basis. On the other end was the retired teacher who couldnt speak for a week she would look around her ICU room and move her mouth as though trying her hardest and then woke up as though nothing happened. She left the hospital and instantly resumed her life, which included a recent trip across the country. In hindsight, I remember how we worried more about giving the therapy to the teacher than the rancher, as she seemed frailer. Outcomes like theirs leave me with a familiar humility I keep learning in new ways as a doctor: We often cant predict how a patient will do. Our instincts can be just plain wrong.

I asked Gust if we have data to predict who will land in which group. While we can point to some risk factors higher burdens of cancer, baseline cognitive problems before therapy the individual patient tells you nothing, she confirmed.

So we wait.

Doctors like me who specialize in cancer regularly field heart-wrenching questions from patients. They have read about CAR-T in the news, and now they want to know: What about me? What about my cancer?

So, who gets CAR-T? That leads to the tougher question who doesnt? That depends on the type of cancer and whether their insurance can pay.

CAR-T is approved to treat certain leukemias and lymphomas that come from the blood and bone marrow. Since the initial approval, researchers have also set up new CAR-T trials for all sorts of solid tumors from lung cancer to kidney cancer to sarcoma. But progress has been slow. While some promising findings are coming from the lab and in small numbers of patients on early phase trials, nothing is yet approved in humans. The remarkable responses occurring in blood cancers just werent happening in solid tumors.

Cancer is one word, but its not one disease. Its easier to prove why something works when it works than show why it doesnt work when it doesnt work, said Saar Gill, a hematologist and scientist at the University of Pennsylvania who co-founded a company called Carisma Therapeutics using CAR-T technology against solid tumors. That was his short answer, at least. The longer answer to why CAR-T hasnt worked in solid cancers involves what Gill believes are two main barriers. First, its a trafficking problem. Leukemia cells tend to be easier targets; they bob through the bloodstream like buoys in an ocean. Solid tumors are more like trash islands. The cancer cells stick together and grow an assortment of supporting structures to hold the mound together. The first problem for CAR-T is that the T-cells may not be able to penetrate the islands. Then, even if the T-cells make it in, theyre faced with a hostile environment and will likely die before they can work.

At Carisma, Gill and his colleagues look to get around these obstacles though a different immune cell called the macrophage. T-cells are not the only players of the immune system, after all. Macrophages are gluttonous cells that recognize invaders and engulf them for destruction. But studies have shown they cluster in solid tumors in a way T-cells dont. Gill hopes genetically engineered macrophages can be the stowaways that sneak into solid tumor and attack from the inside out.

Another big challenge, even for leukemias and lymphomas, is resistance, where the cancers learn to survive the CAR-T infusion. While many patients in the trials achieved remission after a month, we now have two years worth of data and the outlook isnt as rosy. For lymphoma, that number is closer to 40 percent. Patients celebrating cures initially are relapsing later. Why?

The CAR-T cells we use target a specific protein on cancer cells. But if the cancer no longer expresses that protein, that can be a big problem, and were finding thats exactly whats happening. Through blood testing, we see that many patients who relapse lose the target.

Researchers are trying to regain the upper hand by designing CAR-Ts to target more than one receptor. Its an old idea in a new frame: An arms race between our medicines and the illnesses that can evolve to evade them. Too much medical precision in these cases is actually not what we want, as it makes it easier for cancer to pinpoint whats after it and develop an escape route. So, the reasoning goes, target multiple pieces at once. Confuse the cancer.

Then theres the other dreaded c word: Cost. Novartis Kymriah runs up to $475,000 while Kite Pharmas Yescarta is $373,000. That covers manufacturing and infusion. Not included is the minimum one-week hospital stay or any complications.

They are daunting numbers. Some limitations on health care we accept maybe the patients are too sick; maybe they have the wrong disease. The wrong cost is not one we as a society look kindly upon. And drug companies shy away from that kind of attention.

Cost origins in medicine are notoriously murky. Novartis, confident in its technology, made an offer to offset the scrutiny in CAR-T. If the treatment didnt work after one month, the company said it wouldnt send a bill.

Not everyone agrees that cost is an issue. Gill, for example, believes the concern is over-hyped. Its not a major issue, he told me over the phone. Look, of course [with] health care in this country, if you dont have insurance, then youre screwed. That is no different when it comes to CAR-T as it is for anything else, he said. The cost conversation must also put CAR-T in context. Gill went on to list what these patients would be doing otherwise months of chemotherapy, bone marrow transplants, hospital stays for cancer-associated complications and the associated loss of income as patients and caregivers miss work. These could add up to far more than a one-time CAR-T infusion. A bone marrow transplant, for example, can cost from $100,000 to more than $300,000. The cancer-fighting drug blinatumomab, also used to treat relapsed leukemia, costs $178,000 a year. Any discussion of cost is completely irresponsible without weighing the other side of the equation, Gill said.

How the system will get on board is another question. Logistics will be an issue, Gill conceded. The first national Medicare policy for covering CAR-T was announced in August 2019, two years after the first product was approved. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has offered to reimburse a set rate for CAR T-cell infusion, and while this figure was recently raised, it remains less than the total cost. Despite the expansion of medical uses, at some centers referrals for CAR-T are dropping as hospitals worry its a net loss. And while most commercial insurers are covering CAR-T therapies, companies less accustomed to handling complex therapies can postpone approval. Ironically, the patients considering CAR-T are the ones for whom the window for treatment is narrowest. A delay of even a few weeks can mean the difference between a cure and hospice.

This, of course, poses a big problem. A breakthrough technology is only as good as its access. A major selling point of CAR-T besides the efficacy is its ease. Its a one-and-done treatment. Engineered T-cells are intended to live indefinitely, constantly on the alert if cancer tries to come back. Compare that to chemotherapy or immunotherapy, which is months of infusions or a pill taken indefinitely. CAR-T is more akin to surgery: Cut it out, pay the entire cost upfront, and youre done.

Birzer was lucky in this respect. I asked her and Johnson if cost had factored into their decision to try CAR-T. They looked at each other. It wasnt an issue, said Johnson. They remembered getting a statement in the mail for a large sum when they got home. But Birzer had good insurance. She didnt pay a cent.=

One year after Birzers infusion, I met her and Johnson at a coffee shop near their home in San Francisco. They had saved a table. Johnson had a newspaper open. Birzer already had her coffee, and I noticed her hand trembling as she brought it to her mouth. She described how she still struggles to find exactly the right words. She sometimes flings peas. But shes mostly back to normal, living her everyday life. She has even returned to her passion, performing stand-up comedy, though she admitted that at least for general audiences: My jokes about cancer didnt kill.

People handed a devastating diagnosis dont spend most of their time dying. They are living, but with a heightened awareness for a timeline the rest of us take for granted. They sip coffee, enjoy their hobbies, and read the news while also getting their affairs in order and staying on the lookout, constantly, for the next treatment that could save them.

Hoping for a miracle while preparing to die are mutually compatible ideas. Many of my patients have become accustomed to living somewhere in that limbo. It is humbling to witness. They hold out hope for a plan A, however unlikely it may be, while also adjusting to the reality of a plan B. They live their lives; and they live in uncertainty.

I see patients in various stages of this limbo. In clinic, I met a man with multiple myeloma six months after a CAR-T trial that supposedly cured him. He came in with a big smile but then quietly began praying when it was time to view PET results. He asked how the other patients on the trial were doing, and I shared the stats. While percentages dont say anything about an individual experience, theyre also all patients have to go on. When someone on the same treatment dies, its shattering for everyone. Was one person the exception, or a harbinger anothers fate? Who is the outlier?

I look at these patients and think a sober truth: Before CAR-T, all would likely die within six months. Now, imagine taking 40 percent and curing them. Sure, a naysayer might point out, its only 40 percent. Whats the hype if most still succumb to their cancer? But there was nothing close to that before CAR-T. I agree with how Gill described it: I think CAR-T cells are like chemotherapy in the 1950s. Theyre not better than chemotherapy theyre just different. For an adversary as tough as cancer, well take any tool we can get.

There remain many questions. Can we use CAR-T earlier in a cancers course? Lessen the side effects? Overcome resistance? Streamline manufacturing and reimbursement? Will it work in other cancers? Patients will sign up to answer.

For now, Birzer seems to be in the lucky 40 percent. Her one-year PET scan showed no cancer. I thought of our last coffee meeting, where I had asked if she ever worried she wouldnt return to normal. She didnt even pause. If youre not dead, she said, youre winning.

This article was originally published on Undark. Read the original article.

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Behind the Scenes of a Radical New Cancer Cure - Scientific American

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Modified Protein Enhances the Accuracy of CRISPR Gene Therapy – DocWire News

A new protein that can enhance the accuracy of CRISPR gene therapy was recently developed by researchers from City University of Hong Kong (CityU) and Karolinska Institutet. This work, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, could potentially have a strong impact on how gene therapies are administered in the future.

CRISPR-Cas9, often referred to as just CRISPR, is a powerful gene-editing technology that has the potential to treat a myriad of genetic diseases such as beta-thalassemia and sickle cell anemia. As opposed to traditional gene therapies, which involve the introduction of healthy copies of a gene to a patient, CRISPR repairs the genetic mutation underlying a disease to restore function.

CRISPR-Cas9 was discovered in the bacterial immune system, where it is used to defend against and deactivate invading viral DNA. Cas9 is an endonuclease, or an enzyme that can selectively cut DNA. The Cas9 enzyme is complexed with a guide RNA molecule to form what is known as CRISPR-Cas9. Cas9 is often referred to as the molecular scissors, being that they cut and remove defective portions of DNA. Being that it is not perfectly precise, the enzyme will sometimes make unintended cuts in the DNA that can cause serious consequences. For this reason, enhancing the precision of the CRISPR-Cas9 system is of paramount importance.

Two versions of Cas9 are currently being used in CRISPR therapies: SpCas9 (derived from the bacteriaStreptococcus pyogenes) and SaCas9 (derived fromStaphylococcus aureus). Researchers have engineered variants of the SpCas9 enzyme to improve its precision, but these variants are too large to fit into the adeno-associated viral (AAV) vector that is often used to administer CRISPR to living organisms. SaCas9, however, is a much smaller protein that can easily fit into AAV vectors to deliver gene therapy in vivo. Being that no SaCas9 variants with enhanced precision are currently available, these CityU researchers aimed to identify a viable variant.

This recent research led to the successful engineering of SaCas9-HF, a Cas9 variant with high accuracy in genome-wide targeting in human cells and preserved efficiency. This work was led by Dr. Zheng Zongli, Assistant Professor of Department of Biomedical Sciences at CityU and the Ming Wai Lau Centre for Reparative Medicine of Karolinska Institutet in Hong Kong, and Dr. Shi Jiahai, Assistant Professor of Department of Biomedical Sciences at CityU.

Their work was based on a rigorous evaluation of 24 targeted human genetic locations which compared the wild-type SaCas9 to the SaCas9-HF. The new Cas9 variant was found to reduce the off-target activity by about 90% for targets with very similar sequences that are prone to errors by the wild-type enzyme. For targets that pose less of a challenge to the wild-type enzyme, SaCas9-HF made almost no detectable errors.

Our development of this new SaCas9 provides an alternative to the wild-type Cas9 toolbox, where highly precise genome editing is needed, explained Zheng. It will be particularly useful for future gene therapy using AAV vectors to deliver genome editing drug in vivo and would be compatible with the latest prime editing CRISPR platform, which can search-and-replace the targeted genes.

Dr. Shi and Dr. Zheng are the corresponding authors of this publication. The first authors are PhD student Tan Yuanyan from CityUs Department of Biomedical Sciences and Senior Research Assistant Dr. Athena H. Y. Chu from Ming Wai Lau Centre for Reparative Medicine (MWLC) at Karolinska Institutet in Hong Kong. Other members of the research team were CityUs Dr. Xiong Wenjun, Assistant Professor of Department of Biomedical Sciences, research assistant Bao Siyu (now at MWLC), PhD students Hoang Anh Duc and Firaol Tamiru Kebede, and Professor Ji Mingfang from the Zhongshan Peoples Hospital.

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Modified Protein Enhances the Accuracy of CRISPR Gene Therapy - DocWire News

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US varsity to collaborate with AIIMS, KMC on genetics – Deccan Herald

A top American university will expand genetic testing in India in partnership with the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in Delhi and the Kasturba Medical College in Manipal.

A $2.3 million grant from the National Institute of Health over five years will help the University of Michigan and Indian geneticists identify and confirm genetic changes that are the basis of developmental disorders.

Noting that seven out of 10 children with developmental disorders in India do not receive genetic testing, the university, in a media release on Wednesday, said the study hopes that with greater access to genetic testing, children with developmental disorders of genetic origin will be more likely to receive a molecularly confirmed diagnosis.

"An accurate molecular diagnosis can dramatically improve care management of individuals with rare developmental disorders and involved treatments," Stephanie Bielas, associate professor of human genetics at the U-M Medical School, said.

"Without a genetic diagnosis, individuals with rare disorders can incur inappropriate care and medical procedures," she said.

Advanced genetic tests like exome sequencing are often out of reach of many Indian patients because of the cost, and it often requires a multidisciplinary group of experts.

Bielas, the university said, has been working with her partners in AIIMS and Manipal, a city in the southern state of Karnataka for the last four years, building on the technological and organisational infrastructure needed to improve access to genetic testing.

During this time, they have identified sequencing partners, developed the platforms needed to analyse sequence data, and trained teams who can interpret the sequence and go back to the families with the results.

Integrating genetic counselling into the continuum of genetic testing is an important part of increasing access to genetic testing, Bielas said.

"It is only when the families understand the results of the genetic test and the risk for recurrence that the benefits of genetic testing for families and communities are realised," she said.

India is home to 1.3 billion people and represents 20 per cent of the world's population. But less than one per cent of the genomic data used for research comes from this region.

Researchers hope that uncovering this genetic diversity will provide a better understanding of the human genome and differences in the presentation of inherited developmental disorders, it said.

The researchers also want to establish an accessible database that can be shared with other scientists and institutions for research and to contribute to responsible development of genomic medicine in India and beyond, the university said.

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US varsity to collaborate with AIIMS, KMC on genetics - Deccan Herald

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Peripartum Cardiomyopathy Recovery in Blacks Better in Canada? – Medscape

MONTREAL A "surprising" and "provocative" study of two cohorts of women who developed peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM) in Canada and in the United States suggests that socioeconomic factors differences in the healthcare systems rather than genetics may explain racial disparities in outcomes.

The findings should be viewed as only hypothesis-generating, the authors caution.

Maxime Tremblay-Gravel, MD, from Universit de Montral, Canada, who is now a heart failure fellow at Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, presented findings from a study that involved 114 women in Canada and the United States (including 24 African Americans) who developed PPCM. The study was presented here at the Canadian Cardiovascular Congress 2019.

"It's been pretty accepted in the literature...that African American women who have PPCM have a worse prognosis," Tremblay-Gravel told | Medscape Cardiology.

But contrary to previous research, their study showed that in Canada, recovery of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) among black women after PPCM was similar to that among women of other ethnicities.

On the other hand, LVEF recovery among the African American women in the American cohort was dampened, consistent with prior findings.

"I don't think African American women are different between the United States and Canada," said Tremblay-Gravel. He noted that it's probably the healthcare delivery that's different.

This is "clearly only a hypothesis," he continued, but many socioeconomic factors may explain why African American women with PPCM in the United States fared worse than their counterparts in Canada.

In the United States, women who developed PPCM may have had "less insurance, less education, [and] less trust in the medical care system...whereas here, we have a universal healthcare system."

This is very topical, he noted, as candidates for the Democratic Party leadership are proposing that the United States adopt Medicare for all, "which is basically a system that would be a little bit more similar to Canada."

"This small study is interesting and provocative in suggesting both that the differences in outcomes between African American vs nonAfrican American women relates to socioeconomic status rather than race and that healthcare in Canada addresses these issues better than in the US," Zolt Arany, MD, PhD, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, told | Medscape Cardiology in an email.

Arany, who was senior author of a previously reported US study involving 121 African American and 99 nonAfrican American women with PPCM, cautioned that "the numbers are very small, however, making a false positive conclusion not unlikely, and larger studies are needed."

The findings "indicate that the differences in genetic background are not the main reasons for differences observed in LV recovery," Johann Bauersachs, MD, professor and director of the Department of Cardiology and Angiology, Hannover Medical School, Germany, told | Medscape Cardiology in an email

Bauersachs, who wrote a commentary that accompanied the article by Arany and colleagues, agreed that the cohorts in the current study were small.

However, PPCM is rare, and "even the US, 'big' Investigations of Pregnancy-Associated Cardiomyopathy (IPAC Study)," he noted, "report on only a few more than 100 patients.

"I suspect," he suggested, that black women "have better access to healthcare services in Canada than African Americans in the US."

According to Bauersachs, the results "clearly indicate that all efforts should be made to guarantee the same optimal care for African American as for nonAfrican Americans with PPCM, both in the acute and the chronic phases."

He is lead author of a recently published position statement from the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology that summarizes diagnosis and optimal care for patients with suspected PPCM.

Peripartum cardiomyopathy is "a potentially life-threatening condition typically presenting as heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) in the last month of pregnancy or in the months following delivery in women without another known cause of heart failure.

"It is a very rare disease, affecting 1 in 4000 young women who are pregnant," Tremblay-Gravel noted.

"Most women recover, but some don't," he said, "and it's a very underrecognized disease.

"As shortness of breath, fatigue, and leg [edema] are common in the peripartum period, a high index of suspicion is required to not miss the diagnosis," the authors of the European position paper advise.

"We were interested in knowing whether being an African American portends a worse prognosis because of socioeconomic factors or because the disease itself is worse in African Americans," Tremblay-Gravel said.

The Canadian cohort comprised 62 women, including 16 African American women (35%), who were treated for PPCM in hospitals in the province of Quebec during 19942015.

The American cohort consisted of 52 women with PPCM, including eight African American women (15%), who were seen at Stanford Hospital during 19912017.

The mean ages of the women in each of the cohorts were similar, at around 32 years.

In the Canadian cohort, improvements in LVEF were similar among African American and nonAfrican American women, from 30% to 55% and from 28% to 52%, respectively (P = .27).

In the American cohort, improvement in LVEF among the nonAfrican American women was similar to that of the Canadian women (going from around 30% to 50%), although for African American women, recovery of LVEF function was less (from around 25% to 38%; P = .02).

The next steps in their ongoing research, Tremblay-Gravel said, is to see whether insurance coverage and social status (estimated from ZIP codes) play a role in prognosis. They are also performing whole-exome sequencing for more than 100 women with PPCM to see whether African American women have a different genotype.

Canadian Cardiovascular Congress 2019: Abstract 060, presented October 24, 2019.

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Peripartum Cardiomyopathy Recovery in Blacks Better in Canada? - Medscape

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Alnylam Initiates ILLUMINATE-C Phase 3 Study of Lumasiran for the Treatment of Advanced Primary Hyperoxaluria Type 1 and Presents New Positive Results…

CAMBRIDGE, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq: ALNY), the leading RNAi therapeutics company, announced today that the Company has initiated ILLUMINATE-C, a new global Phase 3 study of lumasiran, an investigational, subcutaneously administered RNAi therapeutic in development for the treatment of primary hyperoxaluria type 1 (PH1). The study will enroll patients of all ages with advanced renal disease, and the primary study endpoint is the percent reduction in plasma oxalate from baseline to six months. Alnylam expects to report initial ILLUMINATE-C results in late 2020.

The Company also announced new positive efficacy results from the ongoing Phase 2 open-label extension (OLE) study of lumasiran, which were presented at the American Society of Nephrology (ASN) 2019 Annual Meeting on Saturday, November 9 in Washington, DC.

We are pleased to announce the start of the ILLUMINATE-C trial designed to assess the safety and efficacy of lumasiran in a PH1 patient population with advanced renal disease, including patients of all ages and those on dialysis. This study complements our comprehensive clinical development plan for lumasiran, led by our ILLUMINATE-A pivotal study with results expected later this year and our ILLUMINATE-B study in young pediatric patients. Given the heterogeneity of the PH1 population, the ILLUMINATE trials collectively address PH1 patients across the spectrum of age and disease onset and severity, said Pritesh J. Gandhi, PharmD, Vice President and General Manager, Lumasiran program at Alnylam. We are also pleased to report new results from our Phase 2 OLE study, and are encouraged by the sustained reductions in urinary oxalate and by the overall safety profile of lumasiran observed to date.

The Phase 2 OLE results were reported as of the data cut-off date of September 12, 2019 and demonstrated a 76 percent mean maximal reduction (range: 43-91 percent) in urinary oxalate excretion relative to Phase 1/2 baseline values in all cohorts (N=19)*. In the study, all patients achieved a urinary oxalate level at or below 1.5 times the upper limit of normal (less than or equal to 0.69 mmoL/24hr/1.73m2), and 68 percent of patients achieved a urinary oxalate level within the normal range (less than or equal to 0.46 mmol/24hr/1.73m2). Patients also experienced an 82 percent mean maximal reduction in urinary oxalate:creatinine ratio (range: 62-94 percent) after lumasiran dosing across all cohorts (N=20).

The Phase 2 OLE safety results were based on a median study duration of 10.4 months (range: 7-17 months) since the first dose administered in the OLE study. As of the data cut-off date, there were no discontinuations from treatment. A single patient (1/20; 5 percent) reported two serious adverse events (SAEs) of traumatic brain injury and bone contusion sustained in a car accident; neither was assessed as related to study drug. There were no other reported SAEs in the OLE study. Adverse events (AEs) were reported in 19/20 (95 percent) patients; most were mild in severity and assessed as unrelated to study drug by the investigators. Injection site reactions, which were reported in 4/20 (20 percent) patients, were mild and did not affect dosing. Other AEs reported in more than one patient were: headache, oropharyngeal pain (N=3); gastroenteritis, viral gastroenteritis, pyrexia, and vomiting (N=2). There were no clinically significant laboratory changes.

To view the results presented by Alnylam at ASN 2019 Annual Meeting, please visit

*Patients who had a valid 24-hour urinary oxalate assessment.

About ILLUMINATE-C Phase 3 StudyThe ILLUMINATE-C Phase 3 trial is a single-arm, open-label, global, multicenter study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of lumasiran in approximately 16 patients with a documented diagnosis of PH1. Cohort A will enroll patients with advanced disease who do not yet require dialysis and Cohort B will enroll patients who are dialysis-dependent. During the 6-month primary analysis period patients will receive three monthly doses of lumasiran followed by monthly or quarterly maintenance doses. The primary endpoint is the percentage change in plasma oxalate from baseline to six months. Key secondary endpoints will evaluate additional measures of plasma oxalate and changes in: urinary oxalate, renal function, nephrocalcinosis, frequency and mode of dialysis, frequency of renal stone events, and measures of systemic oxalosis. For more information on ILLUMINATE-C (NCT04152200) please visit, email or call 877-256-9526 in North America and +31 20 369 7861 in Europe.

About LumasiranLumasiran is an investigational, subcutaneously administered RNAi therapeutic targeting hydroxyacid oxidase 1 (HAO1) in development for the treatment of primary hyperoxaluria type 1 (PH1). HAO1 encodes glycolate oxidase (GO). Thus, by silencing HAO1 and depleting the GO enzyme, lumasiran inhibits production of oxalate the metabolite that directly contributes to the pathophysiology of PH1. Lumasiran utilizes Alnylam's Enhanced Stabilization Chemistry (ESC)-GalNAc-conjugate technology, which enables subcutaneous dosing with increased potency and durability and a wide therapeutic index. Lumasiran has received both U.S. and EU Orphan Drug Designations, a Breakthrough Therapy Designation from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and a Priority Medicines (PRIME) designation from the European Medicines Agency (EMA). The safety and efficacy of lumasiran have not been evaluated by the FDA, EMA or any other health authority.

About Primary Hyperoxaluria Type 1 (PH1)PH1 is an ultra-rare disease in which excessive oxalate production results in the deposition of calcium oxalate crystals in the kidneys and urinary tract and can lead to the formation of painful and recurrent kidney stones and nephrocalcinosis. Renal damage is caused by a combination of tubular toxicity from oxalate, calcium oxalate deposition in the kidneys, and urinary obstruction by calcium oxalate stones. Compromised kidney function exacerbates the disease as the excess oxalate can no longer be effectively excreted, resulting in subsequent accumulation and crystallization in bones, eyes, skin, and heart, leading to severe illness and death. Current treatment options are very limited and include frequent renal dialysis or combined organ transplantation of liver and kidney, a procedure with high morbidity that is limited due to organ availability. Although a small minority of patients respond to Vitamin B6 therapy, there are no approved pharmaceutical therapies for PH1.

About RNAiRNAi (RNA interference) is a natural cellular process of gene silencing that represents one of the most promising and rapidly advancing frontiers in biology and drug development today. Its discovery has been heralded as a major scientific breakthrough that happens once every decade or so, and was recognized with the award of the 2006 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine. By harnessing the natural biological process of RNAi occurring in our cells, a new class of medicines, known as RNAi therapeutics, is now a reality. Small interfering RNA (siRNA), the molecules that mediate RNAi and comprise Alnylam's RNAi therapeutic platform, function upstream of todays medicines by potently silencing messenger RNA (mRNA) the genetic precursors that encode for disease-causing proteins, thus preventing them from being made. This is a revolutionary approach with the potential to transform the care of patients with genetic and other diseases.

About Alnylam PharmaceuticalsAlnylam (Nasdaq: ALNY) is leading the translation of RNA interference (RNAi) into a whole new class of innovative medicines with the potential to transform the lives of people afflicted with rare genetic, cardio-metabolic, hepatic infectious, and central nervous system (CNS)/ocular diseases. Based on Nobel Prize-winning science, RNAi therapeutics represent a powerful, clinically validated approach for the treatment of a wide range of severe and debilitating diseases. Founded in 2002, Alnylam is delivering on a bold vision to turn scientific possibility into reality, with a robust discovery platform. Alnylams first commercial RNAi therapeutic is ONPATTRO (patisiran), approved in the U.S., EU, Canada, Japan, and Switzerland. Alnylam has a deep pipeline of investigational medicines, including five product candidates that are in late-stage development. Looking forward, Alnylam will continue to execute on its "Alnylam 2020" strategy of building a multi-product, commercial-stage biopharmaceutical company with a sustainable pipeline of RNAi-based medicines to address the needs of patients who have limited or inadequate treatment options. Alnylam employs over 1,200 people worldwide and is headquartered in Cambridge, MA. For more information about our people, science and pipeline, please visit and engage with us on Twitter at @Alnylam or on LinkedIn.

Alnylam Forward Looking StatementsVarious statements in this release concerning Alnylam's future expectations, plans and prospects, including, without limitation, Alnylam's views with respect to the potential for lumasiran to address the significant unmet needs of PH1 patients, its expectations regarding the timing for reporting results from the ILLUMINATE-A and ILLUMINATE-C clinical studies, its views regarding the ILLUMINATE trials collectively addressing PH1 patients across the spectrum of age and disease onset and severity, and expectations regarding "Alnylam 2020" guidance for the advancement and commercialization of RNAi therapeutics, constitute forward-looking statements for the purposes of the safe harbor provisions under The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Actual results and future plans may differ materially from those indicated by these forward-looking statements as a result of various important risks, uncertainties and other factors, including, without limitation, Alnylam's ability to discover and develop novel drug candidates and delivery approaches, successfully demonstrate the efficacy and safety of its product candidates, including lumasiran, the pre-clinical and clinical results for its product candidates, which may not be replicated or continue to occur in other subjects or in additional studies or otherwise support further development of product candidates for a specified indication or at all, actions or advice of regulatory agencies, which may affect the design, initiation, timing, continuation and/or progress of clinical trials or result in the need for additional pre-clinical and/or clinical testing, delays, interruptions or failures in the manufacture and supply of its product candidates, including lumasiran, obtaining, maintaining and protecting intellectual property, Alnylam's ability to enforce its intellectual property rights against third parties and defend its patent portfolio against challenges from third parties, obtaining and maintaining regulatory approval, pricing and reimbursement for products, including lumasiran, progress in establishing a commercial and ex-United States infrastructure, successfully launching, marketing and selling its approved products globally, Alnylams ability to successfully expand the indication for ONPATTRO in the future, competition from others using technology similar to Alnylam's and others developing products for similar uses, Alnylam's ability to manage its growth and operating expenses, obtain additional funding to support its business activities, and establish and maintain strategic business alliances and new business initiatives, Alnylam's dependence on third parties for development, manufacture and distribution of products, the outcome of litigation, the risk of government investigations, and unexpected expenditures, as well as those risks more fully discussed in the "Risk Factors" filed with Alnylam's most recent Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and in other filings that Alnylam makes with the SEC. In addition, any forward-looking statements represent Alnylam's views only as of today and should not be relied upon as representing its views as of any subsequent date. Alnylam explicitly disclaims any obligation, except to the extent required by law, to update any forward-looking statements.

Lumasiran has not been approved by the FDA, EMA, or any other regulatory authority and no conclusions can or should be drawn regarding the safety or effectiveness of this investigational therapeutic.

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Alnylam Initiates ILLUMINATE-C Phase 3 Study of Lumasiran for the Treatment of Advanced Primary Hyperoxaluria Type 1 and Presents New Positive Results...

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Edited Transcript of SRPT earnings conference call or presentation 7-Nov-19 9:30pm GMT – Yahoo Finance

BOTHELL Nov 8, 2019 (Thomson StreetEvents) -- Edited Transcript of Sarepta Therapeutics Inc earnings conference call or presentation Thursday, November 7, 2019 at 9:30:00pm GMT

* Alexander G. Cumbo

Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc. - Executive VP & Chief Commercial Officer

* Douglas S. Ingram

Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc. - President, CEO & Director

Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc. - Executive VP of R&D and Chief Medical Officer

* Ian M. Estepan

Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc. - Senior VP of Corporate Affairs & Chief of Staff

Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc. - SVP of Gene Therapy

Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc. - Executive VP, CFO & Chief Business Officer

Robert W. Baird & Co. Incorporated, Research Division - Senior Research Analyst

* Christopher N. Marai

Nomura Securities Co. Ltd., Research Division - MD & Senior Analyst of Biotechnology

* Debjit D. Chattopadhyay

H.C. Wainwright & Co, LLC, Research Division - MD of Equity Research & Senior Healthcare Analyst

BTIG, LLC, Research Division - MD and Specialty Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Research Analyst

Janney Montgomery Scott LLC, Research Division - Equity Research Analyst & Director of Biotechnology Research

Good day, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the Sarepta Therapeutics Third Quarter 2019 Earnings Call. (Operator Instructions) As a reminder, today's call is being recorded.

And now I'd like to introduce your host for today's program, Ian Estepan, Senior Vice President, Chief of Staff and Corporate Affairs.

Ian M. Estepan, Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc. - Senior VP of Corporate Affairs & Chief of Staff [2]

Thank you, Michelle, and thank you all for joining today's call. Earlier today, we released our financial results for the third quarter of 2019. The press release is available on our website at, and our 10-Q was filed with the SEC earlier this afternoon. Joining us on the call today are Doug Ingram, Sandy Mahatme; Bo Cumbo, Dr. Gilmore O'Neill; and Dr. Rodino-Klapac. After our formal remarks, we'll open up the call for questions.

I'd like to note that during this call, we'll be making a number of forward-looking statements. Please take a moment to review our slide on the webcast which contains our forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond Sarepta's control. Actual results could materially differ from these forward-looking statements, and any such risks can materially and adversely affect the business, the results of operations and the trading prices of Sarepta's common stock.

For a detailed description of applicable risks and uncertainties, we encourage you to review the company's most recent quarterly report on Form 10-Q filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission as well as the company's other SEC filings. The company does not undertake any obligation to publicly update its forward-looking statements, including any financial projections provided today, based on subsequent events or circumstances.

And with that, let me turn the call over to our CEO, Doug Ingram, who will provide an overview on our recent progress. Doug?


Douglas S. Ingram, Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc. - President, CEO & Director [3]


Thank you, Ian. Good afternoon and evening, and thank you all for joining us for Sarepta Therapeutics Third Quarter 2019 Conference Call.

Our ambitious strategy involving one of the deepest multi-platform genetic medicine pipelines in biotech has required focused execution over the course of 2019. To remind you, we have more than 25 active programs across our RNA and gene therapy platforms, and we're either actively in or in late-stage planning for some 9 human clinical trials to advance our plans. I am pleased to say that over the course of 2019 and in the third quarter specifically, we have made very significant strides in advancing our programs and our strategic vision, and I'm excited to discuss those advancements. However, while doing so, I must also acknowledge what we all know that we had a setback in the third quarter. And rather than burying it among or after a discussion of our successes, I will begin by commenting on a CRL disappointment that occurred in August.

Having worked diligently on our submission for VYONDYS 53, the generic name of that is golodirsen, for well over a year and based on all of our interactions with the Division of Neurology Products, we were very confident that we would obtain an approval on our PDUFA date, which was August 19. Instead, as you know, we were surprised to have received a complete response letter, also known as a CRL, signed by the Office of Drug Evaluation I. Our disappointment extends beyond Sarepta to the 8% of exon 53 amenable DMD patients in the United States who degenerate every day while they await access to this therapy.

When I joined Sarepta, I made some commitments externally and to the Division of Neurology, that we intended to build a positive relationship with the Division of Neurology, one founded on transparency and on solid evidence-based science. And consistent with that commitment, we will work with the agency to address the reasons for the CRL and determine a pathway for a potential approval if one is possible.

I've heard from those who would prefer that I speak more often and more publicly on this issue and/or that I would attempt to engage the patient community or others to assist, for instance, in applying external pressure to bring this therapy along faster. I have no intention of doing either of those things. If we can win the day with this therapy and with this issue, we will have done so on the science and on the regulations and in collaborative evidence-based discussions with our reviewers at the FDA.

Now I've also heard some speculation about the implications of the CRL. So let me take a moment to address these as well. First, the VYONDYS CRL does have implications for our submission for our next PMO, casimersen. As they are closely related, we will await clarity on the VYONDYS matter before we submit for casimersen in the United States. But let me [just dissuade] anyone who might have concerns for our other programs. The CRL does not have any read-through to our micro-dystrophin gene therapy program. The CRL involves 2 safety signals in connection with an application for an accelerated approval. Our micro-dystrophin program is overseen by a different part of the FDA, CBER, and we are not seeking accelerated approval there. There is simply no overlap in either substance or personnel.

Secondly, to those who may believe that the CRL suggests some sort of bias on behalf of the Division of Neurology towards Sarepta, I would unequivocally and emphatically disagree. Let me reiterate that I remain convinced that we were treated very fairly and professionally by the Division of Neurology. Also, I'm very proud of the Sarepta team and how they comported themselves during this review. From my perspective, we have gone a long way in the last 2.5 years in forging a positive evidence-based working relationship with the division. We will work diligently to address the VYONDYS CRL. But with that, I do not intend to provide a prediction on outcome or on timing or to provide interviews during the process. However, I will provide an update to the patient, physician and investment communities once we have definitive clarity on the outcome of those discussions.

Now moving to our positive achievements in the quarter. We have made some enormous amount of progress in this third quarter. EXONDYS continues to perform well with third quarter sales above consensus at $99 million. That is a 26% increase over the same quarter last year. Commenting for a moment on a confirmatory trial for EXONDYS, to remind you, this trial comprises 3 arms: one with EXONDYS at 100 mg per kg and another at 200 mg per kg versus our current dose at 30 mg per kg. The trial design, which was an FDA requirement, will answer whether higher doses of EXONDYS provide even more benefit than the currently approved dose. Now since the comparator arms involve higher doses than the currently approved dose, we were required to begin our confirmatory trial with a healthy human volunteer study. We have completed this trial, and based on the results, we have initiated the main confirmatory trial. We will begin dosing this quarter.

Staying on our RNA franchise. We have moved to our multi-ascending dose trial for our next-generation RNA platform, the PPMO, and we are dosing trial participants now. We will have safety and dosing insight in 2020. If our PPMO shows encouraging results, in addition to SRP-5051, that's the construct that we're currently in a multi-ascending dose regarding, we have 5 additional constructs that have already been built, which in total have the potential to treat as much as 43% of the DMD community. We are also conducting research now on new therapeutic targets that could be served by our PPMO platform.

Moving next to our gene therapy platform. As you know, we are spending enormous resource and energy to build out our vision of an enduring gene therapy engine. Between our research and clinical-stage programs, we have more than 14 therapeutic candidates advancing through research and development. We have made great progress thus far this year and quarter, led by our most advanced program, SRP-9001, for DMD, which, at least to my knowledge, is the highest-potential late-stage gene therapy program currently in biotech. As you should be aware, our double-blind, placebo-controlled SRP-9001 micro-dystrophin trial, the trial that we call Study 2, was fully dosed by midyear, but we took advantage of the availability of additional study material and previously announced that we had increased the study n from 24 patients to 40 patients, significantly increasing the study power and confidence in this study. In addition to our initial site with Dr. Jerry Mendell at Nationwide Children's Hospital, we have added a second site at UCLA with Dr. Perry Shieh. And I'm very proud to be associated with that clinician and investigator. Both sites are actively dosing patients, and we remain on target to complete our dosing by year-end.

Micro-dystrophin manufacturing is progressing well. From a capacity perspective, Brammer has now completed the buildout of our single-use micro-dystrophin manufacturing facility in Lexington, Massachusetts. We also have dedicated suites with Paragon in Maryland with actually substantially greater capacity than our dedicated Lexington facility, which means we have robustly secured capacity well in advance of launch.

Our analytical development work proceeds well, and we continue to make progress on process development and yield optimization. Given our recent capacity, analytical development and process development progress, we remain on track to commence our next trial, Study 301, with commercial development supply by mid-2020. Now Study 2 is being conducted with clinical material from Nationwide Children's Hospital. Study 301 will be a multicenter, multi-country, placebo-controlled trial using commercial process material from our hybrid manufacturing model with Brammer and Paragon. The main study will include DMD patients ages 4 to 7, but we are also planning a separate study for older and non-ambulatory patients as well.

Commenting on a few of our other gene therapy programs. Following exceptional expression and biomarker results in our first 3-patient cohort dosed with our construct for limb-girdle 2E, in October, we announced positive 9-month functional results in that same cohort. Consistent with robust expression of the native beta-sarcoglycan protein, that is the cause of the disease, all patients improved on every functional endpoint by the 9-month time point. Consistent with the protocol, we will treat an additional 3-patient cohort with a higher dose, and then in early 2020, we will decide on the dose for what we hope to be the pivotal trial. These results will help inform dosing not only of our 2E program but also on the other limb-girdle programs in our pipeline. We will also meet with the FDA in the near term to discuss the development pathway for our limb-girdle programs. And informed by this and further work on manufacturing, we will provide an update on the clinical pathway and the timing for our limb-girdle portfolio in 2020.

Next, led by our partner Lysogene, the AAVance gene therapy study for MPS IIIA, also known as Sanfilippo Syndrome Type A, is proceeding well with 13 patients having been dosed to date. MPS IIIA is a rare autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disease that primarily affects the brain and the spinal cord, causing severe cognitive decline, motor disease, behavioral decline and unfortunately death at a young age. AAVance is a single-arm trial evaluating the safety and efficacy of an rh10-mediated gene therapy to deliver the missing SGSH gene with the goal of robustly expressing the missing enzyme in the brain that is the cause of MPS IIIA.

Moving to Charcot-Marie-Tooth, or CMT. Dr. Zarife Sahenk of Nationwide Children's Hospital intends to commence dosing of the proof-of-concept study for CMT 1A subject only to obtaining final release of trial material for that study. CMT is the largest inherited neuromuscular disease in the world. And CMT 1A, a devastating peripheral nerve disease, is also the most prevalent form of CMT. Dr. Sahenk's gene therapy is an AAV 1-mediated construct to deliver the neurotrophic factor-3, NT-3. In animal models, NT-3 has been shown to promote nerve regeneration, improved motor function, histopathology and electrophysiology of peripheral nerves. And in early proof-of-principle studies, NT-3 has shown markers of clinical benefits in patients with CMT 1A when administered subcutaneously.

In summary, we have made great progress in the third quarter and over the course of 2019 toward our ambitions, advancing our RNA and gene therapy platforms, advancing our many development programs, building out our gene therapy manufacturing capacity and building out our tower. As with any ambitious strategy, our progress this quarter was met with an obstacle in the form of VYONDYS CRL. The breadth of our ambition inevitably comes with challenges and obstacles to address and to overcome. But to those who might at times feel discouraged or disheartened by the need to overcome the occasional barrier, we should keep top of mind what we are doing with all of this. If we are successful in our mission, we will not merely be among the most significant gene therapy and genetic medicine biotechnology companies in existence, but we will have, more importantly, extended, improved and saved the lives of countless patients who would otherwise have been left hopeless.

And with that, I will turn the call over to Sandy to provide an update on the financials. Sandy?


Sandesh Mahatme, Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc. - Executive VP, CFO & Chief Business Officer [4]


Thanks, Doug. Good afternoon, everyone. Let me start by saying that we had another strong quarter both in terms of financial performance and in progress towards the pipeline and manufacturing capabilities. With a current top line run rate of approximately $400 million and a cash balance over $1 billion, we are in a strong position to continue to accelerate our strategic imperatives and invest in the growth of Sarepta. Net product revenue for the third quarter of 2019 was $99 million compared to $78.5 million for the same period of 2018. The increase primarily reflects higher demand for EXONDYS 51.

On a GAAP basis, the company reported a net loss of $126.3 million and $76.4 million or approximately $1.70 and $1.15 per share for the third quarter of 2019 and 2018, respectively. We reported a non-GAAP net loss of $84.4 million or $1.14 per share compared to non-GAAP net loss of $37.1 million or $0.56 per share in the third quarter of 2018.

In the third quarter of 2019, we recorded approximately $13 million in cost of sales compared to $8.7 million in the same period of 2018. The increase was primarily driven by inventory costs related to higher demand for EXONDYS 51 during the third quarter of 2019 as well as accrued royalty payments to BioMarin and the University of Western Australia.

On a GAAP basis, we recorded $133.9 million and $86.6 million of R&D expenses for the third quarters of 2019 and 2018, respectively, which is a year-over-year increase of $47.3 million. R&D expenses were $110.5 million for the third quarter of 2019 compared to $64.2 million for the same period of 2018, an increase of $46.3 million. The year-over-year growth in non-GAAP R&D expense was driven primarily due to continuing ramp-up of our micro-dystrophin program, our ESSENCE program and initiation of certain post-marketing studies for EXONDYS 51.

Turning to SG&A. On a GAAP basis, we recorded $75.4 million and $53 million of expenses for the third quarters of 2019 and '18, respectively, a year-over-year increase of $22.4 million. On a non-GAAP basis, the SG&A expenses were $59.6 million for the third quarter of 2019 compared to $42.5 million for the same period of 2018, an increase of $17.1 million. The year-over-year increase was primarily driven by significant organizational growth and continued expansion to support a commercial launch -- to support our commercial launch plans globally and almost 30 therapies in various stages of development across several therapeutic modalities.

On a GAAP basis, we recorded $2.5 million in other expenses for the third quarter of 2019 compared to $7 million for the same period of 2018. The favorable change is primarily driven by the payoff of certain debt instruments during the third quarter of 2018 as well as a higher return on investments over the third quarter of 2019.

We had approximately $1.1 billion in cash, cash equivalents and investments as of September 30, 2019.

With that, I'd like to turn the call over to Bo for a commercial update. Bo?


Alexander G. Cumbo, Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc. - Executive VP & Chief Commercial Officer [5]


Thank you, Sandy. Good afternoon, everyone. To begin, we are pleased with the continued strong performance of EXONDYS 51 in the third quarter. Total revenues reached $99 million. We were also pleased to be in a position to increase our 2019 revenue guidance range from $365 million to $375 million to a range of $370 million to $380 million for EXONDYS 51. Sales have increased quarter-over-quarter for over 3 years now, and we continue to see consistent demand for EXONDYS 51 as we speak today.

Compliance and adherence have remained high and stable since launch and to date continue to remain steady. It should be noted that in the past 2 years, we've experienced ordering volatility at the end of the year and suspect that we could see a change in ordering patterns with both Christmas and New Year's falling in the middle of the week. Internally, we are assuming the pattern from previous years could be more extreme this year due to both holidays falling midweek. With that said, we feel comfortable with the guidance provided.

The success we achieved this year reflects the impact EXONDYS 51 continues to have on patient lives. We remain the leading voice with KOLs and payers across the world in support of Duchenne patients and are recognized as the leader in RNA and gene therapies within the Duchenne field. Our strategy to advance the very best science, build awareness and appreciation for Duchenne and pave new pathways so Duchenne patients gain access to therapy have resulted in the successful trajectory of EXONDYS 51 since its approval just over 3 years ago and will play a role for future therapies.

As for golodirsen, if approved, we will be ready to launch, leveraging our knowledge and experience to facilitate rapid access to individuals amenable to exon 53. Our work is focused on delivering, and grounding us in all we do is the patient. That journey begins with identifying patients in our core therapeutic areas: Duchenne, the limb-girdle muscular dystrophy and MPS IIIA. Patient identification will be central to the commercial organization for the balance of 2019 and leading into 2020 and beyond. The genetic testing program, Decode Duchenne, which we started with PPMD many years ago, consistently identifies patients. We are also in the process of building genetic testing programs for our other disease states we are working on as well. We believe patient identification will always be one of our primary commercial goals, and we will continue to place resources on these programs.

Another important goal will be gene therapy site readiness. We are already working on global site readiness for our DMD micro-dystrophin program and working with many of the Zolgensma and Spinraza sites treating SMA. Based on the very strong results Novartis demonstrated with their recent launch of Zolgensma and understanding the label and the differences in patient population sizes between the 2 disease states, we believe having a strong network of sites ready and trained to handle gene therapies will be critical. We will continue to focus on this as we move through worldwide development and, if successful, commercialization.

We also believe it is critical to focus on access and reimbursement as early as possible. We're already speaking to and educating large to midsized insurance plans as well as CMS and Medicaid providers on the differences between chronic therapies and onetime gene therapies and the importance of quickly gaining access to these therapies for diseases like Duchenne. We have built constructive relationships with payers over time and look forward to continuing to work with them to support broad access.

In the limb-girdle muscular dystrophy, we are focused on disease education and identifying patients. The limb-girdle muscular dystrophies are a family of diseases, over 30 subtypes in all. Therefore, patient identification is of critical importance. Our plan is to leverage our knowledge and experience to ensure that we're able to serve these communities as we have in Duchenne. We've already attended limb-girdle muscular dystrophy conferences, held educational symposiums at major neuromuscular conferences, held advisory boards to understand how physicians identify and treat patients and already have a digital presence within the community. All of this will help us prepare for the potential to support multiple launches in the years to come.

Sarepta's prospects to transform the lives of patients with rare diseases is unparalleled in the industry. We have the largest neuromuscular RNA and gene therapy pipeline in the industry, and we understand the responsibility that comes with such an important mission.

With that, I will turn the call back to Doug for closing remarks.


Douglas S. Ingram, Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc. - President, CEO & Director [6]


Thank you, Bo. So looking forward, we have a number of significant milestones to achieve over the rest of 2019 and through 2020. First, we intend to complete dosing of our SRP-9001 Study 2, that's our micro-dystrophin study, by year-end with functional readout 48 weeks thereafter. We soon intend to launch process development for SRP-9001, not manufacturing for purposes of conducting our next clinical trial, gain insight from the agency on CMC and on our trial itself and then to commence Study 301 by mid-2020. We intend to dose an additional high-dose cohort for limb-girdle 2E and then make a dose selection. We intend to gain regulatory and manufacturing insight and to present an update on the development pathway and time line for our entire limb-girdle program in 2020. Dr. Sahenk intends to commence a proof-of-concept study for CMT gene therapy, NT-3. And we intend to obtain safety and dosing insight for our PPMO program in the first half of 2020. So we obviously have a lot to do but a lot of milestones as well over the coming months and quarters.

Thank you all for joining us tonight, and I'll open up the line for questions now.


Questions and Answers


Operator [1]


(Operator Instructions) Our first question comes from Alethia Young of Cantor Fitzgerald.


Alethia Rene Young, Cantor Fitzgerald & Co., Research Division - Head of Healthcare Research [2]


Congrats on all the progress over the quarter. This may be a simple one, but I was just curious to get your perspective around Zolgensma partial hold. And like should we -- is there any -- are there any reads to potentially make thinking about other gene therapy programs?


Douglas S. Ingram, Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc. - President, CEO & Director [3]


Thank you for that question, Alethia. Okay. So well, first, let me say this. Let's make sure we're all on the same page. For those of you maybe unaware, I expect everyone is aware, Novartis recently announced that their clinical trial for their AAV9-mediated SMA gene therapy for intrathecal administration was placed on a partial clinical hold due to neurotoxicity that was seen in animal models. So first, understand this, we do not have a unique insight into the Zolgensma clinical hold itself or the Zolgensma program. Certainly, one should look at Novartis to gain accurate insight on that program and those issues.

So with that said, I should tell you, we see no read-through to our program, and there's a host of reasons for that. First, understand that we are dosing peripherally with IV administration. We're not dosing intrathecally as was the issue, as announced by Novartis, regarding that partial clinical hold. And second of all, understand that we're not using AAV9. Dr. Louise Rodino-Klapac who is with us tonight and Dr. Jerry Mendell chose rh74 for a number of specific attributes. One of the significant ones was that rh74, unlike AAV9 as an example, does not promiscuously cross the blood-brain barrier. And unlike SMA where that would be of value, there is absolutely no value to these micro-dystrophin constructs in the CNS at all. They have promoters that wouldn't turn on in the CNS, so there would be no value there. So this seems to have been a very wise choice.

And also note this, that we have an enormous amount of preclinical and animal model evidence with respect to rh74. And even at doses that are multiples higher than we're using in our clinical trial, we have never seen evidence of neurotoxicity as relates to AAVrh74.


Operator [4]


Our next question comes from Whitney Ijem of Guggenheim.


Whitney Glad Ijem, Guggenheim Securities, LLC, Research Division - Senior Analyst of Biotechnology [5]


Congrats on all the progress. I'll ask a question on the original 4 micro-dystrophin patients. Curious if we'll get an update on them in 2020 either in an update from you or possibly a publication from Dr. Mendell.


Douglas S. Ingram, Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc. - President, CEO & Director [6]


Yes. Thanks for that question. Thank you for your comments. So yes, Dr. Mendell has always had a keen interest in publishing the 1-year data on the 4 patients, and he is working on the manuscript even as we speak. So I feel very confident that we'll have a publication in 2020 on the first 4 patients.

Continued here:
Edited Transcript of SRPT earnings conference call or presentation 7-Nov-19 9:30pm GMT - Yahoo Finance

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